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What a difference a year makes


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Hey everyone, so it’s my nine year anniversary today.  I collapsed at an event I was running for over 300 colleagues in central London, should have been my day off and which was the saving of me as a friend with me whose husband died from a SAH realised what was happening and insisted on calling 999.


A paramedic fast responder doc was a neurological SME, I got rushed to UCL after a Grand Mal seizure and was at the National hospital for neurology and neurosurgery and in the operating theatre within 6 hrs of being admittted.


I had a grade 4 SAH with acute hydrocephalus and went on to spend over 5 weeks in ICU acute care and hospital and was later readmitted to have a shunt fitted ....who knew that is what a day I would have, it was all shaping up to be such a fun day 


So today I wrote a entry for the blog I started after I was readmitted to hospital a few months on with complications after my SAH that blew up my life on this day nine years ago and led to James (Shunt) being placed.


It was as you all know and share a horrid and hard time and I just wanted to track it somehow. I don’t write posts to my blog much at all now, just do it really to mark that days  anniversary and more for a marker for myself.

It’s an odd one as the main part of ‘surviving’ really came in the years after and which you all share as an experience but of course the dramatic event was such it marked me and plays such a factor in who I am today and so I choose to take stock. Read if you wish, not if you don’t.



Sending love and light to anyone who needs it today and always hope and look for the small wins each day. I always think they are there to be enjoyed no matter how hard won


Daff x

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Congratulations on your 9 years Anniversary Daff :) 


Thanks so much for sharing, i love your blog :) 


Here is to many more small wins.


Hope you had a lovely day celebrating life.


Take care

Love Tina xx

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Congratulations Daff on your 9th Anniversary, over the last 6 and a bit years I have loved reading your posts and taken so much from the strength and courage you have shown, you always have a great positive out look on life after SAH, i wish I could be like you. 

I thank you for all of the support you have given me over these years.


Keep on keeping on lovely lady, I hope you had a lovely day celebrating all that you have achieved.

Love & hugs

Michelle. Xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Daff ~ happy 9th post SAH anniversary. I read your blog. Now, I know why Daff (at least, the poem suggests). WOW. It is something when you don't check in regularly on BTG and then when you do ~ everything you "catch up" reading speaks right to you! A "divine appointment" sort of thing. I have struggled on and off since my SAH and at times don't like the "new me" in the "new normal" BUT your blog hit a chord.


I am a type A personality and control freak. Not that I didn't already know it, but I didn't connect how much it is interfering with my post SAH progress. I am a person of faith ~ so, even beat up myself more that I am not "carefree".  I am still angry that it happened. Your blog really helped. I am three years post SAH and you are nine years. There is hope because as you say, "it is still a work in progress". It doesn't always make sense or work out as one expected ~ and that's okay.


I think we can get stuck in a cycle of emotion~ dare I even admit ~ bitterness. I love how you say you developed "a practice of care, self and otherwise" ~ and, I think it really does start with self-care. I like in your blog how you said everyone (post covid) now knows a bit more about knowing that there is no 'going back to normal'  and then you added, "instead there is only the promise of what comes next and what we make of that". 


Simple words but so profound. I'd almost have to rewrite your whole blog! It meant that much to me. Pray that I too can let go more. I love daffodils in Spring. Thanks Daff.  Love, Kathy (Colorado)

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Kathy , really touched by what you have written so thanks for sharing how my blog made you feel and I’m really glad it helped at a time you felt was useful.  We all keep on keeping on. And yes the art of possibility is a good skill to practice , that and curiosity. 

keep being kind x 

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