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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Gail, A very warm welcome to BTG Wise words from Daf and Louise ! You have come to the right place to get some really good support. Ramble away Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  2. Hi Catherine I had pain for quite a few months after my SAH surgery. I was told I would for sometime. Just leaning forward in first few weeks and months was awful ! I was clipped, what type of surgery did you have ? Speak to your Consultant or Doctor regarding reducing your intake of painkillers or increasing to prescribed amount. I found I took more pain relief the first year than I had in my whole lifetime ! But I needed it to function. Its very early days for you. You are doing very well to be posting on here. Glad you found us Take care Tina xx
  3. Hi Catherine A very warm welcome to BTG. Such early days for you. Glad you found us. Ask away....we can share with you our experiences to help, but we cannot give you medical advice. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  4. Hi Conni A very warm welcome to you ! So pleased you have found BTG. You will find others here that know how you feel and what you have been and are going through. Feel free to join our daily chit chat in the Green Room, we are a friendly bunch You should be very proud of how you have coped and struggled through. I am sorry you are finding things so hard. We look forward to hearing more about you. There is a lot of very helpful information and support on here. Take care Tina xx
  5. Hi Freckles a very warm welcome to BTG Wow, as Louise just said well done you for back to work so quickly ! Like you I had back pain and also right up my neck too. My ruptured Anni was Brain Stem. I was told it was the blood dispersing and would take time. It did last for quite some months after. Very gentle massage did help and also we got a memory foam mattress topper for the bed, which I could not be without now. Like you I had a craniotomy, was in hospital for a month and released with no advice as to what to expect....all very scary! I find when I get very tired my neck and back still ache now 5years plus. Glad you found us Take care xx
  6. Hi Jo If you are feeling dizzy and have been sick I would definitely go and get checked out. It may be you have been over doing things, but I think for peace of mind I would get myself checked out at least by your Doctor or if really worried go back to hospital. Let us know how you get on. Take care xx P.S. Jo could be your tinnitus playing up again? My Dad has it and often feels very dizzy and sick.
  7. Hi Kathryn A very warm welcome to BTG ! So glad you found us Take care Love Tina xx
  8. Hope you are feeling better today Win ? Good luck with your 'List' at the Doctors. I always go with a list, as if I don't would always forget something lol Take care xxx
  9. Happy 3 year Anni SarahLou hope you are having a great day and enjoy your celebration on the 27th xxxx Will join you and Win in saying thank you to Karen and all on BTG for all the support and friendship would not be where I am today without it xxx
  10. Hi Lesley yes this is normal :) , it is everything moving back and mending. You are in the very early stages. I found it very unsettling at first. It will keep making funny noises for quite some time. I found alot of help and peace of mind on here, thank goodness for BTG ! I came out of hospital with no information at all . Take care love Tina xx
  11. Hi Sandi Thank you for letting us know how you are getting on I really hope they make a big difference! I cant stand the phone to my ear, i always put it on loud speaker. I was very noise sensitive after my bleed and i used to hear piercing loud pitched noises in my ears, used to make me jump ! These have improved but still have ringing in my ears. I also get the floating feeling you mention, the lights in shops and supermarkets set me off as well, your post has made me think i should get my ears checked again, it has been sometime. Good luck for the rest of the week keep us updated xx
  12. Hi Pam, What can i say, my heart goes out to you. I really hope that you have some supportive family around to help you. It is very early days for your husband Richard, try to keep positive, easy to say i know. I am so very sorry you are having to sell your house, work and have the worry of your husband and the 3 dogs and 4 cats. Such a heartbreaking and stressful time for you. Wishing all the best to you and Richard. Take care xx
  13. A very warm welcome to you Iola so glad you found us. I love the end bit of your post... 'There is hope and there is a future and I am still here and thankful I can raise my daughter.' Great outlook Like you i am a doing person, so found it very hard and frustrating at first not being the person i was before. 5 years on still have good days and bad days. Know if i push myself too far will pay for next couple of days. Onwards and forwards so thankful to still be here too. Take care and keep doing what you are doing xx
  14. Hi Michelle please seek this advice and info from your Doctor or Consultant. There maybe a reason that you were told not to take it. When i left hospital i was prescribed both for the pain. I had a craniotomy. xx
  15. Leo i am the same as Louise, at nearly 5 years in December i still cant sleep on my clipping side and if i do it wakes me up with the pain. I dont think it will change now, just one of those things.
  16. Mine was a right side craniotomy, Clipped-Ruptured Aneurysm- Basilar Tip- Brain Stem.
  17. 3rd December 2007 mine burst....like Kelly i was told that December was usually the busiest time for SAH ? Sending love and Hi to you all....i think of you often...'You Know Who You Are' ™ love Tina xx
  18. Congratulations Louise huge thank you's from me too, you have always been such a wonderful support to all on here. You are an amazing lady, lots of love and hugs to you, love Tina xx
  19. Michelle, sending lots of love and hugs, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your brave little boy. Take care love Tina xx
  20. Hi Charlotte- Anne a very warm welcome to BTG.....wow you really have been through it and so young too. Never give up as the others have said ! I wish you well with your recovery and look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  21. Hi Anne I have flown and always feel very tired afterwards.....sometimes takes a week to get over it....a bit like if you have a very late night, can take a few days to recover. Rest up and take care....if persists go and see your GP. Take care Love Tina xx
  22. I was told by my Consultant that i had to surrender my licence , which i did. I could not drive for 2 years until i passed my vision tests, as i had double vision and my peripheral vision was not good on my right eye. Once i had the all clear i then contact DVLA and it took nearly 4 months, as they write to your Consultant and eye specialist etc !! I had to chase all parties, drove me mad lol....excuse the pun! I did get it back...i am very lucky.
  23. Wow !!! Truly amazing !!! Well done you.....a standing ovation you so rightly deserve XXX
  24. Me too, in the early days could not bare loud noises had ear plugs lol !....but now its more so when i am very tired ....sometimes i have a really loud noise inside my head that seems to come from nowhere...really scares me. Have been checked out and all is ok
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