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Hello everyone. My name is Karen 48. I had a SAH on the 28th Sept 2010. The surgeon who opened up my brain was expecting to find two annies, a small one they were not worried about and a large one which they expected to have caused the bleed. In fact it was the small one that had bled, they clipped that. The large one hadn't bled. It was unusual in its shape and walls( trust me) They decided to wrap and clip it. I also have EDS 3 which they think may have contributed!!!!!

I do not know much about wrapping and would welcome any info?? Although I have tried to feel really positive and of course "lucky" I am begining to feel anxious that it will happen again, IS this madness? Should I just be getting on with life? I would welcome any advice. Thanks for reading this.

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Hi Karen

Warm welcome to the site, & Merry Christmas....

No its not madness its all part of healing as I can gather, you are in no way alone in feeling anxious...

I hope you find the site useful....

take care


You have already given me hope so it is 11 years since your SAH, have you been well in those years and how long was it before you regained your confidence. Sorry for being so nosey. K

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Your not being nosey...

Yes its been 11yrs I've been as good as there have been a lot of ups & then downs but since those early days Oh boy has it got better.:roll:

for me to get to the person that I am today took time, & I guess attude....

You are still very early in your recovery......

take care

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Hi Karen,

Welcome to BTG. I'm sure you will read stories on here which will inspire you and reassure you that there is life after sah. I am 48 too (albeit for only another few days:frown:) and I think we are far too young to let it stop us from carrying with life. I don't know anything about wrapping but it sounds like the annie has been well looked after. It is only a relatively short time since your operation so your concerns are understandable - but I would certainly recommend coming on this site to air any anxieties etc - the majority of us have suffered a sah (to varying degrees) so have an idea of the recovery process. Wishing you all the best for your continued recovery.


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Hi Karen

Welcome to BTG. I was 49 when I had my SAH and was 9 months into recovery when I found this site. It took me months to be able to just sit at the computer without getting a headache, so you are way ahead of me! I also remember reading a post from Louise. She was approaching her 10th anniversary and that really inspired me.

Your confidence will come back slowly. You are very early days into your recovery, it can take 3 months for the your body to process and get rid of the blood from the bleed. But Sarah is right, the support from this site is second to none!

Take care.

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Hi Karen :) a very warm welcome to BTG ! As the others have said , it is very normal to feel anxious, i know i did in the early stages. So glad you found us, you have certainly come to the right place for support and advise. Take care and rest up lots. Tina xx

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Hi Karen

Welcome to BTG and hope you find it as useful as I always have. Your confidence will return once the fear of it happening again lessens which it will. As the others have already said I'm sure you'll find that by reading some of the members stories it may help you put things into perspective.

I'm sorry can't help with the wrapping but I can vaguely remember the subject coming up a few years ago.....will try a search and see if I can find the relevant post if its still on the site.

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Hi there firstly wecome to btg.

You will feel very anxious it's still early days but about the wrapping i know someone who had it done yrs agoshe is fine, and your in a far better predicament yours has been cipped aswell hers has just been wrpped so try to stop worrying. Jess.xxx

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Hello and welcome to the site,

I had my SAH june15th 2010 and i am 34 . I suffer with anixety , ut i found coming on this site and asking questions it has helped loads:-D Also my gp sent me for counselling which has been great. Stay strong , come on the site daily it really helps me too talk to people who have been in your shoes:crazy:

Take care Rhiann x

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Hi Karen and welcome to this wonderful site.Your no longer alone and can share all your fears or anxieties here.

It's perfectly normal for us to worry about what happened ever happening again but I think the further away in time from the occurrence then the more confidence we have that it won't happen. And you need the reassurance from your hospital appointments as well as your GP that your doing ok too! And don't be afraid to ask for help.

The way I look at it is that they fixed that problem!And hopefully it won't happen again! But thats after months of panic attacks (in the early days) and after sessions with a neuro pshycologist who was wonderful. Good luck in your recovery. Maggie xxx

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Hi kaz, this site is realy a life saver. I had my clipping in June & felt so low & isloated & scared at wgat had ahppened to me until I foud it. I now know what I went through is normal & in the early days expected far too much of myself! I am now 6 months post op & feeling much much better although my eye 8s still a problem as is the tiredness.

Next month I wil be seeing my neuro phsych & ateending some Hedaway sessions to help with areas I have problems with (relarionships etc) & now I feel my futuer is looking good. Just keep coming on here & talking as it will def help

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Hi Karen

I had my SAH on 1 October 2004 and I used to be so worried about a re-bleed or my second annie rupturing. Now I don't think about it as much especially as I'm still having regular checks at the hospital and my blood pressure is under control. Time is a great healer.

It's normal for you to have worries but give yourself time and your confidence will come back.



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Hi Karen ,

Firstly welcome to what i can only describe as your new "family" ..

I had my SAH in March at 31, Spent 3 weelks in HDU/ITU.. I'm still getting my "head" around it all to be honest, You will get down days and be worried about headaches, I'ts "normal" to feels lots of emotions....

Take one day as it comes and hope you find much support here x

Karen x:crazy:

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Hi Karen

Welcome to the site and to the family.

It sounds like your anni has had the "belt and braces" treatment so try not to worry too much. I know at this stage in your recovery that's easier said than done, but you will find lots of support and understanding on here.

I had my SAH in August 2006 whilst on holiday and while the first year was hard, it has gotten easier - to the point where now I hardly think about the SAH and am doing pretty much everything I could do before. The only thing thats not 100% is my memory, but its something I can live with.

Look forward to getting to know you.

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Hi Kaz and welcome to the site, you have been through a major trauma, so being anxious is a pretty normal rexponse! It takes time and for some of us, counselling as well, to come to terms with it and not have the constant worry that it is going to happen again.

It does get better :)


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Hello and welcome! This place has been such a wonderful help to me - I had my SAH on 10th Feb, so it's my 11-month Anni-versary on Monday next! It happened 3 days before my 50th birthday....

Once I had mine clipped the surgeon was so reassuring - she said I was less at risk of a bleed than most of the people in the country because my aneurysm had been clipped whereas there are hundreds of people walking around with aneurysms that they know nothing about. She was adamant that the clip was secure and there'd be no problems, and as she's a lead surgeon at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery I choose to believe her :D They don't even want to do repeat scans on me, and I've just been discharged from follow-up.

It's very early days for you yet. Oh how I used to hate hearing that when I was 2 or 3 months post-op! I thought I'd be back at work within weeks, but as time has gone on I've found the fatigue so debilitating, as well as the cognitive issues I've had, so much as I've tried, I've discovered that overdoing it just doesn't work, and to listen to my body. It's taken me months AND sessions with a neuropsychologist!

It gets better though. My last bout of real fatigue was early December, after a weekend visit from family: all we did was have coffee 2 days running, and have two dinners together in 3 days..... but afterwards I was out of action for FIVE DAYS!

I don't come on here quite so often because I've realised that if I turn the computer on I can end up sitting here for 3 hours and before I know it I'm a wreck. But the forum is so great because there is always someone else who knows what you are going through.

Keep smiling!

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