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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Karl Welcome to BTG Great news you are recovering well and not struggling with your health in any way. I think we can all relate to your living each day with a newly found joy and appreciation ,It's good to be alive I had to have my eye sight assessed and then the Consultant had to write to the DVLA. This took ages and I had to chase it up so many times. Once the DVLA had received the letter it took ages again.....have you told them you need it for work? It is very frustrating, a few members here have found this. There are lots of posts on the Forum if you search for DVLA, Benefits etc. Below are some links that may help you. http://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/forum/7-advice-tipshealthy-livingbenefits/ http://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/topic/2681-fitness-to-drive-after-sah/ http://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/topic/2450-driving-again-after-a-sah/ http://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/topic/2166-dvladriving-advice-needed/ Hoping you hear soon and you can get your driving license back. Good luck.
  2. Hi Tracie I have merged your posts together Ouch! You poor thing, how is your back? Maybe when you whacked your head it may have weakened a blood vessel, or it may have just been one of those things... but as you say I guess you will never know. Hope that you get some answers tomorrow xx
  3. Hi Tracie A very warm welcome to BTG! Sadly it is very common for many to come out of hospital with little or no information on what to expect. It's really good you have an appointment with your Consultant tomorrow. Can I suggest, if you have not done already, write everything down you want to ask. It is so easy to forget something when you have so many questions. Good luck and look forward to hearing how you got on. Glad you found us and found some comfort, you are not alone, you will find lots of support and information here. Feel free to ask any questions and join in the banter in the Green Room....we are a friendly bunch Not sure about more women than men, maybe as you say women are just more open. Take care Tina xx
  4. Sami, Happy Nine Year SAH Anni-versary !!! Congratulations Thank you for all your support and friendship xx It is an absolute privilege knowing you my dear friend You are one very special lady ! Love you loads and as Karen has said... 'the world is definitely a much better place with you in it' Love Tinabean xx
  5. Hi SB This happened to my Mum when she came out of hospital. We contacted them and they did find one that was ok with her condition and other medications she was taking etc. As Super Mario has said, ask the medics and get peace of mind. Take care xx
  6. Happy 4th Anni-versary Kris Its great to read how well you are doing and how pleased you are with your progress Your post will inspire many. Thank you for sharing ! xx
  7. Hi Paul A very warm welcome to BTG. You will find lots of helpful information and support here. Wishing you well with your recovery. We look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina.
  8. Karen, you are such an inspiration and one hell of a woman BTG and all that you have personally put into it selflessly, even sometimes to the detriment of your own health, has and does help so many, me included. Huge, huge respect and lots of love to you. It is an honour to be part of your team. Thank you lovely lady xxxxxx
  9. Hi Subs Great to have an update and good to read how well Mrs Subs is doing Bet Mrs Subs feels really good fitting back into her clothes pre her illness April 2011. All these things help with recovery, like coming off the steroids, time, relaxation, getting back to work and of course her wonderful caring loving hubby always there for her. Your posts do and will help many others here, so thank YOU Subs Wishing you both well and all the best with Mrs Subs on going recovery. Take care Tina xx
  10. Hi Annie Glad you are going to see your GP. A bleed is a bleed and a huge trauma for your brain to recover from. Karen who created BTG said to me once 'Listen to your body and be kind to yourself ' very wise words Good luck and keep us updated. Take care Tina xx
  11. Hi Annie A very warm welcome to BTG. Glad you found us. You have done very well to be back to work full time so soon. I had a lot of pain at the base of my head/neck in the early stages of recovery. It was very painful for quite some months. My bleed was brain stem and my ruptured aneurysm clipped . What type of SAH did you have? I was told the pain was the blood dispersing down the spinal cord. It can also cause painful back and leg ache too. I would definitely get checked out by your Doctor, but it could just be that you are over doing things, as you are only 4 months in recovery. Everyone is different in their recovery. Take care and let us know how you get on. Tina xx
