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Geoff - new member experience of SAH


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Hi, I thought I'd better share my experience after I have found this website and various links so beneficial.


I suffered a SAH on 15 June 2015. I had come home from work at lunchtime and soon after I felt a strange 'filling up' sensation in my head, then an unbelievable headache. I staggered round to the doctors surgery only to be sent away to wait for a phone call. I returned home, collapsed on the floor, finally spoke to the emergency doctor on the phone and to cut a long story short, my wife dropped me off at A & E (Leicester Royal Infirmary). 


I could just about walk and speak, and by the time my wife I had found me, I was on drip and heading for a CT scan. I'd had a bleed on brain and and it was then a 'blue light' to Nottingham, Queen Medical Centre. Somehow my wife managed to remain unbelievably calm, hold it all together, sort the children out for the night and the next day at school, and still beat the ambulance to Nottingham.


Another scan the next morning failed to find the the source of the bleed, and as there was apparently no aneurysm to be found, no coiling procedure and I was very lucky.


The care at QMC was excellent but I was sent home after only 3 days, far too soon and with nothing in the way of guidance as to what was coming next! I felt quite good in hospital, the calm before the storm, and it was only after reading so much about the subject that I realised just how close a call this had been. 


The pain over the period from the Thursday night home to the end of the first weekend, was like nothing I had ever experienced before. By the Sunday evening, after being stuffed with codeine, paracetamol and diazepam (emergency appointment with the doctor on the Friday - amazing how a SAH allows you to jump the usual queue) was the pain just about under control. 


I spent the next three weeks sleeping most of the time and slowly weening myself off all but the paracetamol. 


The headaches and the extreme tiredness, fatigue etc were to be expected and were manageable but the anxiety and panic attacks in those early weeks very very frightening. It was only through reading of other patient experiences and watching the Southampton video that it all started to make sense. 


In the scale of SAH, I think I got off lightly but it has still been a life changing experience. I started a very slow and still on-going phased return to work in mid August, and don't expect to be back to more regular hours until late October at the earliest.


I thought I was doing really well up to last weekend, with returning to work, regular exercise etc, until having what I think was my first ever migraine (blurred vision flashing lights etc). I was back in A & E for another CT scan, and although thankfully all was ok, the event has shaken my confidence and brought all the anxiety back.


Without the support of my family, friends, work colleagues and the experiences that others have shared through this and related websites, I don't think I'd be this far on the road to recovery.

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Hi Geoff,

My Daughter found this site helpful to her vvhile I vvas in cuckooland  (excuse my VV is stuck so using 2 V's as a VV)


It has helped me through my SaH since I had my shunt fitted.


You vvere very lucky so take it easy and others vvill say drink lots of vvater and as my Surgeon said to me do not stress vvhich is hard but vvhen I feel stressed I sing it seems to help me xx  (not those around me though ..ha ha).


Keep happy and count your blessings xx


Good Luck


VVinb143 xx

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Crumbs Geoff. You have been through the wars. So glad you're feeling better. It's a terrifying experience that's for sure. In any case, onwards and upwards ! Once the pain starts to diminish, one starts taking life for granted again. That's the key. Thereafter, try not to look back. Best is to treasure the present and keep focused on the future.

Look after yourself,

Sammy Anne

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Hi Geoff,


A warm welcome to BTG (or, in VVin's vvords, a vvarm vvwelcome!). I'm sure the site has been a big help to you already, as it has to all of us and it's always good to swap stories and experiences. No matter what scary things are happening to you, there will undoubtedly be someone on the site who's been through the same thing and will give good advice and reassurance.


Sounds like you had a really scary time but glad to hear that things are improving now. Be careful not to rush your recovery - it's early days for you yet and you'll get there, but your body does so at it's own pace and will usually tell you in no uncertain terms if you're taking it too fast! You'll become an expert (if you haven't already) in listening to your body.


Make the most of life - there are so many who don't get the second chance we've been given.


All the best,


Jane x

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Hi Geoff, a warm welcome to BTG.  Sorry to hear that you have had the misfortune to have experienced a sah - they certainly come as a shock, but with time and lots of it, you will improve and the anxiety should lessen.  You will gain a lot of knowledge about recovery on this site as you read through the posts, much of which may be familiar to you as you progress through your own recovery.


My sah was nearly 7 years ago and ever since then I have suffered with flashing lights (crescent and zig-zag in shape) on a regular basis. It was quite some time before I was told it was the aura of migraine, although luckily I don't have the headache that is usually associated with migraine.  


Do take the return to work as slowly as you can, it often takes more out of you than you think it might and it's quite common for the tiredness and fatigue to return.  


I wish you well,


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Hi Geoff,


Welcome to BTG!


Your health comes before your job as without the former you won't have the latter, so don't go too fast too soon!  


Take care, you've done very well so far, and don't beat yourself up if you have the odd setback as that's a fairly usual occurrence too!


Best wishes,



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Hi Geoff


Sounds like you are doing really well but take it easy. You will have good and bad days, I'm still having them nearly 8 months on. As Macca says don't beat yourself up about setbacks, just treat them as experience. Work definitely takes more out of you than you think so do take it slowly. I had an NASAH like you in February and am still phasing back now, it's hard a lot harder than you think it will be!


Drink plenty of water and take things slowly, good luck.


Clare xx

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Hello, nice to hear your on the mend!

wow we must of been in the Leicester royal and the queens med at the same time. I suffered mine on the 15th June this year too and was transferred to the QMC from the royal in the evening. I unfortunaly had to have the coiling. I'm only 27 so age was on my side I returned work within 5weeks and have my first follow up appointment on Thursday at the QMC im so nervous I don't know what to expect.

I hope you continue to get better

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Hello Geoff,


You are fortunate to have found this site so soon and to realize you have been experience common affects from the SAH experience.  I'm just going to chime in and repeat what others have said, which is don't rush things.  If you are going to work, that alone will use up alot of your stamina for now.  It takes a good while to truly get back to feeling as normal as you are going to feel.


I am not a doctor, but from experience I'm guessing your head is telling you that you are overdoing it.  Eat healthy, get lots of rest and sleep, maybe try vitamins, and listen to your body.  It takes awhile for the blood to break down and be reabsorbed; in the meantime, your brain doesn't like it and is trying to tell you that.

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