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Losing words

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Ive always been a talker, talk fast and talk a lot.

I've noticed, more so the past few weeks but I think it's because I'm paying attention more and just started a new job so im more conscientious about it, that sometimes in the middle of talking I can't "pull" the next word out. I know what I'm trying to say, and what I mean, but just completely cannot think of "that" word. It's quite frustrating.

Call them brain farts at work because no one Knows about the SAH.

Anyone else? Anyone know some ways to work around this?

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Hiya Nikopie

I have these 'brain farts' too! ;)

It has got better over time (I'm now 2.5yrs post-SAH) although I do still get them some days a week, usually if I am really tired...

I usually just say I can't find the word I am looking for, my brain isn't working right now...

Kel x

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Hi and welcome to BTG!

I get this often. I will describe what I'm trying to say and others will fill it in for me. It's surprising how well this works, even with those that don't know about my brain injury. If for example I want to say 'granite' but the word escapes me I will say 'what's that other type of countertop, not marble, not tile, not laminate....' and someone will jump in with 'granite'.

With my husband and friends and family who do know about my brain I will purposely insert goofy words and we have a laugh. Last night I was wanting to say 'sweet potato fries' and the sweet potato was blank. So out came 'nuclear fries'. I have no idea why 'nuclear' but there it was. I knew it wasn't right but also knew it would be funny. We will call them that forever now! Hahah!

Sandi K.

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This happens to me a lot & i do what sandi does & talk round the word, people often look at me strange. I was trying to tell someone I had bought Nath a Buzz Lightyear & ended up saying Toy Story but not Woody!!

The latest one is thinking we are going to Felixstowe when in actual fact we are going to (ummm place name has escaped me again mmmmm) Folkestone!! Had to go on google earth to find it!!

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Did you speak fast before SAH ie...start one subject then go onto next? ...I know I did...lol ..non stop....

As forgetting names I use thingy and whatshisname... people who know me understand....

It gets better honestly

Be Well

Win whatsmyname...lol..WinB143 xx

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Hi Nikopie

I am 4 years post SAH and I have this problem since then, the best way I describe it as if I am looking at a blank piece of paper,:confused this episode last about 2 minutes or so until I calmly remember what I wanted to say.

Most of the time it is simple just to write down what I want to say as I don't get stuck with words then especially if I get emotionally over something, my boy's are used to having e-mails sent to them now!

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I have always had them and have them now bad when tired. Last week on friday at work I forgot how to take a payment from a client.....along with not being able to remember why they came and write it down., All better today. I am worse when tired or done too much.

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Hey ya can't beat brain farts I love them mines normally followed by the person I'm talkin to saying its ok no rush then the old emotions kick in with the tears so now I can't talk cos I can't find the words then I'm tryin to control the tears

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I'm 2 1/2 yrs. post SAH. I also lose words, or can't find them. It happens less now, but still occurs several times throughout a day! :lol: Usually is worse when I am tired (which is mid-afternoon:roll:) and into the evening or have had too much activity! It was alarming at first, now it's just part of the day and like the rest of you, usually have a good laugh at it - except when at the pharmacy and picking up prescriptions and can't remember my address and I just stare at the clerk for what seems like hours!!! :lol:

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Thanks everyone!

winb ... Yes I've always been a fast talker, and "change channels" ... My mind moves fast and always has which can be a bless and a curse.

Sadly i can't write down what I want to say always... Especially in a meeting or conference call or on site at a location. No one at my new job really knows about the SAH because regardless of people saying they won't they do look at you a tad differently.

It does frustrate me to no end though when I lose my words.

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I am at a loss for words here :roll:.

When I first had the SAH I was always looking for the word "concentrate" and all I could think of was "focus". People thought I was going blind when I said I couldnt focus..... in fact that was a rumour at work, Carl is going blind.

I still talk faster than my brain allows but now I pause for effect :cool: Well that is my story and I am sticking to it. I hide behind humour.

Maybe we should say. "If you think it is hard understanding me, try and be in my head explaining this stuff"

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As well as losing words, I get 'stuck' trying to get things out of my mouth. I have a stammer now since sah and it's especially bad with words beginning with 'm, l, r, o or w'. Yesterday I was trying to talk to Andy about how much m..m..m...cash I should draw out today :lol: I've learned to find another word meaning the same thing but starting with a different letter. Of course, in the very early days, my brain couldn't come up with another word, especially if it was having a brain fart moment but I see it as a good sign of my progress that I can quickly swap 'money' for 'cash'!

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After my SAH, I was talking to some people whom I did not know very well. I was joking with them, and intended to say that I had to put my boyfriend in the ‘recovery position’ after his night out with the boys(!)

But I ended up saying that I put my boyfriend into the ‘missionary position’ which is something different altogether!

Funny moments aside, I do get stuck with words and it is more apparent if I am tired or need to think quickly on my feet. I am not upset by it anymore, although I daresay that if I was in certain types of paid work it would make the situation stressful, as the world of work is a more unforgiving environment than what family and friends provide.

That said, when I was doing some voluntary work at the Shaw Trust, I did ask a work colleague if I could collect his ‘lettuce’ for the afternoon post. He asked if I meant ‘letters’, looking slightly baffled (!)

On occasions, I can insert a word into a sentence that is not the correct one, but I just carry on hoping that the other person thinks they’ve misheard me. All this tells me, that I need to pick my environments, especially future jobs, very wisely. My previous job, which involved advocacy and representing people at court / meetings, would make the situation very stressful and would undermine my ability to do the job. It would cease being funny and I am sure it would lead to people challenging me.

So it’s ‘background’ jobs for me from now on which is a much safer prospect for both the general public and my stress levels!

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I can talk 10 to the dozen...is it correct saying?....I asked hubby and he said "just put Motor Mouth" !! Cheeky so and so..lol

I go from one subject to another...does anyone else who has had SAH talk quick or thinks of next topic while still on first...

Before or after SAH ??

Signing off Motor Mouth ahhhh lol he luvs me really.....


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