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Wondered - Blood pressure tablets

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Hello there. I'm not. Before the annie it was occasionally "borderline", but nothing to worry about. In hospital it was always normal, therefore they didn't put me on any meds. But this thread reminds me I need to get my GP to take it next time I see him.....

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I've always had normal BP results .... sometimes bordering on the low side ... not on any BP tablets now... but as Jen has pointed out, it is important to get your BP checked out. I'm nearly six years on and still have 6 monthly check ups with the GP.

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I had borderline high BP for years but was only put on tablets 6 months prior to having my SAH. I am still on the tablets now, but am hoping with continued weight-loss I will be able to come off them at some point!

I know when I lost 4st 9lbs 8 years ago my BP went from 150/90 down to normal 120/80 after the weight loss!

Am hoping it will lower again now...

Had my BP taken at the Dr's last Friday after rushing to get to the surgery from work, and it was 120/70 so he wasn't worried...it does make me wonder if my BP has now lowered with my weight loss... I will keep getting it checked every couple of months though.

Kel :)

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I was prescribed bp tablets for the first time, about a month ago (sah Nov 2008 ). When I saw a neurologist last August to see if he could throw any light on the migraine aura that I have had ever since my sah, he suggested I could try one of two tablets which might reduce the aura by 50% and they would also help lower my bp which was a bit up and down. I was to discuss these tablets with my gp, which I did, but at that time I decided not to bother.

With currently being under a lot of stress, which was raising my bp and having another unruptured annie, I decided I would ask my GP if I could be put on the tablets that the neurologist had suggested. I have only had my bp taken once since being on them and it was a lot lower, but it doesn't appear to have done much for the aura:roll:. I am due to have my bp taken again on 7th April. I'm not sure how long I will be on these tablets, although I have been told they are on repeat prescription for the time being.


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Hi Sonia,

like Maggie, my BP was always on the higher end of normal (140/90 on a good day). It was peaking massively when I was pregnant 10 years ago and I kept being admitted to hospital until my son was born. It still peaks with stress so my BP meds have been doubled - at last check it was 130/70 so I think(?) that is ok.

Michelle x

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Hi Sonia!

Im not on BP meds now and never have been. A month after my NASAH the neurosurgeon advised to keep my bp down. So the family doctor and I took that to mean I needed to monitor my BP and perhaps take something if it was high. After a few weeks of multiple daily readings at home and 24 hour holster from hospital my BP came in at normal on average. It does peak high when I'm at work and stressed. 4 months after my NASAH a different neurologist advised that BP is fine and it had nothing to do with my brain bleed and don't change anything with my lifestyle.

My family doctor and I talked about yesterday and decided to leave it alone. When I go back to work I might monitor again for a bit.

Sandi K.

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I wanted to use that P word but can never pronounce it let alone spell it!

I think having the anni's is bad enough but am sure it must be harder having a bleed without a proper, solid reason for it? At least anni's can be checked on, it must be very hard without a cause to check on?

I think i'd be very frustrated by that. Is there any common known reason for your type of bleed? Sorry if I seem nosey but I am genuinely interested

Michelle xx

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Hi! There is no known cause for a perimesencephalic brain bleed. It is frustrating and scary to not know. Statistics show that it's not likely to happen again but it's hard to comprehend that concept when we don't know what caused the bleed in the first place.

Im sure one day the researchers will figure it out but until then I'll just keep recovering and hoping that the statistics are right.

Sandi K. :roll::shock:

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Hi All,

It seem's with some of us weight, can play a part in BP, I may need to lose some. It could help then. I could'nt get into my jeans about six weeks ago. Please I could get them on again this week, but a wee bit tight around the waist. So just maybe a little less of the sweet things again would help.

Love Sonia xxxxx

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My BP has been high for the last 14 years, and I have been on pretty much all the pills they have for it. (some didn't work, some made me a zombie)

On a good day it was ( like michelles) 140/90 but there have also been times that I was happy if it was 140/110.

I am strictly monitored now, on medication that works, ánd doens't really give me bad sideeffects.

Probably for the rest of my life..

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I had high BP before my SAH, but I buried my head in the sand and ignored it. For the last 4 years I've been taking 3 different pills to control my BP and it seems to be stable at around 140/90. Just lately it's been a bit higher, but I'm putting that down to the stress of the family separation and my new job.

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