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Finally - 6 Years

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Hi everyone.


I have just got past my 6th year anniversary and what a journey it’s been. In the beginning I never even imagined getting here, but I have and I’m so grateful to everyone who has been involved in my recovery.

I’m not exactly the person that I was but I’m a completely new person and I’ve learned to accept and more importantly love the new me.


When  I first joined this group six years ago I honestly couldn’t see any light at he end of the tunnel but I’m pleased to say that I came through that tunnel and into the light.

Im now enjoying a new job with a lot less stress than my old job and life is GOOD.


Thank you all for your support and love xxx

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Congratulations Paula :) 


Thank you so much for updating us on your 6th year anniversary.

It's really good to read how well you are doing and how things have improved and that life is GOOD :thumbsup:

So very pleased for you.


Onwards and upwards, keep in touch.


Take care

Love Tina xx



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Hello Paula.  Also a big well done 6 years post SAH.


Thanks for returning to share your anni-versary with such a positive attitude about the future.


You certainly put your hubby and sons through the mill six years ago and the re-bleed 6 months later must have been so hard for you all.

Given that you were told you had 3 other untreated aneurysms being monitored, you certainly had so much to deal with.


Glad you took the right approach about work ... and wish you and your family best wishes for the days ahead.




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Good for you Paula,


I am in my 9th year I think lol and I know this site has helped me no end.  Just to know we are not alone helps xx


Keep going forward and good to hear from others who made it as it gives us all hope


Well Done to you  



Win xxxx


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Hey Paula - well done!


It's a sad fact that we can't take your place and do the journey for you.  All we can do is tell you how we coped with it and re-assure you that there is a brighter future at the end of the tunnel. 


Thankfully, you have reached that point.  No-one ever said it would be easy, but with the love and patience of those around you and the determination and fortitude you have shown, it just shows that it can, indeed, be done.


So proud of you and thank you for coming back to tell us!


Best wishes,



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Thank you so very much to all of you for your support and good wishes. I’m so glad to be able to prove to some that there is a light, it just takes a while to reach it.


I feel quite proud of myself now after reading some of your replies. To anyone new to this horrible SAH, don’t let it win, you can beat it!


lots of love to you all

Paula xxx

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I love the reminder that things will continue to improve...Having just gone by 1 year I sometimes feel like "is this it will I continue to get better"....I am fighting it every day Paula and your words help in the fight... Thank you 


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