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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Susan, you have been through so much, feeling so unwell and having so many things to deal with its not surprising you are feeling really sad and frustrated ! You should be very proud of how you have coped and are coping. I cant imagine how hard it must be for you. Just wondered if Keyhole surgery was an option for you to help mend your shoulder pain? My husband had this and was given a nerve block rather than anesthetic. . Susan I wish you and your family well for 2014. Sending big hugs and positive vibes your way xxx
  2. Zoe...so very sorry.....you have all been through so much.....sending lots of love and hugs xxxxxx
  3. Hi Emma A very warm welcome to BTG ! Sadly it is very common to be mis diagnosed. I was given anti sickness prescription and told I had a bug when I called my GP out. Lucky for me my best friend popped in and rushed me straight to A & E. A very scary time for you Emma ! I am not sure how soon you will be called back as I was clipped. I had my first check up 3 months after surgery. With coils I believe you have regular scans. Others will confirm this for you. If in doubt contact your Consultants Secretary and ask. Double vision is horrible.....feel for you. Many of us on here have / had this. I could not drive for 2 years. It depends on how your vision repairs. You should be referred to an Eye Specialist.....again check up on this if you do not hear. It is very early days for you, so lots of rest rest rest and drink plenty of water. So glad you found us so early, as so many of us get sent home with little or no information ! You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum, ask away and feel free to join in the conversations. We will always try to help you with our experiences and support. Take care
  4. Tina


    Hi Kate a very warm welcome to BTG ! Glad you found us You will find lots of helpful information here and lots of support and friendship. Please feel free to join in our daily banter in the Green Room....we are a friendly bunch. Take care xx
  5. Michael, I really hope when your Brother is assessed tomorrow they can try and kick start some movement again. Your Brother deserves a chance in Rehab....still such early days and as you say he has had many set backs. Wishing you and your family well. He is very lucky to have a Brother like you fighting his corner. Take care.
  6. Hi Daff I think it is your brain saying to you...overload !! Sometimes it takes you by surprise because you think you have been pacing and coping ok. Sounds like you have had a lot to cope with recently with your parents, extra work hours and Mum stuff. Not surprised that your family wanted you checked out and that a panic set in. You did the right thing to get checked out, you cant take chances with your health. Anxiety is a horrible thing and it can just take over, it still happens to me now sometimes and i cant control it. It may well be a virus making you feel so unwell, but also I think its your body telling you to rest up. I hope you can slow down and have some me time bless you, don't be so hard on yourself and take care lovely lady xx
  7. Hi Chloe Sorry your news was not so good yesterday.... very hard for you Life must seem very uncertain at the moment. I am glad your fiancé has been driving you down to see your horse good for both of you xx I know it all seems very bleak at the moment, you are very early days. It took me just over two years for my peripheral vision to repair enough to eventually be allowed to drive again, I was told it may never repair, but it did. I had double blurry vision for ages and when I get tired or over do it I still do. Do you have other members of family or friends that are nearby that could maybe do a rota for you to see your horse more often.... being a huge animal lover myself I would hate not being able to visit often, also as I said before good positive therapy xx Insomnia is a very common problem, definitely mention at your appointment, as you need your sleep for your brain to repair. Sending you a huge hug ! Take care xx
  8. Hi Chloe a very warm welcome to BTG ! You are so young to be going through all this bless you. I really hope you will get some answers tomorrow....maybe write down all your questions, so you don't forget anything, it can be very overwhelming ! Resting up is the best thing you can do right now....such very early days. We do have some younger members on here. Have a read through the Forum when you feel up to it, you will find lots of helpful information and great support. Please feel welcome to join The Green Room where we post daily banter we are a friendly bunch ! Take care and let us know how you get on tomorrow. Wishing you well Tina xx
  9. Hi Sam Welcome to BTG. Iola is right you should go back to your Doctor and ask to see a Neuro Specialist. We cant give you medical advice, only our experiences and support. I hope you can get your pain sorted out and get to the bottom of all this.....stress can cause all kinds of problems too. Good luck and keep us updated.
  10. Hi Dave Great news you have your HGV license back! Well done on getting back to work. 8hours is a lot, no wonder very tiring.....go steady and rest as much as you can.
