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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Norima a very warm welcome to BTG ! As Ben has said you have come to the right place for support and information. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  2. Well done on the new job Scoobs, go steady and take care
  3. Kel, how very unsettling for you to receive that follow up letter Bless you not great at all! xx I hope that you hear on Monday as I would certainly want some questions answered too. Peace of mind that all is ok and why it was not mentioned to you before. Plus you can clarify how long ago you gave up smoking and put the record straight. Very strange that it was not mentioned to you before, but maybe as you say it is not causing a problem so did not want to worry you. Mind you the Consultant should certainly have explained it better. Hope you get all your answers soon lovely lady and you can relax and not stress. Lots of love and hugs to you, take care xxx
  4. Dawn I really hope the report will help you to get the hours you feel that you can cope with. Good luck for the 14th and take care xxx
  5. Hi Ametrine, A very warm welcome to BTG Wow don't know where to start....Bless you ! What a time you and your family have had to cope with and are still going through. You have certainly come to the right place 'to get this off your chest' you will find lots of support and helpful information here. ' really wanted to write here to share how this has effected my family with people who will understand. ' Thank you for sharing Amertrine. We look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx P.S. I love your profile picture
  6. Thank you Daff... what a brilliant leaflet....very helpful xx
  7. Great news you have the all clear Win Hope you get the taste and smells sorted and appointment wont be too long ! xx
  8. Welcome back Scott ! Wonderful news, Congratulations to you both xx As for advice can't add much more than Karen ...be patient with each other, always try and work as a team...even on a bad day just doing as much as you can. Communication. Trying to understand the frustration of not being the person you used to be and realising there will be days when fatigue hits and you will need to rest up. Being patient if you have to repeat yourself and not say....I just told you that!! Scott I wish you and your fiance lots of love luck and happiness xx
  9. Hi Margy a very warm welcome to BTG ! I had a craniotomy to clip my ruptured aneurysm. They could not coil mine. I had seven hours surgery. I have not heard of pipeline embolization device (PED). I am aware of a stent. As Penny has said trust your medical team....but I personally would definitely make another appointment and get them to discuss all the options and ask them to explain everything to you in everyday jargon so you understand what your options are and what will be happening to you. Is there anyone you can take with you to ask questions and support you? It may be helpful to write everything down you want to ask as it is so easy to forget. Wishing you well and please let us know how you get on. Take care xx
  10. Hi Janet, so very sorry to hear your news about your health xx I hope the Respiratory Consultant can give you everything you need to help with your Appeal for ill health retirement. Good luck for Friday, sending lots of love and hugs to you xx Seven Grandchildren....Congratulations ! Take care and let us know how you get on xx
  11. Hi Steve A very warm welcome to BTG ! Thank you for sharing your story....a very scary time for you and your family. Glad you found us. Please feel free to join in discussions, look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.
  12. Hi Ben a very warm welcome to BTG ! Sadly it is very common to be misdiagnosed, it happened to me too. It is very early days for you, lots of rest and pace yourself. You have come to the right place for lots of helpful information and support. Take care and we look forward to hearing more from you. Wishing your father well and hope your Mum is doing ok too .
  13. Bless you Win enjoy your fish and chips xxx
  14. Good luck for today Win xx Hope you get some breakfast Let us know how you get on xxx
  15. Hi Jan A very warm welcome to BTG ! Not surprising it has scared you, especially being a nurse and knowing how serious a bleed is bless you xx The symptoms you mention ( particularly lower back/ leg spasm type pain ) I also had in the early stages...my Consultant said it was the blood dispersing down the spine and causing the pain. It was painful for quite some time. You are still very early in your recovery. I would definitely mention to your Doctor and get checked to be on the safe side. You will find lots of helpful information and support here on the Forum. We can't help with medical advice but can certainly let you know our experiences Wishing you well and look forward to hearing more from you xx
  16. Hi Win Was thinking the same as Karen, only heard of a CT Scan. Wishing you well and hope all is ok ? Take care lovely lady xxx
  17. Tony ...Congratulations on your 2nd year Anni-versary! Thank you so much for taking the time to post and let us know how you are doing and how things have improved over the last two years Your post will help many on here and give them lots of positive inspiration ! Hope you have a lovely day celebrating life...take care
  18. That's great news Dawn...so glad you were taken seriously. Wishing you well. Take care xx
  19. Dawn, I agree with the others, I would definitely go back to your GP and explain things how you have here. Hopefully your GP will understand and give you a Doctors note. You must stress how ill you are feeling. You mentioned your Doctor was shocked to see the change in you, enough to phone the hospital. I am sure he will take you seriously. Can your partner go with you to make sure you explain properly how you are feeling ? I really hope you can get sorted and feel better soon Dawn. Take care xx
  20. Hi Anita No its not wrong, its just how you are feeling today. Its ok to feel that way, sometimes you just need timeout for yourself. You are coping with so much at the moment. Even the strongest have bad days and feel low. Hope tomorrow a better day for you, sending hugs and positive vibes your way Take care xx
  21. Hi Neveluna A very warm welcome to Btg. As Jess has said it is very early days for your Mum. Her brain needs time to recover. The smallest things will make her so tired, she will sleep a lot. Maybe you could read her a favourite book or play her favourite music. Sometimes others have said they just wanted quiet and loved having their hand held, or gentle massage, even though they could not respond at that time, they were aware. Such a very hard time for you and your family. Try and make time for you to relax and eat properly. There are others on here that have been or are going through what you and your family are. I am sure they will respond when they can. You will find lots of helpful advise and support here Take care and keep us updated on how things are going.
  22. Hi Kerry A very warm welcome to BTG ! Always live in hope as I noticed improvements after 3 years. Wise words as always from Daff Wishing you well and keep in touch. Take care xx
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