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Everything posted by Winb143

  1. Jan, You do get good days and slow days, well I do on slower days when I feel like yuk, I take to my bed or come on here and smile at your posts. It is the nature of the beast/SAH. We think we are doing good then, Wham in comes an off day, Tears and feeling sorry for myself and wanting not talk to anyone around me (I Could have put moody moo but thought better of it) Tactful Win!! Don't be disheartened, I woke up and my hand shook and I jumped back into bed with another pill. Awoke about an hour ago and touch wood feel better. Holds hand out to Jan "look no shakes". Now you can either have a good cry and get it out of your system. Or whatever you like to do as today is your day to do as you want. Hope you feel better. Mrs Normal xxxxx Love Win xx xx
  2. Hope all is well with you Graham, and you are coming on well. If you ever get on a downer pop into Green room for a chat and give vent, You also Wendy. Keep Bright and chirpy it helps Win xxxx Green Room remember it !! My Orders !! Over and Out xx
  3. Hi Colin, I had my SAH in 2009 and after the OT's trying to teach me to walk play games etc, they gave me a balloon to hit !! Hydrocephalus and doing what you are told to do, did not mix in my cuckoo land head. My Family were told to grieve who I was as I'll never be the same again, and stopped all work with me. I had a shunt fitted in 2010 and it was like a light going on, Win was back !! My Daughter told me about this site and have come on leaps and bounds, so remember when others give up on you, never give up. I was tapping my foot to music and thought if I can tap my foot I can walk. I tried but legs were so weak and back aches but I kept on. I practised walking without hubby knowing and I stood up and took 2 steps before I needed help as back ached. I'll cut it short, when he/hubs knew I could get up he bought me a zimmer frame for Christmas to get me around house. Now I walk back to our car after shopping in wheelchair but I will get there one day so Never Give Up !! Good luck Colin and welcome to BTG xx sing and tap feet okay xx Winb143 xxx Best Pressie I ever had my Zimmer Frame. Got me off Bot !! And I now get privacy in loo xx
  4. If you can manage a happy thought or a smile once a day Renfield then you have this beat, but we do need to bring laughter back in our life. I know we aren't all ready to start thinking happy thoughts but it has helped me no end. Never give up on your dreams either. Now be Well and a happy soul if possible xx Wishing you well Win xxxx
  5. Suzi, Thank your lucky stars as by the time I have got dog off my lap, heaved myself up lol (Excess Baggage) Waddled to door all that is there is a note saying we called and no one was home lol ..I shout "give me time Hold on I'm coming" at the top of my voice. All to no avail !! I wasn't very friendly after I had my SAH but my brother got me out of bed and I sat with him on settee and he sang to me and I joined in. It made me feel back in the real world again xx Good luck xxx Win xxxx
  6. I'm about to sing Renfield block/cover ears Keep Well xxx Win
  7. Hi again Renfield, The mouth thing sounds painful, Oh and good luck on the Scan I was more scared of getting results back, as you say in case !! But was signed off after shunt for Hydrocephelus was put in. Saw Surgeon once more and all cleared they said. Fingers crossed for you. Keep Well Win
  8. Hi Renfield, Sounds like you got away easy if any SAH can be easy. I agree with Sami on the drinking of water. My memory is really bad and I had Ventriculitis and Sepsis while in hospital. So took me an age to get there. They said I wouldn't walk but 60/100 yards and then lower back pains set in. Good you have come out of it quite well it seems , so wish you well and keep in touch Regards Winb143 x
  9. Hi David, Welcome to BTG, I was making a curry when I passed out, I was in cuckooland for approx. I year. Then had a shunt fitted and it woke me up from all sorts of weird dreams. But at least I am awake now !! I think we are very lucky to be here as I had Ventriculitis, UTI followed by Sepsis !! My Daughter and Hubby took it in turns to make sure I wasn't left alone. Without them I do not know where I'd be. I find this site good as it helped my Daughter and myself. I wish you well in all you do as you have been through it. Take care and welcome to the Shunters club. j/k. Good luck in all you do WinB143 xx
  10. You have done well Julie, Bet you are glad it is over now ..phew rough time for you all xx No where near ready for Christmas. I am so glad you are on the mend it is a long haul and you will get good days and some when you want to sleep. You will get there though xx Good luck and thanks for keeping us informed of your progress and Well Done You and Family and hope you forgot about birthday cake now lol Ohhh shh Win lol xxxx
