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Follow up angio

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Hi everyone,i have to go into hospital at 6pm tonite for my follow up angio tomorrow and just want to say thanks to all of you guys for your support so far.As you can imagine im a bit nervous anxious and stressed but know it has to be done.I am a bit afraid of forgetting to ask something aswell and might just write all my concerns down.I hope i get to speak to a consultant as i need to know about the plavix as my g.p thinks i need anti-depressants for my anxiety but cant prescribe any as they can heighten the side effects of the plavix of which i seem to have some of (something else i need to remember),i have acquired a few bruises on knee joint and chest and roof of mouth that werent there and wonder if its to do with the plavix.I have been on them for 8wks and still have 4 to go :(

Also i was told i would get to speak to a Neuro-phsycologist while in to discuss my anxiety/depression or whatever stole the real me lol.At present they give me diazepam for anxiety and zimovane to sleep and they do help a little but i want to get back me no drugs just me .

I also want to know if after my angio how long before i can drive again,i know they said i would be flat on my back for 6hrs and may get home tomorrow night but not sure what the protocol afterwards is.Sorry for the rant people i am just thinking out loud again haha and my brain doesnt want to stop recenlty.

Thanks for listening ,love to you all.

Tom x x

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Hiya Tom,

i had my 6 month check in Feb and although I had an angiogram, they did it through my arm not my leg and so I didn't have to stay there for hours afterwards. I was allowed straight home. Are you going to see your consultant? I only saw the radiologist and he didn't really speak english, so no real discussion there. It might be worth giving the hospital a call to check what will actually happen, I got all het up about my check and nothing happened...nothing at all. I'm not trying to burst your bubble, I just don't want you to be as disappointed as I was!

Hope it goes well, will you pop back later with an update?

Dawn x

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Good Luck Tom...head up and chin up..all will be well xx.....Now go get em Tom lol !!

This time tomorrow it will be just a faint/distant / feint oh whatever lol... memory...tell us how it went...take care...

All the Best

WinB143 xx

Edited by Winb143
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Good luck Tom. I found the angio not as bad as I'd expected, just remain as calm as you can. I too wonder if you would have an opportunity to speak to a consultant unless this has been pre-arranged. I didn't see any on the day I went for an angio, although you could always ask whoever you do see (nurses etc), how you can get answers to your questions - having everything written down will help. Let us know how you get on -


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Thanks for the replies,hopefully i will be back home tomorrow night or saturday morning so will let you all know then how it all went,i am going back to the ward i was in and i know that the consultants do two ward rounds daily so i am hoping to catch him and get some answers.Thanks again everyone.

Tom x x

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Hi Tom, I did see the consultant when I went back for the angios. If you are going back to the ward and don't see hi/her let one of the nurses know about your GPs question over medication - they should be able to ask the consultant for you.

Good luck tomorrow! As for driving, I can't really remember but I'm sure they would ask you not to for at least a day or too as the angio entry sight can be a little bruised & uncomfortable afterwards. I was told not to drive by the consultant for 3 months after the SAH, I'm not sure what you were told but I think you are still in the early weeks??

Michelle x

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Hi Tom,

Will keep you in my thoughts for the angio tomorrow morning. Hopefully by now, you've seen the consultant and were able to talk about the medications.

After my angio, at 6 months, I had to lay flat for 4 hours at the hospital. It was done as an outpatient procedure in a day surgery unit. When the 4 hours had gone by, I was given instructions to go home and rest. No activity of any sort - just lay around, watch tv, read, whatever... I was told not to drive for 24 hrs. following the procedure. There was some bruising and a little pain at the femoral insertion site - but it was do-able.

Hope you're able to get some sleep tonight, try to relax and know that this time tomorrow, you'll be back in your own bed!

Take care and keep us posted, as you're able.


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Hello everyone,well i got home at 2pm this afternoon,and must say i am home with better news than i expected.I got the angiogram yesterday morning 9-30am and the neuro-radiologist told me from his view from what he could see it looked very very good.It did take them a while to seal the wound site afterwards and spent more time on this than the rest of the procedure due to the anti-clot drugs(plavix).I was then informed that they were sending me for an mri scan in the afternoon to see if it showed as good a picture and if so any future follow ups would not require to be groin angiograms(sounds good to me).I was then informed that while i was waiting in the ward the Neurophsycologist was going to come and have a word with me.

True to there word the Phsycologist came around 2pm and was great,and very understanding-during this meeting in walked my consultant who had came to bring the great news that the 2 annies that had been treated were now under no pressure and had gone?????????He couldnt stop smiling and i started to cry.The phsycologist asked me if it was tears of joy to which i could only nod.I couldnt have asked for a better result,he informed me that they wanted to do the mri to save doing angios in the future and said he would keep me till tomorrow and if all was well i could go home saturday.

