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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Teechur, it doesn't sound silly at all, it is how you feel and from the heart. I agree with Casey .... go for it ! It sounds a great plan good luck xx
  2. Good news your wife is being scheduled an MRI scan asap
  3. Thinking of you Jane and wishing you well xx
  4. Hi Jane Wishing you well for your surgery and angiogram this Wednesday.... thinking of you, sending lots of positive vibes your way and in my prayers. Take care love Tina xx
  5. Dear Iola you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sometimes it must feel like you fight and win one battle and then another one starts! Feel for you lovely lady and wish you all that is positive and good. Take good care and let us know how you are doing....we are always here for you xx
  6. Hi Carolyn sending lots of love and positive vibes your way xx We are always here for you lovely lady xx
  7. Hi Norima Really sorry cant help you on this. I have never heard of 'expansion of the inferior olivary nucleus infratentorially ' and like you tried to look it up and also none the wiser ! For peace of mind I would give your Neurologist's secretary a call and book an appointment rather than waiting for your next scan, so they can explain to you what it means. Good luck & keep in touch xx
  8. Tina


    Hi Tecumseh A very warm welcome to BTG Thank you so much for sharing your story. Wishing you well.
  9. Hi Dawn Lovely to hear from you Its really good to read that things have settled down nicely and that your new work hours have made such an astonishing difference to your health. So very pleased that things have worked out well. Take care & keep in touch xxx
  10. Well done Rob hope you can relax and have a restful weekend to re charge those batteries ! Take care.
  11. Hi Sharon A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us. Very early days for you....as the others have said , take it easy and don't push too hard. Take care & look forward to hearing more from you xx
  12. Congratulations on your 3rd brain anniversary Teecher You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing and for all your support on here too. I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating life lovely lady xx
  13. Hi Jane a very warm welcome to BTG I am so sorry you are having to go through this all again bless your heart xx Thank goodness you went and had the MRI scan and are now being closely monitored. Such a very difficult time for you especially with the worry of your sight and the two remaining aneurysms....sending lots of positive vibes your way and a huge hug. Wishing you well for your coiling in 3 weeks time and hope you get more answers. Glad you found us, keep in touch and yes we are always here. Take care xx
  14. Hi Rob a very warm welcome to BTG I used to get very strange sensations too....I was clipped. It was only when I found this Forum that I found out others were creaking, squelching and feeling like spiders crawling etc. It's the mending of your brain and the blood dispersing and also bone, muscle, nerves repairing. I found it very scary at first. As Macca has said, its always best to seek medical advice just to be on the safe side. Glad you found us and wishing you well.
  15. Hi Chris (Berger) a very warm welcome to BTG Very early days for you, glad you are taking things slowly and listening to your body. Great to read you are getting back to sculpting and exercising again. When something happens like this it sure does make you appreciate life & what's really important. Glad you found us, look forward to hearing more from you. Wishing you a speedy recovery too. Take care
  16. Hi Liz so pleased MRI scan went well and all ok.... wishing you well for the colonoscopy tomorrow, hopefully will go just as well. Take care xx
  17. Hi a very warm welcome to BTG. You and your wife have been through so much, thank you for sharing. I hope your wife is doing well in her recovery and you are taking time out for you too. Take care both and look forward to reading the next part of your journey.
  18. Hi Nick A very warm welcome to BTG Great to read you have made a good recovery. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.
  19. Really good news all round Great to hear how well you are doing Take care.
  20. Happy New Year to you too Sue ! Thank you for sharing your story, an inspiration for many on here. Be very proud of how far you have come and all that you have achieved ! Well done on kicking your Cancers butt and so pleased you have the all clear Take care xx
  21. Hi a very warm welcome to BTG. Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you and your boyfriend well and hope you will start to notice some positive changes with your symptoms. Take care & look forward to hearing more from you xx
  22. Ouch ! Poor you Carolyn...hope not in too much pain ? Take care xx
  23. Tina

    Gail's Story

    Hi Gail A very warm welcome to BTG. Thank you for sharing your story and so glad you found us. Take care xx
  24. Hi Liz great to see you posting ! Happy SAH Anni-versary for your 2 years coming up. I think getting in touch with the Stroke Association again would be a good thing, even just to talk about how you are doing. Well done on getting back to work, you should be very proud of how much you have achieved. Remember we are always here for you good days or bad Take care & keep in touch xx
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