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3 SAHs and still going strong


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When I was 18 I suffered a brain stem haemorrhage on Christmas Eve 1987.

In Hull Royal Infirmary nearly 7 weeks. 1 of which I was in a coma.

Had a shunt fitted to reduce pressure in the head. During the laser surgery I had another bleed which caused a clot and covered anymore aneurysms. The surgeon thought he got them all.

6 months later I had another haemorrhage. Investigations found I had a cluster of aneuryms still ready to burst.


Stereotactic surgery at Sheffields Royal Hallamshire rid me of them. My Mum became a staff nurse on the neuro ward at Hull Royal Infirmary. I went on to become a chef teaching adults with learning difficulties. Various things happened that were out of my hands so I don't do that.

I volunteered to be a postman for 6 weeks just to get my name on the books. At the end of this there surprisingly werent any jobs. I trekked 55 miles on the Great Wall of China for Headway.


Went back to college and trained to be an actor. This proved to be a bad idea as I was working with school leavers and unable to work with them as they think differently. Took part in a World record abseil and I was 7th to abseil from the very top of the Humber Bridge towers. In Oct 2013 my legs suddenly didn't work.


I live alone and crawled to the phone to ring my Mum who was now a retired neuro nurse. She rushed me to Hull Royal infirmary and after various tests (I had a metal clip inserted in the brain back in 1987 so I wasn't able to have an MIR scan)  it was revealed high blood pressure had caused an aneurysm on the cerebellum.


If it burst it'd kill me. I had it injected with glue to block it and give me the effects of a stroke.

I was in Hull hospital for 3 weeks and had to learn to balance again. Just taken part in The Sea Of Hull. Totally naked and painted blue with 4,000 others. I live alone. People don't really bother with me. I volunteer in a local food bank and until recently I was volunteering in a snack bar of a medical centre.


The moral to the story is keep going and hopefully you'll get there.

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David, wow that's an inspiring story and I'll be honest, hearing from someone that's far into post big bleed territory and living with a shunt is good to read.


You have done some amazing things and feats so far and so glad they picked up and helped you in 2013 to get that sorted early. 


Hope you find the forum a friendly place. The naked blue is probably not something I'd think of doing , was it for a special cause like your Headway trek? 


Anyway keep on keeping on, you're a helluva survivor. 


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13 hours ago, DAVID47 said:

Why is it amazing that I have a shunt? What are you saying?


David, there are some people on here that have a shunt and have been worried about it functioning long time and how often it may have to be changed, will it fail, what happens etc.  What Daff was saying is that its great to hear from someone who has had one for a length of time and it's still doing its job.

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My shunt has blocked twice over the years. Last time it blocked I was in Manchester and the surgeon was unable to remove the old one so he "piggybacked" it.


When I had the stereotactic therapy a few years later in Sheffield (its not available now and you have to travel to Switzerland) it was thought it might clear a pathway for ventricle fluid to drain out. Surgeons wont remove the old shunt(s) so best to let sleeping dogs lie.

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David, according to the Hallamshire Neuro department they do still carry out that procedure. It is one of the very few centres in the UK that do stereotactic therapy.  I was treated there for my SAH and know of someone, who, like you, had it there.


I often wonder if my shunt is now necessary but as you say it is best to let sleeping dogs lie. It will only work when needed anyway.

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Hi David,


Welcome to BTG, I was making a curry when I passed out, I was in cuckooland for approx. I year. 


Then had a shunt fitted and it woke me up from all sorts of weird dreams.  But at least I am awake now !!


I think we are very lucky to be here as I had Ventriculitis, UTI followed by Sepsis !!


My Daughter and Hubby took it in turns to make sure I wasn't left alone.   Without them I do not know where I'd be.


I find this site good as it helped my Daughter and myself.

I wish you well in all you do as you have been through it.

Take care and welcome to the Shunters club. j/k.


Good luck in all you do


WinB143 xx




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Hi David

I cant tell you how pleased I am that you found BTG and posted your story. You are truly inspirational when I'm feeling down, I find your post and  feel ashamed of myself for feeling low. I think what I'm saying is that your words and experiences give me the boot up the behind that I need more and more these days.So a great big Thank you


Jan xx

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