  11. Congratulations Lynne on your 4th year anni-versary Be very proud xxx
  12. Hi Michael, So sorry to read your Brother is back on a ventilator and has pneumonia Wishing him a speedy recovery and positive steps forward. Sending positive vibes your way. Take care
  13. Michael, I hope all goes well today with the first special meeting of Father & Son So pleased we have helped you feel more positive....when your Brother is ready you can show him BTG. Take care.
  14. Wonderful news and really good that your Brother responded I am sure it will be the best medicine he could have to help with his recovery xx
  15. Hi, a very warm welcome to BTG So sorry to read about your brother. Such a worrying and emotional time for you and your family. It is very early days. The fact that you say he is very strong and fit is a positive. Have you tried playing his favourite music or reading to him to see if he responds to you? Mind you, he will be very tired and sleep alot, as the brain needs lots of rest to repair. Your brother has been through and is going through a major trauma. Glad you found us, you will find lots of support and helpful information here. Take care and keep in touch.
  16. That is fantastic news Brent ! In two months your sight recovery being nearly back to pre SAH and your return to work this Monday Wishing you well, remember to pace yourself. It would be really good to have an update on how you are doing in our 'Back to work' thread. Take care.
  17. Hi Jacs A very warm welcome to you , so glad you found us and found the posts helpful. It is very early days for you. Have you have arranged a phased return to work, so you can pace yourself and ease back into it gently? There are others here that can answer your questions re PSAH and what to expect. I really hope all goes well with your return to work. Let us know how you get on. Take care
  18. Great news Tricia all very positive !! Take care xxx
  19. Hi Julie A very warm welcome to BTG....so glad you found us ! Very early days for you, and as Sami has said drink plenty and rest up as much as you can. It is a very scary time. You will find lots of helpful information and support here Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.
  20. Hi Julie I had twitching/spasms and numbness all down the right side of my face after surgery. I was told it was all the nerves and muscles reconnecting and mending. Mind you this was a few months on after surgery. My forehead is still paralysed on the right hand side and I have numbness and nerve pain at times on the side where my scar is and around my eye. My right eyebrow is still paralysed and always will be. When I blink I twitch on the right between my cheek and mouth. I did not know this until my hubby told me My Surgeon said this will always be now. He also told me that nerves grow slowly back, he said to imagine it like your hair growing a little bit each month. . I am sure it is just mending, but as Win & Gill have said if worried its best to get it checked out, as I was lucky not to have had any seizures. Take care
  21. Bless you, this is such a heart breaking and hard time for you and your family. So very sad when you know how much he is missing you and wants to come home, but is not well enough yet. I am sure you and the nurses have tried to explain to him why he has to stay in hospital. Do you have a laptop/ipad he could try and use, or maybe have pictures and videos of you and the kids....just a thought. Would your husband be able to use one ? You mentioned using the computer calmed him. Not surprising you are getting so down.....its only natural for you to feel this way. You have been so strong and should be very proud of how you are keeping it all together. Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing all that you can and you must take time out for yourself too. Easy for me to say I know. Sending you lots of positive vibes and a huge hug, we are here for you xxx
  22. Hi Susan A very warm welcome to you so glad you found BTG so early on. You will find lots of help and support here. Perhaps you could tell us a bit more about yourself, I was clipped and had 7 hours of surgery. Glad your double vision seems to have cleared up, its a hard thing to cope with. Very early days for you, rest up, take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Tina xx
  23. A very warm welcome to you bigblue60 Glad you found BTG. This has happened to others on here too, when trying to get back to work too soon. Your body is telling you to slow down. Thank goodness your Wife knew the Stroke tests and got you to hospital ! It's a good thing the Doctor has signed you off to rest and then go back with reduced hours. I know its frustrating but rest rest rest Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care, Tina.
  24. Bless you Julie ... how you are feeling is very normal. We have all been there. I think we try so hard to be positive and upbeat, plus you feel so grateful to be alive. Very mixed emotions to deal with. I found if I over did things I felt pain again at the bottom of my skull , down my neck and shoulders . Make sure you are resting up. Your hormones are all over the place in the early stages which doesn't help either !. Don't be so hard on yourself.... Karen said that to me when I felt just like you. You are doing great and not being pathetic at all ! Sorry about your vegetable patch sometimes family don't know what to say and just try to keep you positive. Its very hard for them too to see you so upset and unwell. Sending a big hug your way xxx
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