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7 Years Yesterday

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Well here I am posting a day late, yesterday was my 7th Anni-versary and I had a really good day. My day started with a lovely phone call from Jan, as always it was lovely to hear from her, i had tried to call her on Monday as it was her 6th Anni-versary but didn't get to speak to her, so we had a lovely catch up yesterday and made plans for her and John to come to see us at some point, we missed out on that last year because of Covid, so it will be nice to get together again.


I had a really nice day, i had a lovely walk around a little village called Cartmel, not far from our holiday park, in 8 years of coming to The Lake District I have never been there, i was in the company of my lovely friend Mary and my little Molly.


There is a beautiful Priory in the village and I had a lovely walk around inside of it, i did sit in quiet contemplation for a little while and said a very big Thank You to whoever was watching over me on the 8th June 2014, I am truly grateful that they were, i then lit a candle in gratitude for my life and in memory of my mam, which was a little emotional.  Then we had a lovely walk around the shops, had a nice cold drink in the village Square, then we headed home.

It was just lovely.


The last year has been a bit strange, what with Covid going on and everything.

The worst parts of the last 12 months were losing 2 very special people who both helped me so much when I first joined BTG.

Both Win & Macca were in my thoughts yesterday as I sat quietly in that church, then of course my dad being diagnosed with prostate cancer, that came as a big shock, he is however doing quite well at the moment, although i worry about him, I am not stressing to much.


As for me, well i have started walking to try and get myself a little fitter, over the winter lockdown I have to admit i was struggling a bit, i think the dark days made it worse, i only walk for 1 hour every night, it has had a massive impact on the way i feel, both mentally and physically, my blood pressure has come down considerably from 157/75 to 120/ 65 which is about where my GP wanted it, so i am over the moon with that.


I have also taken more control of things in my relationship with Verdun, some of you are aware of things that have gone on in that area of my life, well I have stepped up and I seem to be making good progress in not allowing myself to be bullied and abused anymore, still a little bit to do yet, but i feel more able to stand up for myself, i am determined to get things back on a level ground and for the first time in a long time, I feel I am getting my confidence back and some self respect along with it, which can only be a goid thing.


I know i haven't visited BTG much in the last couple of months, i have made the decision that if I am going to moan, I won't visit, I feel like i have done a lot of that in the last year, so i thought it would be good to give you all a rest from me.

I have been looking in, just not posting much.


The one big thing I do want to say is this,

Thank you Karen, i know I say this every year but I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for this wonderful safe haven you created for us all to come to, i found this site at a time when I still felt like i was not going to make it, with the support and help that I received when I joined, I am where I am today, I will be forever eternally grateful to you and every member of this group, for every bit of advice, for every note of concern and for the empathy, love and support that we all have for each other.


I love my BTG family, I have gained 2 very special relationships from this forum, Jan and I are especially very close, love that lady to bits, Andrea has become a very close friend too, i am blessed to have them both in my life, just as I feel blessed to have you all in my life, my world would be a much sadder place without you all.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for always being there, you have all helped me through so much, i will be forever grateful to you all.

Here's looking forward to the next 12 months, let's see what it brings, hopefully everything good.



Michelle. Xx😘😘😘🙏

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Hello Michelle and congratulations seven years on. 


Thanks for your open reflections on how you have faced the past 12 months and so glad you are building your self confidence along the way.


That was a nice day yesterday, spent with your friend Mary and four legged friend Molly. 😊


Your reduced postings have been missed as is everyone who decides for whatever reason to  post less. Every post on BTG has a positive effect on our members and is often the right word at the right time. 😊


So wishing you a positive year ahead.









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Hi Michelle,

Congrats on 7 years...long time

Your post is wonderfully heartfelt...You have had quite a year ... I love what you wrote about the day you spent with friends on your anniversary... 

I have missed seeing you post often as I find what you write welcomed and insightful...but we all need to step back now and then:)

I wish you a wonderful year ahead ...



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Hi Michelle 


Congratulations on your 7 year anniversary its very motivational for me to read positive stories several years after a SAH and I love how the lucky people who have found this group recognise how special a place it is for fellow sufferers...


Being in my first few months post incident..its scary so to read people's stories and experiences but also confirms the survival and ability to move ahead with life... 


It sounds like you had a lovely day and I wish you enjoy the good weather and your surroundings...


Take care and be happy D x

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Hi Michelle


I thought I'd replied to this Doh!!!


Congrats honey 7 years, you have made me smile with your post keep getting stronger and stronger....  You've acheived so much.


Yep, missed you posting but dont be a stranger....


Stay-safe and take care

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Congratulations, Michelle!!! 


Thank you for sharing so openly. I felt your heart in what you wrote and I am happy that you had a very special day. I wish you continued strength, good health and only the best. 


💗 Take care always!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulation on your 7 year Anni-versary ! Thank you so much for sharing. Sorry for my late response.

Michelle you are an inspiration and have been through so much. Love reading all your posts, you have been missed, you are very much part of our BTG family, we are blessed to have you xx


Sending much love, we are always here for you, good days and bad days .

Take care 

Love Tina xx


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