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Hello, I'm Steven


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Hi People,

My name is Steven and I live in a suburb of London in the UK.

I'm married and have 6 kids and am/was an I.T consultant.

I suffered my SAH on the morning of Sunday 18th May just after awaking and getting out of bed. It felt like being slapped in the back of the head and then several feelings of rushing up the spine. I fell back on the bed and broke out in a cold sweat. There was no one else in the house so I knew I had to try to remain concious if I could.

The wife and kids were at a car boot sale and wouldnt be back for hours. The first hour lasted what seemed like a lifetime. I just lay there knowing something serious had happend but wasnt sure what. Staying awake was so hard but the thought of my familty coming back to find me unconcious or even worse made me determined.

I remember my wife coming into the room, I was very dozey. She asked what was wrong and I cant remember my response but it had something to do with hospital.

I think I past out at that point which was about 5 hours after the SAH.

I awoke at about 4pm that afternoon, still at home. Felling better but with a headache and such a stiff neck. My family had a history of migraine which I hadnt experienced to that point so that was my thoughts of what had happened.

I survived the next week on my back and dosed up with paracetamol / ibroprufen still not having gone to hospital. After day 8 I went to the GP who diagnosed a panic attack and put me on an ECG. Day 10 came and showing no improvement I went to A&E. After a few tests and a CAT scan I was told about my SAH. The local hospital was not equiped to deal with it so I was transferred to the Atkinson Morley hospital by ambulance. Coiling was not an option so the next evening I was taken to theatre for clipping. Surgery was not without complication as it was day 12 since the SAH and vasospasm occured during the operation. I had to be resuscitated twice and it was 50/50 that I survived the night.

I did, and although I dont remember much about the 72 hours spent in ICU, I remember being back on the ward feeling like i'd been hit by a train.

To cut it short, amazing as it was that i'd survived after not seeking medical help for 10 days after the SAH, i was back at work within 2 weeks of the operation. To this day, aside from almost no sense of smell, I have no adverse effects from the SAH or the surgery.

My brother was treated at the same hospital when hit by a drink driver some 17 years previously, to me they're all heroes!



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Hi Steven.

Welcome to BTG.

I hope you've bought a lottery ticket for the Euro roll-over, because you are certainly very lucky at the moment. It seems like you did the right thing by staying in bed and keeping quite for the eight days that you self -medicated. Your GP's diagnosis is quite common, as many people on this site will testify. A SAH is not among the conditions that GPs usually look to for explanations,when headaches or other commonly shared symptoms occur.

Considering the clipping and the vasospasm you have done remarkably well to return to work so quickly.

It took me eighteen months, the first time, but I too returned to work after two weeks following my second coiling. In retrospect, two weeks was too soon for me, but there are no rules here, we are all different.

Well done for coming through it all, and I hope it quickly becomes a distant memory for you with no return of symptoms.

I know what everyone who is reading this is thinking right now....go get that ticket, because you are very, very lucky!

All the best.

Bill B

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Hi Steven and welcome!:-D

What a story you have to tell and how fantastic that you have made an amazing recovery.Am so happy for you and agree,GO GET A LOTTERY TICKET!!!!!

It just goes to show how very diferent we all are and how diverse an effect an SAH can have,no wonder the experts are baffled as to how any one recovery will progress and little wonder we are told so little on leaving hospital.

We just have to wait and see what we - as individuals - are left with and some do alot better than others.

Wishing you all th best


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Hi Steven

Welcome to the site and to the family. What an amazing story - you certainly beat all the odds - I'd definitely buy that lottery ticket if I were you.

Don't forget at this stage to listen to your body and drink plenty of fluids - rest when you need to and don't push too hard at the moment - baby steps will lead to gigantic leaps.

Look forward to chatting soon,

Take care of you.

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Hi Steven,

Welcome to BTG.

It sounds like you are doing really well despite it being such a short time since the event added to the fact that you were delayed getting attention. Mind you, I was operated on on day 11, had severe vasospasm and that was having rung 999 as the sah was happening, so unfortunately it doesn't always work out any better or quicker if, like in my case, you try and get help straight away and the professionals can't/don't detect the seriousness of it.

But like you, I came out of it ok and am truly grateful to have been given that chance to see my kids grow up as I'm sure you are too. I wish you well in your continued recovery.


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