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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi I did get the shakes and tremors in the early stages of recovery. In fact the first year I would say. It did gradually improve although now if I overdo it or having a bad day my hands still tremor. I did not have the cold feeling or loss of sensation or cant remember having that. I would definitely get checked out by your GP just for peace of mind. Take care xx
  2. Congratulations Karen & Jim on your marriage Wonderful news, so very pleased for you both xx Glad the wet room has made things so much easier and wishing you both a fabulous well deserved holiday in June It is wonderful to hear how well Jim & yourself are doing ! Take care & keep in touch xx
  3. Hi Mum of five A very warm welcome to BTG ! Wise words from Daff Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  4. Hi Jennab A very warm welcome to BTG Bless you, what a huge shock and worry for you and your family. You will find lots of support and information here. For someone so young to carry that worry I cant imagine how hard it is for you, but you have the right positive attitude and should be very proud of how strong you are ! Enjoy making your wedding plans with your fiancé congratulations xx Feel free to join in any of the discussions. It is a bit quiet at the moment because of Easter Holidays, but others will respond to you. Take care & keep in touch xx
  5. Hi Emma I had neck pain at the back of my neck where I had my bleed, brain stem....I had this pain for quite some time. If I get very tired it still plays up now 6 years later. If you are worried please go and get it checked out as Penny has said. Especially if you are having numbness in your arm and fingers. Let us know how you get on xx
  6. A very warm welcome to BTG Southern Girl Glad you found us, you will find lots of support and helpful information here. Take care xx
  7. Happy Birthday Iola and Happy 1st SAH Anni-versary for the 9th ! Enjoy your celebrations and God bless you xx Iola, It is a pleasure and privilege to know you too and thank you for all your support and kindness to others on here You make a difference lovely lady Have a wonderful day xx
  8. I also still experience my brain shutting off and like Karen has said, some events go better than others. I do believe it is how you are feeling on the day and how stressful the situation is. I always try and have a sleep during the day if I am going to have a late night. Normally by 9pm my body just starts to close down and I find it a real struggle to stay awake and function. It happened to me once when volunteering during the day. I could not function, my balance went and was all over the place. One of the volunteers had to drive me home...I remember feeling mortified and so embarrassed, but when I went back next time they were lovely and understanding. SarahLou bless you, look at what you have achieved....started a brand new job and doing really well I have huge respect for you xxx
  9. My heart goes out to you Sarah Lou xx The frustrations we feel following SAH 'ARE' such a challenge, but look how strong you are and how you are coping with getting back to 'normal'. Never feel ashamed ! Maybe those that were shocked by what happened may have a better understanding of what you have and are going through now. I really hope that you can rest up today and that your head pains improve xx As you say lovely lady..... Big deep breath..... Bring it on! Love & hugs to you xx
  10. Daff, 'I do think that it's so hard to explain that even if you do 'push on' you can end up feeling worse as you just don't have the energy to push to the same level without repercussions. ' I can so relate to your words above and the others regarding 'high alert'. I do believe that this does contribute to the exhaustion and fatigue we all feel. So very frustrating! It is good to read that your Doctor is listening to you and being very understanding. Take care xx
  11. Hi Joanna A very warm welcome to BTG ! Glad you found us You will find lots of helpful information and support here. It must have been very scary for you not speaking the language, but so glad they looked after you well. I personally had my SAH here in the UK so cant help you on that side of things but if anyone can they will post. Feel free to ask questions and join in the forum discussions. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  12. Hi Sarah, I had the headaches but not the rapid heartbeat & panicky feeling. As Jess has just said I would call your Doctor and get checked out. Take care xx
  13. Hi Simone a very warm welcome to BTG My balance was really bad in the early stages and I still have problems now on my bad days. Rest up lots and drink plenty of water, it will help. You will find lots of helpful information and support here. Glad you found us Good luck at your scan and follow up appointment, let us know how you get on. Take care xx
  14. Fantastic news Chris so pleased for you ! Gives hope to many on here. Well done you
  15. Hi Dana A very warm welcome to BTG You will find lots of helpful information and support here. Hope all goes well with your Neuro appointment on Thursday. Write down all your questions and take them with you. I found this very helpful so I did not forget to ask anything. So many questions ! Let us know how you get on and feel free to join in and post on the forum. Take care xx
  16. Hi Leanne A very warm welcome to you, glad you found us I can remember in the early stages not wanting to speak with people or text or have visitors too, but I was scared to be alone when my husband had to go back to work. After an SAH your emotions are all over the place. Family mean well and are just worried about you because they care and it is a very scary time for them. I went to my GP and said how I was feeling and was put on a waiting list for counselling. It really helped to talk to someone outside of the family and friends. Maybe go back to your GP and tell them how you are feeling. Take care xx
  17. Hi I am ok really, A warm welcome to BTG Eye pain is most unpleasant. Mine is nerve pain around my eye and side of face. This has been an issue since my surgery, I was clipped. Some Doctors are brilliant but not so good with bedside manner, perhaps you could call your surgery and ask to see another within the practice ? Definitely get yourself checked out and let us know how you get on. As Penny has said none of us are medically qualified, but we share our experiences and support each other. Take care and let us know how you get on
  18. Hi Moonlite If headaches are a really gripping pain, I personally would get someone to take you to A&E to get checked out. Tell them your history. At least then you would have peace of mind. Take care xx
  19. Hi John Good to see you posting, but very sorry to read you have had to retire due to ill health. I admire you greatly for getting back to full time work and doing what you did. Really pleased to read you are now motivated daily to exercise and have found your mojo again. Take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Tina xx
  20. Hi Glyn a very warm welcome to BTG ! You have come to the right place for lots of helpful information and support. It is very common to be mis diagnosed, I was given anti sickness pills and told I had a sick bug lol. Glad you found us.
  21. Hi Poppy a very warm welcome to BTG 'a letter from my brain' is excellent ! It is very easy to over do things on good days, we have all done it and paid the price. That's when your body says Stop and makes you rest your poor brain. It is still very early days for you. You should be very proud of how well you have done with your recovery. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care xx
  22. Hi Sharon A very warm welcome to BTG You are certainly in the right place ! I hope you get some peace of mind at your appointment. It is natural to be worried after going through so much. Let us know how you get on and please feel free to join in Forum discussions and the daily banter in the Green Room. Take care xx
  23. I think we can all relate to some or one of these points. Thanks Penny xx
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