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Hi everyone.


I appreciate this site so much, I had a NASAH at the end of April this year, just getting started trying to figure out whats going on.  I finally had my second angiogram yesterday and waiting for results.  I have the brain freeze headache in the back behind my right ear, sometimes at top too,  and the hissing in my right ear is almost constant.


So I was thrilled to read other posts that say this is normal while I wait for my results.  It helps so much.   I see that when I read, work that will start the headache so I am pacing myself.  Not used to this at all.  Usually, being a working mother for years and now business owner, when I get feeling sick, I just ignore it and it goes away!!  Not this time.


So I'm hoping to hear good things from my GP when I return on May 5th.  So happy to hear from you all that 3 to 6 months is normal before you start to feel better.


Thank you again, Carol

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Hi Carol :)


A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.


Its good to know that the site has helped you and given you reassurance. 

Really hope you get good results from your GP on the 5th May.


Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.

Wishing you well with your on going recovery. 


Take care

Tina xx

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Hi Carol,


If you are ever in doubt about anything always see your Doctor as nothing like peace of mind xx 


If I get stressed I hear those noises some sound like holding a shell up to ear and other times the noises are worse.  Depends how upset or stressed I get.


Good luck on your recovery Carol and do not rush it xx 


Listen to your body and head,  Good luck xx


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Hi carolann 3 months since my sah I'm getting better, still got the headaches, fatigue ,and noises in my ear. But slowly getting there , I've seen improvement but like everyone else says it takes time. I still get fed up, why me ,but this site has really helped me, so hang in there and hopefully you will start getting better ,take care Stephen d


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Welcome and best wishes for a nice recovery. If the people on this site could only truly know how much they mean to me it would be wonderful. I am certain you will get knowledge and support here 



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  • 1 month later...

Hi again,  appreciate all of your encouraging words here.


My second scan was clear all good!  It’s a strange occurrence though huh?  My doctor says your good to go!  But  I still am so tired all the time.  It’s been almost three months.  Although, I do see a lot of improvement.  My all day head aches and  the noise in my ear is gone.  Now I’m having sharp pains running down the left side of my head and in the bone behind my ear.


Any ideas on what this is?  It happens when I lay down to sleep. I do have TMJ from clenching my teeth.

 .......But I do realize how lucky I am in the overall.   


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Best wishes in your recovery. My "event" was in November. I had similiar symptoms for around 5 months, the first 3 months being the worst. For me, the most frustrating were the sleep disturbances. Just a little explanation of why this happens:the brain does not sit in blood, it sits in chrystal clear fluid called csf fluid. It kind of floats in it and is nourished by it. In our case, the vessel ruptures, bleeds and either kills you or not depending on if you stop bleeding.


After you are discharged from hospital, your brain now has this large amount of blood in that area. It can be clotted and hard. This is VERY abnormal and your brain hates it. Your brain is used to sitting in this beautiful chrystal clear nourishing fluid and now there is an irritant of blood. The clot may be even pressing on brain tissue. This blood will be resorbed but it takes a long time (ie:3 months or more). Your brain is very irritated and being pressed on causing all these weird things (headaches, sounds,sleep disturbances, emotional problems.


Hope this is a little helpful and I will pray for your recovery very hard. Welcome to the site. I will ask people at my church to pray for you too!

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Frmertd, pray for me also . I m basically healthy for my age but I have a monk who is like a parent now going through effects of hemorrhagic stroke. I found out two weeks ago my friend Mitch with photographic memory has stage 4 colon cancer, had surgery and will go for chemo. I make way too much money as a partner even though I don’t charge as much as other docs . I live humbly and understand money doesn’t buy happiness more so these days. 


The brain is a very special organ and Im not sure how much depression and pseudonalbar effects are involved after a stroke.

I think we should all try to live a happy, thankful life and not be too greedy or angry. 

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I often look skywards and thank my Family and everyone I saw while in a deep sleep ..Hedging my bets lol 


All be well and happy when possible 


Good luck to us All


Win xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Carolann,


Like you I found so much help after finding this site but almost a year my PMSAH. I am a first for my young GP so he’s concerned that he’s not doing enough to help but I’m convinced that there’s little that can be done to help me except for rest and time. I’m now 15 months in and feel best when I do least either physical or serious mental work.


I found I made rapid gains in first 3-4 months then plateaued off and now making very gradual yet almost imperceptible improvements but I am getting better. I can now stay up past 7:30 in the evening and don’t need sleeps in day. I still get daily headaches but no where near as severe or frequent. 


Relax and don’t try to get better. Sleep lots and drink plenty of water. Avoid stress, it does get better it just doesn’t feel like it at times. 


Smile and laugh

Best wishes from New Zealand 

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Great advice "water, rest, time, reduce noises and stress". I also found when my brain went into its "foggy" periods, simple sugars help. I would bring hot chocolate to work and add sugar to it, and it helped! It is a known scientific fact that the brain only uses simple sugars for energy.

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can one still do surfing and other sports after SAH? Just wondering. I m glad mindfulness helps. My friend Mitch has a port for chemo for colon cancer and now back to work as a er physician with the VA. He says hi and thank you. I plan to visit the school again someday. Goodluck and take care.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So here’s a new update, ended up with severe shooting pain random times building In Evening they started on left top side of head then into ear as If I had ear infection now it’s behind my ear and down my throat.  They just shoot sharp pain.  So weird and doctor is a mess gives me anti biotic.  Twice, Doesn’t work. So I am going to chiropractor at a friends suggestion.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  


Anyone else get theses pains?

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Funny the other night I was laying  down in bed and got a pain behind ear and went to side of jawbone.


It was like a catch and I yelled (Nothing new there) felt like my jaw and ear where having a battle, do not know how else to describe it.

Only had it the once that I remember !!


Well just thought I'd add this  xxxxx


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Ya it hurts - so my chiropractor said it’s a nerve pinched from when I hit my head.  I think it sounds right and it’s not as bad as it was.  I’m trying not to take pain reliever but just now had to because my ear started hurting again.  I guess that’s why I think it’s a nerve pinch because the pain is in weird places and comes and goes.  Still trying to get referral to neurosurgeon. But I do feel improved.

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