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Guest Vivienne

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Guest Vivienne


I'm finding that I'm becoming sensitive almost to the point of crying when I watch the (bad!)news or hear anything not very good.

Even good news sets me off!

I'm also finding that the slightest little hiccup in anything, sets me off worrying madly about it!

I watched a documentry about a boy who had a dream to go to college despite his disability, in the end he got a place, and I was just so happy for him I filled up!

If a couple fall out on a tv show, I get so sad for them!

I seem to go from one extream to the other.

But I have found however, that one emotion I seem to have lost is my quickness to fly off the handle at something. I feel that I'm very much more releaxed... which can only be a good thing!!

Anyone else found their emotions have changed?


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Guest shelscha

Hi Vivienne, I was the same way after my rupture. I would cry for no reason. My Dad told me that for a while I had no emotions at all and all of a sudden it was like they came back and all at once! My doctor put me on an anti-depressant and that did help. I also found that I had anger like never before. I am a little over a year and a half now and this seems to have gone away and I seem to be on a much more even ride with the emotions.


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Hi Vivienne,

Just to let you know you are not alone. I cry at the smallest of things, work, home, because I have a headache you name it I cry! I even have friends and family who ring me to tell me what programmes they hope i've taped and not watched so that I can cry to them on a stronger day rather than a normal day! They all know how bad i am!

Sorry tp waffle on but tears are part of an everyday existence now! I did use to be quite an emotional person anyway but nothing like I am now.

Hope this helps



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Hi Vivienne

I was what I thought of as over-emotional before the SAH. I can be quite a toughie, but the news, a magazine story, a kids programme - all of them could make me cry whether I wanted to or not!

Post-SAH I am even more emotional, and cry over the silliest things. Not sure if it's down to changes in the brain, or just having been through such a big and emotional roller coaster as the SAH ;)

Take care, hope it helps to know you're not alone :)

Blondie x

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I also cry very easily, I never used too. I also get very angry very quickly. I don't know if that is frustration at not being able to do the things I used to before or a result of the SAH.

All I know is that I never used to be like this, I was quite a placid sort of person.

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Guest Beth1957

I hadn't really been able to show negative emotions, like anger or sadness, for donkey's years. I felt them, but used to clamp down on them quickly 'cos I'm the one that everyone relies on to be the still centre of the storm...

Since I've known about the annie, I've been much more inclined to cry though, and to let my temper out a bit. I don't know if it's pressure on the brain, realisation of my own mortality, or the counselling I was having anyway to help me deal with my emotions!

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I cry all the time. Good news or bad, anything starts me off. I cry if I'm happy, I cry if I'm sad, I even cry for other people. It's definitely worse sine my SAH.

One thing I have noticed though is that I get startled very easily and I'm always jumping. Yesterday at work I jumped and spilt water on my desk when my phone rang! I just can't seem to get it under control. Trouble is, when I jump I get like an electric shock shoot across my forehead which is annoying.


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Guest Vivienne

It's lovely to hear we all are the same!

Kim... electric shock across your forehead!! Goodness, I've never heard of that, but... I am jumping a lot more than I used to, like the phone ringing, cutlery being dropped in drawers, cupboards banging shut, unexpected loud laughs...

I'm like a rabbit caught in headlamps!

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Hi Ladies!!!

I'm man enough to admit I still get very "Emotional"

That will come as a suprise to a few off you!!

The slightest thing can trigger it, but my main course I know is FRUSTRATION.

Daft, after all this time, it still effects me.

Many of you are aware I help a lot of people. O yes, I come over strong. in one way I am.

The stuff I've seen and heard over the years, well enough said.

Afterwards, when it sinks in - it hurts.

Anyway Vivienne, there is help and support, guidance through this site, and out there. It's knowing what doors to knock - Usually I'll find what I want on HERE.

in Help, Support & most of all Friendship

Take Care


Fellow Stroke Survivor

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Guest Vivienne

Hello Keith,

It's nice that a man knows and understands what we are going through. For some strange reason, I never even considered that a man would feel the same!

But I totally agree with you in what you say about this site. I've been reassured quite a few times. Everyone is so friendly and accepting, it's amazing.

Take care,


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Hi I too suffer for extreme emotions!! In the beginning i would laugh uncontrollably which was so embarrassing-that has abated now but can cry at the drop of a hat and my temper has reared its ugly head. As my sister says ' I don't suffer fools gladly' and i always have to aplogise for my sudden and often unreasonable outbursts.

But it s good to know we are not alone!

Luv Lynn xx

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I would put this post in, I feel really really sensative lately I watched Benjamin button the other night and started sobbing x x Jack was in bed with me asleep and I just kept crying thinking I never want to leave him x x

I want to write down what I want Jack to be told if anything bad happens to me but I just dont feel strong enough to write it down x

I get worried easily still x x But I dont want to spend my life crying and thinking on the what ifs x x but I also dont know how to make my thoughts stop x

Does anyone suffer with this, well I know someone else must, does anyone have ideas to help me x x

thankyou love

donna x x x x

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Hi Donna you are right lots of people feel like that my sister-in-law choked on some food once nothing serious to us but to her it was bad she won't eat when alone anymore, my mom wouldn't go out with my dad when we were kids as if there was an accident we wouldn't have any parents. Donna even without your SAH I reckon you would of felt like this at some point, after mine I wasn't worried at all until Garry came along, now it isn't as bad but I still sometimes think what if I don't see them grow up, and that's why I make each and everyday something to remember. That is why I am always busy :lol:

So my advice would be do something anything everyday that Jack would enjoy, let him see a happy mom smiling all the time (well nearly all the time :lol: ) but don't dwell on not being here cause noone can know what is around the corner so enjoy being a mum and spending time with him.

Sorry I am going on :lol: better go. Jess.xxx

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Hi Donna :D What Jess has said makes sense, we all worry.....what has happened to us, makes you look at life in a very different way. Jess put it beautifully when she said 'Let Jack see a happy smiling Mum' well nearly all the time :wink: Donna when i remember back to when you first joined.....you have done so well....keep positive and enjoy Jack....they soon grow up....i just dont know where time has gone! Take care Love and hugs to you ...Tina xx

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Both Jess, and Tina are right in what they say, you are SO lucky to have Jack, I know its hard to push those thoughts aside but you have the best reason......

And you have done fantastic since you first joined the site.....


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