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4 Years today.

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4 years!

Its been a long road but definitely one worth walking!

Its funny I remember the incidents of the day Heathers brain bled but the inbetween bits are becoming hazy now. Am glad that we are no longer defined by the incident that happened to us all that time ago.

Thanks to everyone for all the support over the years.

Thanks to Karen for chasing up the old forum members and setting up this site. Its been a blessing having this space.

Thanks again to you all.


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Andy and Heather


What a journey you have had together x x

I know you dont know me that well but I watched your video clip you both did and you seem a lovely couple x x x

all my love



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Hi Andy,

Congratulations to you and Heather! :D

You were one of my first SAH buddies and I always think fondly of you and Heather ..... I discovered the Wessex/Salford website, when I realised that I wasn't recovering quite as quickly as I had been told that I would.... and then started to chat to you, Andy Peryer and Annie :wink:

I'm a few months behind Heather and will be 4 years on in July ...... I still have a few physical issues, but can gladly say, that I've moved forward and have pretty much adjusted to the person I am now ... it's taken some time, but it's good not to need so much support and equally lovely to see how far Heather and yourself have come.... as you say "you are no longer defined by the incident" and that's the way that it should be.

I know how passionate you were about raising awareness for others that follow the same path and I'm so glad to see that the fire is still stoked ..... well done! ..... I'm sure that yours and Heather's honesty, will do so much future good....rather than these issues being swept under the carpet.

Sending love to you and Heather and hope that you're both able to celebrate the day.... K x

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HI Andy and Heather

Happy 4th annie-versary.

You are such an inspiration, I remember watching your slot amongst others on the brain injury programme you did for channel 4? It highlighted the problems you had had but gave positive ways of walking along that road.

You truly are great

Love and hugs



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Hey there

Sorry for the late reply (can't remember if I already have :lol: ) - but CONGRATULATIONS.

I know its not been easy for either of you but you've both shown what a lot of love, understanding, determination and patience can achieve.

Lots of love

Sami xxx

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