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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Sam a very warm welcome to BTG ! Well done on getting back to work ! Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Nick long time no post glad to hear you are doing so well. Hope you soon make new friends in Lincoln and wishing you all the best and good luck for your new start Take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Amelia...so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. Glad you found us. Agree with the others, speak with your GP of your concerns. We are always here for you...take care love Tina xx
  4. Hi Zoe...my thoughts are with you and Richard, we are all rooting for him as Paul has said...... really hope all goes well on Tuesday. Take care, love Tina xx
  5. lol you two well if i sing will certainly need a sound proof room !!! Could always sing in the car when no one can hear me xx
  6. Hi Zoe wonderful to read how well things are going would be great to get Richard on here. wishing you both well...take care love Tina xx
  7. Hi Karen...very sorry to hear this...a big shock and alot to take in for you right now. Please take care and keep positive...sending big hugs your way...love Tina xx
  8. Hi...just wanted to send you and your wee boy a big hug. I dont have a stent but others on here do and i am sure will help with some reassurance. Take care both love Tina xx
  9. Hi Sandi a very warm welcome to BTG.... glad you found us too ! Well done on getting back to work, but please dont push too hard... look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  10. Hi Vivien...i also still get pain in my eye and eye socket, especially if i am tired or in a shop with the lights. Like Karen i put it down to nerve palsy. Best to get it checked out just for peace of mind...take care love Tina xx
  11. Hi a very warm welcome to you...glad you found us, its good not to feel alone. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  12. Great picture Sami....you may get some orders in for a T. Shirt now xx (well done Keith )
  13. lol if they do ...i want one lol
  14. Hi Sonia...yes Louise is right it is like a bank card...you put name address etc, incase of need. I always carry it in my purse too. They send them to you for free. It says on it: I AM A SURVIVOR OF A BRAIN INJURY. I may have problems with my memory, speech or actions. Your help and patience would be appreciated . I think it is a very useful thing to carry in case of emergency
  15. Hi Lynne so pleased it was a good day and that you really got something out of the meeting and able to help others....well done you....take care, love Tina xx
  16. Hi Zoe So pleased for you both. You are such a wonderful lady and with your love and support Richard can only keep improving Wishing you both well...take care love Tina xx
  17. Hi Diane...Happy New Year to you and Mark hope the MRI gives some more answers and wish Mark well with his ongoing recovery....Take care love Tina xx
  18. Hi Pete a very warm welcome to BTG....glad you found us ! Like you and many others i came home with no aftercare, nothing ! As the others have already said...you are doing very well Well done you ! Please take it slowly and rest up lots. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina x
  19. Hi Jo...i had to go to my local jobcentreplus, they were very helpful. Plus my GP surgery had someone that could help me with my forms etc. I found this out much later ! I also believe some others have gone to Citizens Advice and also found them very helpful. Wishing you well as i know what a worrying time it is. Lin Lin also posted some very helpful info recently, ...will try to find it for you. Take care love Tina xx Hi Jo...if you look under General Discussion/Advice & Tips/ Healthy Living/ Benefits: Thread... What benefits...started by Sally on 8th November 2010. Hope that helps xx
  20. Hi Stephen...i am much like Jess. Sorry cant help you, but wishing you well...take care xx
  21. So pleased Kel :) fantastic news !!! Here's to 2011 XX
  22. Hi Karen a very warm welcome to BTG ! As the others have said , it is very normal to feel anxious, i know i did in the early stages. So glad you found us, you have certainly come to the right place for support and advise. Take care and rest up lots. Tina xx
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