  11. It is a relief when you see others that have been through it Tracy and you think to yourself "phew I am not the only one who has had this" There is a life after SAH so you have to keep a smile close at hand at all times, and keep stress free, pretty hard to do that but I sing when I feel uptight, it is my way of getting rid of Stress !! lol My poor Family xx Keep typing any worries you have on here it really helps xx Catch you later Win (again) lol xx
  12. Hi Suzi All what Tina has put ditto xx Perhaps the stress wasn't helping but good job the nasty things are out. Now come and do some wallpapering for me as me and Hubs are so useless lol. Apart from when I was ill xx Take your time and be happy, well done you xxxx
  13. Hi Tracy When I first come on here I used to get giddy, so yes drink as much water as you can, and is it when you stand you get giddy? I used to get giddy a year after coiling, I was told to first swing legs out of bed then sit there and then get up all at a slower pace than before SAH, then stand and wait then do what you was going to do...water is a must though xx (Doesn't help if you need toilet lol). Welcome to Behind the Grey and if you are worried see Dr, as stress is bad for us and we need laughter in our lives. Good luck WinB143/Win
  14. If you are ever on a downer Maya just pop your head in Green Room and have a chat about all and sundry ..It helps to know we are not alone in this xx Keep talking and when you feel better perhaps a smile xx Love Win
  15. Take care of yourself Sammy and of course Daughter, can you get help there ? xx Wishing you all the Best Again xxx Win xxxxxx
  16. So sorry to hear about your problems Sammy Anne, bet it was an awful time for you both. Are you with a Doc in France? perhaps someone who had NASH might be able to help as I had SAH but remember nothing. I wish you good luck Sammy and your Daughter. Must be awful so wishing you both the best. Love Win xxxx
  17. I know it is natural to stress Maya, but as others have said do not stress, hard not to but think of happy times when you laughed until you cried. I do that a lot and get weird looks from hubby and daughter xx See Doc and say you are scared and tell him how you feel he might be able to push it forward. Good luck and type any worries you might have on BTG. Good luck, Win
  18. Hi Debs, When I asked my hubby about what happened to me he didn't want to talk about it. Both him and my Daughter went through it while I was sleeping. My Daughter still cries when she recalls it. So I do not push it. Your hubby doesn't want to be reminded about it all perhaps? Give him the best you can as he lived through it with you, every decision etc. Wishing you all the best in your recovery xx Win xxxx
  19. Hi Graham, Welcome to BTG. I had my SAH in 2009 and had complications ie Ventriculitis, UTI and Sepsis. This site helped my Daughter and also has in turn helped me and any worries I had. I was told I'd never walk again but up to date 100/150 yards before back goes. I know I am getting well as not so much sympathy from hubs lol. You keep doing what you feel comfortable with, and I wish you all the best in your recovery Win x
  20. Deb, It is good to off load on here, it has helped me no end. To be honest I thought it was the end for me and then I saw people who had same as me and they could laugh. So keep coming on here and writing/typing your worries down and you'll hear "I had that" and it makes you feel normal and not so worried. As Tina and and Sami have said if you want to see Doc then do it. It is on record then. xx Now I do hope you can cheer up and start recovery progress. No rush though xxxx Good luck Win xxxx
  21. Good job your Parents have you Luke xx I have lost some weight by just having a square of dark chocolate, and I know this sounds silly but I buy the real dark choc as I don't like it so much. I have a choc mousse with one strawberry in it and it stops my craving (mini pots). Hope Mum is feeling better and wishing you all Well xx Win x
  22. Suzi, Yes you Boozy lol xx Glad all went reasonably well apart from being sick and headaches. Phew !! Bet it is a relief for you xx Hope tailbone gets better, try a Coccyx cushion it has a hole by base of spine I awoke with a pain there and it is so uncomfortable, I still sit with my cushion (as I call it my hole cushion) lol. But you have spasms !! so might not need one. Well it wont hurt to relieve pressure I guess. I was in bed for an age plus the spinal injections/lumber puncture. Phew glad I cannot remember any of that!! Good luck on recovery and ask Tina as she had clipping done xx Love Win xx (she who cannot sleep) lol ..Keep Well and Bright xx
  23. Wall, Super is correct, if in doubt go see Doc and then when you know what is what you will not stress as much. So go and put mind at ease and good luck and keep typing xxxx
  24. Depends on the person as it took me an age. Complications !! Others feel better, quicker than others, it all depends on you and the bleed. Take is slow and no stress and think of happy times. You Will get there Wall, just take it easy , and once again no stress as my Surgeon told me !! Good luck Win x
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