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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Jules Hope your day continued well and you coped ok with your meeting? Rest up & take care
  2. Hi a very warm welcome to BTG. Wow.... it is amazing you all survived your accident ! So glad you did and were reunited with Copper Thank you for sharing your story, glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  3. Hi Jules a very warm welcome to BTG BTG has been a Godsend for many. Like you, either knew nothing about SAH or were sent home from hospital with little or no information whatsoever on what to expect or how you may feel. Glad you found this site a great resource of information and we look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.
  4. Hi Tanyaann A very warm welcome to BTG I also had the same trouble as you have found regarding insurance....but, as I was clipped, when we tried our Bank after trying almost all insurance companies they agreed to cover me. I had been signed off. So as far as they were concerned I was cured lol Super Mario is right, they wont like it if you are still having treatment or having more tests. Nightmare for you. Wishing you well and please let us know how you get on. Take care.
  5. Very early days for you Oliver....just take things very easy. I was clipped and others have been coiled or like you no operation, but we all suffer similar problems and symptoms after a bleed. There's lots of helpful information on the Forum, any questions just ask and someone will respond. Take care. Great advice from Karen and yes it does get better
  6. Hi Oliver A warm welcome to BTG So sorry this happened to you....very scary! You have not said when this happened or what procedure you may have had after your haemorrhage? In the early days we all suffer a great deal from fatigue and need to sleep a lot so that the brain can mend. Your body has been through a huge trauma and it takes time to recover. I am nearly 7 years down the line since my SAH and I still suffer from fatigue. The only advice I can give you is to take things slowly...listen to your body. If I know I am doing something or going out, I have to rest up the day before and after. Also drink plenty of water. Wishing you well.
  7. Dear Janet, So very sorry that you and your family have been through so much. Great news Freddie is doing well Very pleased to hear you have finally won your 2nd stage appeal...I hope that this will take some stress away and help with your health and that all gets sorted & completed very soon for you. Take care xx Sending lots of love and huge hugs to you lovely lady xxxx
  8. Can so relate to this....love your poem xx
  9. Thank you Kate, very much appreciated xx
  10. Hi Phil Its such very early days for you, you have been through a major trauma... don't be so hard on yourself. At 3 weeks I was still in hospital and not capable of even walking ! Please just rest up and as Jess says drink plenty of water & listen to your body. Try not to worry, baby steps. If you push too hard you will go backwards in your recovery. Take care, things will get better xx
  11. Tina

    My RCVS Story

    Hi Lesley a very warm welcome to BTG ! Thank you for sharing your story. You have certainly been through it and hope you get some answers to help with your recovery. If you look under the section: Non-Aneurysm SAH or Perimesencephalic SAH you will find some members posts on RCVS. Hope this helps. Let us know how you are doing. Take care xx
  12. Tina

    Colleen's Story

    Hi Colleen a very warm welcome to BTG ! Thank you so much for sharing your story. Huge admiration for starting the job you had to withdraw from 6 years ago...you must feel very proud of how well and how far you have come so sorry you lost your sweet Annie, pets are an amazing comfort and just seem to know how you are feeling. Wishing you well for the future and go enjoy that neighbourhood breakfast xx
  13. We love you Win great poem ! xxxxx
  14. Tina

    Carolyn's Story

    Hi Carolyn a very warm welcome to BTG ! Thank you for sharing your story. Great to read the information and posts on the Forum have helped you feel better. It is a very scary time. I agree a year to recover would be a great plan! Take things really slowly. Feel free to join in the banter and singing in The Green Room Stay healthy and happy too, bless you xx
  15. Hi Tree a very warm welcome to BTG It's not surprising you are worried about pains and twinges you feel in your head, bless you ! It could just be stress with the worry of it all, but I really think you should get checked out. Don't take any chances. They can do a lumbar puncture to check for blood in your spinal fluid. You did not mention they did that before. I had this done when I had a scare after my clipping. Let us know how you get on....take care xx
  16. It is so good to read that Conrad is doing well. It really upsets me to read how he was treated in the hospital, in fact it makes me feel sick to my stomach I hope things get resolved soon and all is well at his follow up appointment. As Karen has said go to your GP for counselling if Conrad is still feeling traumatised. Thank you for posting your update, it will help many. Hugs to both of you, take care xx
  17. Kel hope you got on ok ? xx Macca good luck for tomorrow xx
  18. Great news April now rest your brain and take things easy xx
  19. Hi Di (Poppy) Thank you so much for posting and sharing your experience. It will be a great help and comfort to many facing surgery. So pleased all went well for you and you are home recovering. Can't believe how quickly you were sent home! Hope your headaches and coordination will improve very soon. Lots of rest for you and as we always say drink lots of water Take care and let us know how you are doing xx
  20. Poppy wishing you well for your surgery tomorrow xx Sending you lots of positive get well vibes and good thoughts back at you, take care xx
  21. Hi April, A very warm welcome to BTG Indeed a very scary time bless you. It does get better, it's very early days for you... It may take some time and everyone is different with their recovery. Listen to your body, rest up lots and drink plenty of water. If you don't your body will make you Good luck with your 1 month check up, let us know how you get on. Take care xx
  22. Hi Vanessa Great to hear from you and never say sorry for being moany xx As you say others don't understand, that yes you may have recovered but you still can feel rubbish years after....I am at 6 years and still have bad days. We totally understand and empathise. I was told that too, but I am still noticing small improvements 6 years later. I think you do the majority in the first 2 years, but everyone is different. Congratulations on getting back to work, you should be very proud of how far you have come in such a short time. With your recent headaches, maybe you could go and see your GP and get a bit of time off to re charge. Take care and keep in touch...we are always here when you need to have a moan xx
  23. Hi Sandra a very warm welcome to BTG Like Jess I was clipped not coiled but also still get the odd twinge. For the first two years I had like a creeping feeling and my head felt very tight inside....difficult to explain! I was told it was my brain repairing and as Jess says the muscles & nerves relaxing repairing etc. I would also get checked out just for peace of mind. Take care and let us know how you get on xx
  24. Hi Norima, The sensation you are feeling , like a tight feeling inside your head I also had after my bleed. It sometimes also felt like it was rippling, almost a creeping feeling....so hard to explain! My Consultant told me nothing at all of what to expect....this seems to be the norm sadly But after reading and posting with others on here I found out that it is your brain settling down and repairing. I had these strange sensations for about 2 years, they gradually became less. I still sometimes get a creaking clicking sound but it does not worry me now, I am 6 years on. I hope this helps a bit, as we know how very worrying and scary it can all be in the early stages. My Drain has not been a problem to me, I did have a small dent but cant feel it now. but others I am sure will comment. We can only share our experiences in recovery , none of us are medically trained here. Have a read through the Forum, ask as many questions as you want. There are many helpful posts that will reassure you. Glad you found us xx
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