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10 years on-jess


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Hi everyone just wanted to let you know it does get easier over time. Yes I still get headaches a bit of dizzyness but overall my life is a lot better.

I would like to thank the brain and spine foundation and behind the gray for all their help and support over the years, without them I don't know where I would of been.

I now know how suddenly it can all be over, no its not nice knowing that however it has given me the opportunity to make sure my children know I love them everyday.

Me and my husband split up at the start of this year and to be honest it was the best thing that could happen, I married him for all the wrong reasons however I am glad I did, not because he supported me far from it he actually made me feel guilty for having the sah, but I will always be glad he was apart of my life because without him I wouldn't have my two beautiful boys.

I feel that I have now finally accepted my sah and can move on from it so don't ever feel alone there will always be someone out there to listen and offer advice. Jess.xxx

Ps and if you want to ask anything please just pm me.

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Happy 10th Anni-versary Jess

You are so positive in your outlook, I wish I had that at times.

Sorry to hear about your husband but sometimes it is a blessing in disguise, that's how I look at it since my divorce.

You have 2 beautiful boy's I hope you go and enjoy the rest of your life to the full. :-D

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Hi Jess,

I love the positivity in your post. Every cloud has a silver lining - yours is your two boys.

I've even found a silver lining in having in an SAH (much as we would all wish we never had) it has given me the insight I need to help my son after his own brain op. I can hand information to his school - that's easy - but being able to explain all his issues with a personal insight is invaluable.

There are always positives it just sometimes takes a long time to find them.

Michelle xx

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Thank you Myra xxx

Thank you Michelle I will always be glad I had the sah I know that sounds silly but I am glad because lets face it hospitals Drs everyone still need to learn the signs so if ever my children have one I will be able to tell the hospital forget all your tests they need a MRI scan now. Jess.xxx

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Happy 10th ANNI - VERSARY x x x x x you are an amazing person who has helped me through some rough times and I would like to say now a HUGE thank you x x x x x and I am sure I will have many more questions for you in the future x x x

lots love and a massive hug from



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Hey Jess

Congrats on your Anniversary - you've always managed to put a smile on my face (haven't seen you for ages now). Sorry to hear about you and Kev but like you say, its for the best, and you definitely have two gorgeous boys.

You're an inspiration to us all Jess - keep smiling.

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Congratulations Jess! :-D and here's to new beginnings and finding true happiness again!

Wishing you well and a big thank you from me, for your personal support and the help that you've given with this site over the years.

Lots of love xxx

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Happy 10th Anni-versary, Jess!

It's great that you can see the positive sides of things and you just keep going. You do have 2 wonderful boys and so much life ahead of you. Thank you for all your help and funnies you've shared on BTG!!!

Wishing you much happiness in the years to come :biggrin:

Big hugs across the pond,


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Thanks everyone not actually my anniversary till 7th September but I think I will make it till then lol.

Seriously though not long got back from fetching Garry from tunbury wells he has been camping with karate club he loved it bless him.

Right better go got to put the little one to bed. Jess.xxx

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