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Hello - goldfish.girl

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Hi Mel and welcome!

All you do, is just write a bit about yourself and when you had the SAH/Stroke ....you're in the correct forum to do that.... just click on the "Post Reply" button underneath my message and then you can type in the text box. xx

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Welcome to BTG.....

When you want to write something, if your thinking and taking your time make sure you can save what you have written somewhere before you hit the submit button. If there is too much of a time delay you will lose what you have written. You won't be happy if you lose it all..........like I have.

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi, thank you for the replies and the instructions on how to use the site! I had an SAH two years ago next week but have inly just started to receive aftercare from the brain rehabilitation people - I didn't even know there was any emotional aftercare until April this year.

I've been on your site a few times and had a look around - it has been great to realise that my recovery is 'normal' even after nearly two years. I was staring to think I was just lazy! So it has been a huge relief to hear that some of you also still have problems.

Mel x

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Sara, Momo & Janet - thank you. I have just read a post by Janet elsewhere on here and was really interested in you working 20 hrs over 4 days. I went back to work after 3 months and still struggle now. I do three days of 8 hours and find it totally exhausting. I come home to my son who wants his tea, needs help with homework and a dog who wants a walk, then it's time to do packed lunches for the next day! I honestly haven't found it getting any easier in all this time.

I am completely exhausted when I get home and am very snappy and horrible, I also have regular headaches & dizziness when I'm at work. It's an awful feeling but I'm scared to give in and accept defeat (for now). It would also be hard financially if I cut my hours as I live alone with my son. I knew after my 2nd coiling 3months after I went back to work that I wasn't coping but my doctor only signed me off for 2 weeks (a total of 14 wks post SAH). I wonder if pushing myself non stop since then is holding up my progress or do I maybe need to accept that I may never get any better than this?

I would be very grateful to hear what others think. Thank you.

Mel x

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Hey Mel

Welcome to the site and to the family.

It does sound like you're doing too much. If you cut your hours, would you be entitled to any benefits? Its worth talking to your employers and GP about if you're not feeling brilliant after working. Recovery times are different for everyone and you need to take things at your own pace.

I was lucky enough not to have any lasting effects and was back at work three weeks later - luckily my husband and I run our own company and I used to sleep during the day. Four years on I work full time at a Nursery in the Training Department and am still able to help my husband with the accounts and admin in the evening and the weekend.

It does get better with time, but there's no point in setting yourself back if you can help it. The most important thing is that your health is good, look into what benefits you'd be entitled to working less hours and see if it helps - but talk to you GP and employers if you can.

Take care

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Fortunately my employers have been good with me with regards to the hours. Working the 20 hours over four is good as it means only 5 hours each day. Have a word with your employer see if they will let you change your work pattern to 24 over 4 days instead of over 3 days. If you don't ask you'll never know they may even let you do it. If not try a referral to Occupational Health they maybe be able to persuade your employer.

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Hi Mel

Welcome to the site. I agree with Skippy, couldn't you look into seeing if you would be entitled to any help. It does rather sound as though things are a bit too much for you at the moment. Did your employer allow you to go back on a phased return? Do you know there is a new sick note system now. Your GP can give you a sick note asking your employer to cut back your hours for a certain period, I do think you need to go and have a conversation with your GP. Tell him/her how you are feeling. I also think what Janet said is a good idea, you never know what you can get until you ask.

But so glad you've found this site and remember when you're having a bad day we're always here to listen.

Take care.

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Hi Mel.

I work 25 hrs over 4 days, just over 6hrs a day. Which is more than enough in my job

My job is demanding and very tiring,and times when i finish my shift i am shattered

I felt i had a lot to prove when ireturned back to my work after 1 year

Also there was the feeling i was being monitored to see if i was coping,which put added pressure on me

I work in a rehab ward for the elderly, and when i went back to work it was on a phased return for a few weeks

Initially my ward manager wanted me to do 5 days, but occupational Health said no, the 4 was plenty

And if that was too much i could be transferred to another department, .

I was offered the chance to be trained up for office duties and i turned it down:crazy:

Mad i know everyone said a was nuts, i probably am :lol:

You do what can ,dont push yourself, ano i need to take my own advice,i my body punishes me hard when i do push the boundries

Occupational Health will help you, thats what they'r there for

Use them if you need them

Take care xx

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Thank you all for your advice & letting me know of other options which might help - i'm very grateful. I will look into how to contact Occupational Health.

I've just had a week away on holiday with my son and I feel great. Back to work tomorrow so I'll see how great I feel by Friday!!

Thank you again,


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