The Phsycologist said she would find out from the neuro-phsyciatrists about anti-depressants that were safe for me to take along with the plavix(clopidegrel) and said she would refer me to same people as she thinks i will benefit from some re-assurance aswell.

I went for the mri scan about 5pm and until then my wound area was good but a bumpy chair ride and clambering in and out the mri machine and i had some leakage on return much to my horror i dived on the nurse button(dont get called doubting thomas for nothing)and the nurse gotthe doctor who calmed me and kept an eye on it for the rest of the evening.She said it was just a small amount and to be expected due to the asprin and plavix.Doesnt do the anxiety any favours though lol.

Got up this morning and checked straight away,seemed to be fresh blood and showed the nurse who said to go for a shower and she would give me a clean dressing and she would mention it to the doctors on their rounds.I did this and by the time the docs came round it hadnt bled anymore,so was told i could go home at lunch time.On discharge i was then informed that i was to get a new drug on discharge on request from my Neurophsyciatrist an anti-depressant fluoxitine i think its called would have to check.So here i am havent moved from the sofa my legs a bit sore but no more bleeding so just have to keep it clean and change the dressing.They did give me an aftercare leaflet on the way out but i cant find it so trying to find out on here.Thanks everyone.

Tom x x

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Hi Tom,

What a fantastic result!! It's time to stop worrying so much. Your brain is fine, the operation was a total success - brilliant news :biggrin: It's all over at last, enjoy the peace of mind. Good that you spoke to the neuro psych & that they have come up with a med you can take to help you recover and move on mentally from this horrible event. Really pleased for you.

My 1st angio took 45 minutes for the staff to stop the bleed after removing the tube, the following 2 didn't take as long. Thank goodness you won't have to go through that again. Scans are so much easier. I had to rest for a couple of days after the angios, no lifting or exerting yourself, then that's it over, carry on as 'normal'.

Hopefully, this result will help you with the mental trauma you have been going through & the new medication will be hugely beneficial. Time to plan a nice meal with your family & friends to celebrate!!

Michelle x

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Hi Tom,

What a fantastic result!! It's time to stop worrying so much. Your brain is fine, the operation was a total success - brilliant news :biggrin: It's all over at last, enjoy the peace of mind. Good that you spoke to the neuro psych & that they have come up with a med you can take to help you recover and move on mentally from this horrible event. Really pleased for you.

My 1st angio took 45 minutes for the staff to stop the bleed after removing the tube, the following 2 didn't take as long. Thank goodness you won't have to go through that again. Scans are so much easier. I had to rest for a couple of days after the angios, no lifting or exerting yourself, then that's it over, carry on as 'normal'.

Hopefully, this result will help you with the mental trauma you have been going through & the new medication will be hugely beneficial. Time to plan a nice meal with your family & friends to celebrate!!

Michelle x

Thanks Michelle still trying to take it all in and thinking positive,but yes its great news and does ease the pressure of the mind lol.The entry site still weeping a little but nothing too bad and leg seems a bit stiff and tingly but apart from that i feel better than i have for a while.Will start new meds tomorrow,was told it takes a few weeks to kick in but just the thought of having something to treat the anxiety seems to help.

Thanks Tom

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So pleased to hear you got such good results regarding the two treated annies. I know this will be a great relief for you and hopefully this in itself will help with the anxiety you have been having. It sounds like it all went smoothly with meeting everyone that you wanted to see - best wishes for your continued recovery.


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Hi Tom,

I can't begin to tell you how happy I was to see this news - it's fantastic and I am so pleased for you and for your family and friends - especially for your partner who, it appears to me, has been and continues to be, your rock. I am delighted to offer you my heartiest congratulations - it really has made my day!!

best wishes


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I am so happy to hear the great news. I hope this news gives you piece of mind! I felt so much better after each test they gave. Although I was still in my SAH fog for 5 months and all the news went over my head! I hated the angio test most of all and hope to never have that one repeated! Well done , Sir!


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Who's a brave soldier then Tom lol..

Glad all went well for you...now you can relax... peace of mind at last xx

Keep Well


WinB143 xx

Thanks WinB143 and everyone else it means a lot,the encouragement and well wishers and information on this site has been inspirational to me and my family.Sometimes for me its hard to remember that my lovely wife and my two daughters aged 17 & 15 and my son aged 11 are going through this hell along side me.Sometimes it takes re-assurance and sometimes it takes a kick up the backside but i couldnt have got is far without them and the rest of my family and of course the help from you guys.Although i know it will be a long road i feel a bit more confidence than i did before the angio and the medical staff have been outstanding so thank you everyone for getting me this far.Love and hugs to all x x x.

Tom x x

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You and Family will come thru this Tom and you will think....I/We got thru this phew lol....time does help ...Keep Happy Tom

Love to you and Family ~ Who have also been through it xx

Smile when poss and when you feel a lot better sing..lol my answer to all x

WinB143 xx

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