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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Nita....so sorry to hear how ill you have been, but as the others have said...you Can do this, you are an amazing strong lady, you have proved that once before ....we are here for you. Wishing you well...hugs to you...love Tina xx
  2. Hi Zoe so glad all went well for you sounds really positive...take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Phil a very warm welcome to BTG so glad you are doing so well...take care Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Anne, so sorry for your sad news, deepest sympathy to Sandra and family...love Tina xx
  5. Hi Anne Agree with Gary and Karen. You have been through alot recently and not surprising you feel so emotional and tearful....so would i. Sending lots of love and hugs to you Anne. Take care love Tina xx
  6. Hi John I remember when you first joined BTG Your positive attitude is a credit to you and an inspiration to others Here is to the next 12 months and getting back to work.... if anyone can you can Well done John Take care love Tina xx
  7. Hi Rhiann a very warm welcome to BTG. As the others have said....take it easy...on the good days pace yourself dont zoom around we have all been there and done it easy to say with 4 kids....take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  8. Hi Chrystal a very warm welcome to BTG. Thank you for sharing your story....Good to hear your Mum is doing so well. Please take care...look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  9. Hi John....i too have balance problems. I had a basilar tip brain stem anni clipped. Sometimes even when standing still i suddenly feel dizzy and bump into things. It is normally when i am tired or affected by certain lights. Good luck with your tests...take care Tina xx
  10. Hi Jimbo, a very warm welcome to BTG I am nearly 3 years on and still cant sleep on my right side where i had my craniotomy, i can feel the screws on the side of my head and cheek bone. I dont have the rushing water feeling, more like someone is really pinching my face and forehead really hard. It is a deep pain. My right eye brow is still paralysed. I am having bad pains at the moment...it always gets worse when tired or stressed. I asked my Neuro surgeon and he said it was nerve pain. Something i will probably always have. I also find it worse when the weather turns cold. It does sound like you have a very stressful job, and agree with Janet and the others, anxiety does seem to make things worse. Take care Tina xx
  11. Hi Tina a very warm welcome to you Hope you slept well and have a good day at work. You have done so well ! Well done you ! Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  12. Hi Jo a very warm welcome to you...glad you found us. You sure have been through it. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  13. I was the first my GP had come across...i was mis diagnosed as having a sick bug. On the 3rd day, i was incoherent and could not get out of bed...my best friend took me to hospital, where i was rushed for a CT scan by a Doctor who picked up straight away what might be wrong ( tried to find him and say thank you but had moved on and could not find him ) i was then blue lighted to Atkinson Morley Tooting. I was very lucky and cant thank my Neuro Consultant and all the wonderful nurses that saved my life. My GP has also been wonderful, infact he told me a few days after i had my SAH, he was called out to another patient that had had an SAH, sadly he did not survive. He has only come across 2.
  14. Hi Jules a very warm welcome to you...have also had a quick read of your update by James....i often have to ask my hubby what happened as i dont remember parts when i was in hospital etc. How wonderful to look back and see how far you have come...look forward to hearing more from you . Take care Love Tina xx
  15. Hi Sonia really hope the Botox works for you and helps with your eye lids....bless your dog...what would we do with out our pets and loved ones. Yes..we will get there and so will you Take care love Tina xx
  16. Hi Zoe ....sending you hugs...i so feel for you. I agree with Mace and Karen....get all your family together with Richard, and maybe your GP. You definitely need more help and support...it is a huge thing to try and go through with out help and support...you also need time out. Really hope things get sorted for you...thinking of you, take care love Tina xx
  17. Hi Kelvin a very warm welcome to BTG ...it seems to me misdiagnosis is very common with SAH...i was told i had a sick bug lol ! Thank God for the amazing Surgeons and nurses that got us through! Glad you found us, as you say it is great to be able to talk to others that know what you have or are going through. Wishing you well...take care love Tina xx
  18. Hi Sonia Hope you and your Mum have a lovely time today. I love your determination 'quote' ' but i want to do it and i will ' Good for you Sonia Take care love Tina xx
  19. Hi Pamela a very warm welcome to you. Karen has said it all ...i also had panic attacks and sight problems...to the point i did not want to go out at all. I went to my GP and had counselling. This did help but what helped more was BTG and all the lovely friends i made here that gave me support. It will get better in time, but it is a life changing thing that has happened...sending you hugs...look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  20. Hi Jo a very warm welcome to you....well done you....how far you have come...keep up the good work...take care love Tina xx Hi Stu also a very warm welcome to you....wishing you well for your op and for a speedy recovery...take care love Tina xx
  21. Hi Lorraine ...i have flown and had no problems, but i did set off the alarms, i have a clip and metal plates and screws in my head and face made of titanium and cobalt chromium. (Spelling ??? ) Was a bit embarrassing being body searched, i have a letter from my GP that i carry with me. I always take some sweets to suck on taking off and landing as it helps with the pressure in my ears. Have a great time. Take care Love Tina xx
  22. Hi Tracy....sending you hugs xx It is all very normal to feel this way, you have been through a huge trauma. My emotions were all over the place for quite some time. I would go and see your GP and explain how you are feeling. Sometimes just talking about it really helps....even if you have a good cry or rant. We are here for you....take care love Tina xx
  23. Hi Grace a very warm welcome to you I was also clipped....you have done amazingly well ! Glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you. Good luck with your appointments. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. Hi Diane....agree with the others, i would get Mark to see his GP just to be on the safe side., But also agree with Maggie, it could be anxiety coming out after such a huge trauma. Wishing you both well and a very Happy 1st Anni-versary to you Mark Take care love Tina xx
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