  12. Hi SBaker A very warm welcome to BTG. Glad you found us. As Win has said above, you have come to the right place for lots of information and support. We are a friendly bunch You have both been through a very traumatic time, but it's really good to read how well your husband is doing, after all that he has been through and going through.. A very worrying, exhausting emotional time for you, bless you. In the early stages I was very noise sensitive and also very deaf in my right ear. I can still be noise sensitive 7 years later and also still a little deaf in my right ear particularly. I had a craniotomy on the right side to clip my ruptured aneurysm, I think this may have contributed towards my deafness, as they had to cut through my ear to get to the brain stem. Feeling lightheaded can often happen when you are overdoing it a bit too much or move to quickly, especially if BP, hydration etc is ok. Your body has a way of telling you to slow down. Always good to get checked out by a Doctor if feeling this way, as you have done, especially with your husband's medical history. I found that after eighteen months of constant small improvements, it slowed right down and then I would get extremely fatigued, lightheaded, dizzy, if pushed too hard. This still happens today and to many of us here.. I find I just have to pace myself and know my limits. Which I found out gradually over time. It is still very early stages for your husband and he should be very proud of how far he has come. You should be very proud too, as your love and support will mean so much just being there for him. Wishing you well and your husband with his ongoing recovery. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  13. Wonderful news Mandie xx
  14. Hi Mandie Good luck seeing your Neurosurgeons today, hope all goes well for you and you get a surgery date set. Take care x
  15. Hi Sammy Anne A very warm welcome to BTG. It's very early days for you. I was told my neck and back pain was the blood dispersing down the spinal cord. This can take some time to disperse. Don't be afraid to mention your pain at your next consultation, you must let them know so they can check all is ok. Exhaustion is very normal after doing the smallest of things....your brain is working hard repairing and also trying to work as normal. Rest rest and more rest especially in the early days is very important for your recovery. Listen to your body and be kind to yourself, Karen who created BTG told me that in my early days As for your trip, only you will know if you feel up to it. It depends on how far you have to travel and if you will be expected to meet up with others and do lots of things ? You would need to be able to rest up and recharge a lot. Perhaps it would be best to postpone it, I am sure your little girl would understand as you have been very poorly, but see how you feel. I would also check with your Consultant before going if you do, especially as you have on going examinations over the next three months. Wishing you well in your recovery and look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  16. Hi Issy A very warm welcome to BTG. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care.
  17. Congratulations on your 1st year anni-versary What a year you have had indeed ! I would definitely seek medical advice for peace of mind if you are feeling this way. Let us know how you get on. Take care.
  18. Really good to hear you are doing so well Jules Thank you for letting us know and sharing your positive news . Take care.
  19. Happy 1st Anni-versary Michelle Hope you have a lovely day celebrating life with Verdun....enjoy shopping, chocolate cake making and chilling Take care lovely lady. Lots of love Tina xx
  20. Hi Mandy, so sorry you have had this dropped on you just before your break....especially as you have been doing so well Its not surprising you are feeling dizzy and headachy ! Its bound to make you feel very anxious and make your blood pressure go up. So pleased you managed to meet up with Sarah Lou and Gill both lovely ladies that I have had the pleasure of meeting too Good luck with your appointment and hope your blood pressure improves. Hoping all this upset does not ruin your break and your review goes well next week. Take care and sending you a big hug xx
  21. Great news Louise so very pleased for you xx
  22. Hi Tony Happy 3rd SAH Anni-versary ! Thank you for posting such a positive update It is great to read how well you are doing and your positive out look is an inspiration. As Sub has said so well in his post above , "It`s great to see how you faced up to the challenges realising that there would be no quick fix and tackled them in a way that ensured you gave yourself every chance of the best recovery possible" Be very proud Tony ! Hope you are doing something nice with your family to celebrate. Take care and look forward to hearing more from you with your on going recovery.
  23. Hi Gary A very warm welcome to BTG ! Its good to know the site has helped you through really hard times. As the others have already said, take your time and join in as and when you feel ready. Take care.
  24. Good luck from me too Mandy hope all goes well tomorrow with MRA scan xx
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