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Hi - Emma


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My name is Emma, I suffered an SAH on 10/11/13.

I have to say it was rather scary! I had all classic symptoms, headache, vomiting, collapse, confusion which were frightening enough yet when the paramedics arrived they offered to give me some paracetamol and leave me at home. I found this really concerning and have complained about them - purely because this would have been a serious error of judgment on their part and at the end of the day could have caused my death!

The aneurysm was coiled on the 11/11/13 - I have little recollection of the first few days.

I spent nearly two weeks in hospital and was sent home with little information. Is there anything I shouldn't be doing/should be doing apart from no flying or driving? What follow ups will I get?

I have been left with double vision and I struggle focusing, will this get any better everybody seems vague.

How long can you not drive for?

I know lots of questions but it's strange how little you get informed of!

Emma x

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Hi Emma & welcome to BTG.

Most of us have been sent home with little or no information about what to expect but commonly rest & drink lost of water will really help with the fatigue & headaches. Its very early days for you so try not to overdo it too soon, quiet time is a good thing as is sleeping when you need it.

As for follow ups I think most of us are seen again within 3-6 months of discharge. I saw my registrar at 3.5 months post op (clipping) & was discharged then. I was still under the eye clinic for my double vision up until early this year. I think the reason no one will state how much better your vision gets is simply that no one really knows. I know Karen (Hyder & owner of the site) had double vision which has mostly cleared up & some can be corrected by the use of prisms.

Driving is another difficult one & provided that you don't have any fits etc it should be up to your gp to make the final decision (for me I had to get the eye clinic to write to my gp to say my vision met the DVLA standards before she would say I was ok to drive). They may write to your Cons but the gp has the final say. You must notify the DVLA of your anni & also when passed fit to drive you must let your insurance co know (even though they don't keep that info on file or use it to increase your premium)

Take it slow & steady & if it helps keep a diary of how you feel as it will help in the days when you feel you're not making progress.


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Hi Emma :)

A very warm welcome to BTG !

Sadly it is very common to be mis diagnosed. I was given anti sickness prescription and told I had a bug when I called my GP out. Lucky for me my best friend popped in and rushed me straight to A & E.

A very scary time for you Emma ! I am not sure how soon you will be called back as I was clipped. I had my first check up 3 months after surgery. With coils I believe you have regular scans. Others will confirm this for you. If in doubt contact your Consultants Secretary and ask.

Double vision is horrible.....feel for you. Many of us on here have / had this. I could not drive for 2 years. It depends on how your vision repairs. You should be referred to an Eye Specialist.....again check up on this if you do not hear.

It is very early days for you, so lots of rest rest rest and drink plenty of water.

So glad you found us so early, as so many of us get sent home with little or no information !

You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum, ask away and feel free to join in the conversations. We will always try to help you with our experiences and support.

Take care

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Hi Emma warm welcome to the site, glad you found us.

yes no-one seems to get a lot of info about this, as to the paramedics another thing about SAH's they can be taken for so many different things.

If you've got double vision I wouldn't thing about driving just now.

Take things easy hope to hear more from you.

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Hi Emma

I'm coiled and luckily I was taken straight to hospital and treated within twelve hours (9 coils to two aneurysms). Firstly, you must rest as much as you can and sleep when your body tells you that you need to. Plenty of water is essential for keeping the brain hydrated so that it can repair. I was told to compare it to breaking leg and multiplying it by 6 in terms of minimum recovery (a leg is in a cast for 6 weeks x 6 = 36 weeks).

I had to declare to insurance and DVLA as mentioned above but, again, luckily for me I was able to drive again in 3 months - I have had no lasting effects from the SAH.

Give yourself time to heal, its very early for you yet.

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Hi Emma, Welcome

I drove myself to emergency room and dentist late on a Friday night my first trip to the hospital. I thought it was complications of my tooth being worked on the day before. I was sent home with anti nausea medication and that is what I wanted. I found my self on the bathroom floor at midnight and was vomiting every time I move my head or that bolt of lightening hit it again. I was admitted but released on Sunday afternoon. I was back in the emergency room Monday to just get something for my headache and was rushed to a larger neuro unit miles away. That is where a neurosurgeon found my bleed. SO it is not uncommon. I also think I once read it takes so many hours for a bleed to show up on some scans???

You need to follow advice given, drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet and stop before your head hurts although at this stage your head still hurts all the time. Think of it healing it takes time to heal it is a slow process that you cannot no matter what hurry along.

We all felt like we left with little information and I would in hind site call my neurosurgeon more often and demand more information. They seem to just want to see where you land with all of this. Personally I have had more luck with my GP and my Neuro Therapist explaining things to me.

Good luck and take it slow. Maryb

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Hello Emma,

Try and relax, the best advice I got from surgeon was try not to stress too much.

So I sit here driving family mad with singing and asking them to take me out for a coffee.

A drive out makes you feel back in the real world if that makes sense ?

There is a life after SAH and we have the support on here, also our families who have been through it worrying

about us.

Get well and be happy xx xx



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Hi Emma

I don't have much information to add as there are far more knowledgeable people on here than me and I'm a relative newbie like you (I had an SAH on 14/11/13 whilst on holiday abroad).

I felt a bit lost when I came home, particularly because I was hospitalised in the US and discharged by them before I flew home and then felt very lost when I arrived back in the UK. I would suggest you make an appointment with your GP and speak to them. Mine was very helpful and spent 40minutes talking with me and she also helped me arrange a referral to an opthalmologist who was able to investigate my vision problems (my SAH was in my occipital lobe and I've been left with right inferior quadrantanopia).

Re: the DVLA, you definitely need to notify them (you can download a form off their website and post it to them and they'll liaise with your GP). Your GP/opthalmologist will be able to give you a better idea about when you may be able to drive again, but please don't try it until you've been given the go ahead.

Make sure you rest lots, drink lots of water and don't try any heavy lifting :)

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Hi Emma, welcome to BTG

I'm sure you'll be finding some useful information on this site - sadly the lack of information on leaving hospital doesn't apppear to have improved since I had my sah 5 years ago:roll:. I'm not sure if you have visited the brain and spine foundation website but there is a leaflet that you can download on there which gives some useful information regarding subarachnoid haemorrhages.

I had the same experience as you in that the paramedics left me at home:frown: I, like you, found that to be unacceptable given the seriousness of this condition. Even if the symptoms do resemble a migraine, surely they should err on the side of caution and get it double checked. I wish I'd taken up a complaint myself, instead I asked my gp to and whilst he told me he did write to the ambulance service, I am not aware of any response from them. It was six days later that I finally got to hospital.

I wish you well in your recovery,


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Thanks guys,

Your kind words and advice greatly appreciated.

I have been working hard since my last post. Have now had an Orthoptic appointment to see how bad my eyes are, I go back in 6 weeks to do it all over again to see if there is any improvement. Have been to see an Osteopath about my neck (hurts from when I collapsed) is now far better after only one treatment. I also contacted LGI about my follow up which I have not received as yet to be advised that my surgeon is running 6-8 weeks behind and as such my appointment will be late. Wasn't too happy with that so I have claimed on my healthcare policy & am now seeing him in 2 weeks, hopefully this will give me piece of mind that I am now ok.

Emma x

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