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Hi All

I have just got over a cold which involved nasty bouts of coughing and as many I coughed all night. What worries me is there any chance that it may move coils. Maybe some of you have had the same worry. My head feels OK but I'm scared stiff everytime I come into contact with someone with a cough or cold. I do suffer from arthritis and always get pain after coughing but obviously I'm worried about the coils moving.

Anybody advise. I have got an appointment some time so I will be asking him.



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I've had many chest infections/ coughs since my SAH and my doctor was worried about the coils moving especially with all the headaches/ bluriness/ diziness etc that I was getting. After an MRI scan though it was confirmed that they haven't moved but I was told that this could be a danger if coughing for long periods of time or coughing hard (if you know what I mean.) Other people maybe have been told that it wouldn't move the coils but I was told it was a danger.

Hope this helps



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It seems there are many thoughts about movement of the coils and movement of the head. It would make perfect sense for the sudden rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head to mean that items of different density to have different speeds of movement, meaning a physical change in location. I have asked and been told that it's OK for us to go on fair ground rides, but I have my doubts! :)

That links in to the movement of the head and coughing for a prolonged period of time, physically it has to have an effect!


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Hey there

To be honest, it's not something that I've thought about. I've had a cough since SAH and I get a headache if I cough too much but then I always did.

I've also been told that I can go on fair ground rides and basically return to normal life.

Surely if flying isn't a danger - air pressure etc - then coughing shouldn't, in theory, be any more of a danger, but hey what do I know? :roll: I know that my artery has mended completely along the base of the aneurysm and that there is no blood at all getting through. My main worry is the compacting of the coils so if coughing moves them then surely this will stop them compacting? Again, what do I know?

Something to ask my Neuro guy when I see him next.

Sami xxx

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Hi John

Must admit coughing bothers me and I've just got over that bug so was coughing for nearly a month. I don't have coils mine is clipped but is worry wondering if all the coughing might make it shift or pull loose.

I try my best not to dwell on it too much as anxiety makes things seem ten times worse.

Janet x

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Hi all I have never heard of that coils moving when coughing now I am so glad I thought my surgeon was saying oil not coil else I too may have had them instead I had my head cut open and a clip put on the second one aswell. The first one I didn't have a choice which I am glad about that aswell,

sorry to sound so depressing I will find out more for you all. Jess

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Hi John,

It sounds as though a lot of us have had this bug ..... the coughing certainly hurt my head around the annie site and I had more headaches than normal.

Sneezing also seems to affect me, but let's face it, there's not much we can do about either .... so like Janet, I try not to dwell on what's happening inside my head. I've never heard of coils moving, only compacting.

Hope that you're feeling better .......

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Hi John

Hope you're feeling better. Its early days for me with all this medical stuff, so can't really comment. Only the nurses told me to stop upending myself over the bath to wash my hair, but then again it was washing my hair over the bath that set off my first SAH.

I think we're all here for the long haul, we survived something so critical and we have all made lifestyle changes that probably have helped a lot to guard against further SAHs. Hope so anyway.

I'm lucky I haven't caught any bugs post SAH so haven't had to check this out. I would imagine as its a vascular thing, having a very high temperature would be the worst thing.

Spring's about to be sprung, things can only get better :wink:

Love 'n hugs to you

Lesley xxx

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Coughing, yes its something that concerns me and I have often wondered of the effect on the coils as I have three aneurysms coiled. Its almost

three years since my last coiling and I hadnt had a bad cold/cough until a couple of months ago and I had a real tickly cough and couldnt stop coughing, it did concern me at the time. However, non of the medics have ever raised concerns over the effects of coughing, but would they without someone asking them. Maybe its something we need to be asking.


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Guest janey

hi everyone, just nipped into saya happy easter , as will be on that ferry tomorrow, when i saw this discussion and remebered what my gp said to me, when i asked question after question after.......

He said you are one of the lucky ones, we know exactly what is going on in your brain, me i have no idea and nor do millions more. It helped me and it may help someone else

Never asked about coughing though, although, someone mentioned no theme parks.

take care and have a good easter janex

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Thanks everyone, saw my GP today and posed the question as to whether the coils would move from coughing and he told me it was more or less impossible. You've got to have faith in them so my mind is at rest now and the cough has eased so a pretty good day.



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Hi John hope you feeling better,

I haven't a clue guess we just have to go in good Faith.

Keep an eye on your chest though. I was dosed with the cold and thought I was being a hyperchondriac (can't spell) But turns out I have bronchittis. Oh the Joys. I was actually chuffed as I thought it was all in my head :lol:

Take it easy

Aine x

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Hi there all I cannot find anything that says coils can move whilst coughing I really cannot beleive that they do why put something in someones head to stop them dying that could move from a cough. Jess

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  • 2 years later...

Hi folks,

On the subject of coughing..... I have a pretty nasty bug at the moment - wicked sore throat, heavy chest etc, and have been coughing hard and often. When I cough hard I experience a couple of seconds of pain in my head, spreading from the back (where one anni was clipped) forward to my temples. It's a little scary, as is's similar to the pain I felt with the SAH, but it does always fade within seconds. confused1:

Does anyone else experience pain on coughing or sneezing?:

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Hi hav'nt had time to read all the answers to this post but just to mention a couple of months ago Merrill had a really bad cough and it worried me so i look up cough on wikipedia and followed it through and came up with theo bromine helps to stop couching it its highly concentrated in dark chocolate i bought merrill a bar of green and black chocolate the 70% cocoa, she ate about 6 square at 12 20pm and never coughed again for over 7 hours and now if she gets a bit of a cough she it's a few squares of that and it seems to do the trick. Rod

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Aw, I knew I could rely on BTG folk to set my mind at ease!

Well, if you're experiencing the same pain on coughing, Janet, and have had no ill effects, I think I might just start trusting that everything's as it should be, and I'm not going to (literally) cough my head off. Thanks for the reassurance, and I will mention it to my GP....when I can get an appointment.

I had to smile when I read your reply, Rod. Can I really stuff my face with Green and Black (my favourite's Mayan Gold) for medicinal purposes? I'm really happy to give that one a go....and if anyone asks...I'll just say "Rod said I could"!

Thank you both

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My doubt is how much does a gp know about sha/coiling/clipping etc?

On my 1st control after coiling neurosurgeon said I could not horse ride, fly, dive...... when I asked about flying which was the only point I was worried about I ended up thinking she had no real clue.

I asked why and if there was any record of anything having happened during a flight and and she said "NO" so I insist thre is still a whole world to discover for us.

Sure as Jess says after surviving a bleed were not going to pass away because of a simple cough¿?¿ come on.........

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I'm really pleased I saw this thread as I'm just getting over tracheitis and I've been coughing really bad. It has been on my mind whether or not I could move the coils by coughing especially as I too get funny head pains when I do cough. It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who worries and it seems I am unlikely to dislodge anything.

What a wonderful site this is.



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