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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Gill Glad you are taking a list of all you want to ask, as if you are like me you will forget I have pain on my cheekbone too, they had to remove it and i have metal there and on the side of my head. I found it hot and cold sensitive. At your early stage it will more than likely be the mending of the nerves and muscle and tissues they cut through. Good luck on the 19th xx
  2. Hi Gill Its still very early days for you....i still had alot of pain and twinges under my scar and the side of my face and ear and forehead for quite some months. I still get nerve pain now sometimes. I could not open my mouth wide at all for ages...its where they cut through the muscle and takes a good few months before normal again, or that was my experiance. It is all part of the mending process i am sure, but it is scary sometimes i know, if worrying you, i would go back to Consultant to get peace of mind. Take care Love Tina xx
  3. Hi Alan...a very warm welcome to you and Erin Keep doing what you are doing You will find lots of help and support here. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care both, love Tina xx
  4. Hi Sally, just wanted to also say you are not alone xx ...first year is very hard and i think you have done amazingly I also have moments now. Cant help much with the benefits side, but my GP centre helped me in the end with filling out the dreaded forms. Also i had to reapply as was turned down. I went through my GP for councelling, i was put on a waiting list that was 6 months long...but it was worth the wait as it really helped. Agree with the others councelling should be available for everyone. Dont give up on the driving....it took me 2 years for my eyes to get good enough to be able to drive again. Sending you a big hug Sally, hang in there. Take care lots of love Tina xx
  5. Hi Kasim...thank you so much for posting. Please send your Mum a big hug and let her know we miss her and are thinking of her. Myra is a lovely special lady. In my thoughts and prayers, Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Laura Hope your head is on the mend...if not just go straight to A & E. I think all Doctors should read this forum as SAH is very hard to diagnose, as alot of us have been misdiagnosed! Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Tina


    Hi Ash...wishing you all well....lovely to read your Mum smiled when you played music take care xx
  8. Hi Holly A very warm welcome to BTG. So sorry you are going through such a horrible time. I am sure it is just the shock and his parents will come round. It is not your fault...i was also told it was something you are born with. Wishing you and your boyfriend all the very best. Take care and look forward to hearing more from you. xx
  9. Hi Gary...i was told to take the low dose of Aspirin, one a day for 6 months after my clipping. Even though i had a bleed it was something to do with the surgery. I also bruised easily, but was ok when off Aspirin. Hope this helps
  10. Hi Karen Time sure does fly.....but what a wonderful recovery your Mum has made I think the more outgoing social side is because it makes you look at life quite differently than before Take care Karen...its great to hear from you...love Tina xx
  11. Tina


    Hi Ash Thank you for your update.....great news your Mum is now stable enough to be on a normal ward all positive Take care love Tina xx
  12. Hi Leo I have never heard of it either...but really hope it works for you. Take care Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Denisse A very warm welcome to BTG Wow you are doing well to be on here and posting...well done you ! BUT!!!! As the others have said....dont rush things and rest up plenty, especially with two children to look after. Glad you found us....look forward to hearing more from you...take care Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Ben...a very warm welcome to BTG you have certainly come to the right place for support and advice at this very difficult time. The others have said it all. Hang in there...wishing Janey, your daughter and you all the best. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  15. Tina


    Hi Ash...so sorry to hear your news....thinking of your Mum and wishing you and your family best wishes...take care love Tina xx
  16. Hi Garyolly a very warm welcome to you...so glad you found BTG Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  17. Hi Liz Never say sorry xx Glad you got it off your chest! What an emotional time you have had. I can empathize completely. Great news you don't have to go back....what a relief ! The emotional side takes a long time to get over...i am at 2yrs 7 months and still have my moments. Don't be so hard on yourself.....wise words said to me a long time ago by Karen....please take care Liz...love Tina xx
  18. Tina


    Hi Ash...glad your Mum is a bit better...sorry your Dad not well....hope you are ok...you must be exhausted with all the worry....please take care .Tina xx
  19. Hi Zoe Great picture of your family So pleased to hear how well Richard is doing...onwards and forwards Take care love Tina xx
  20. Wow Lynz :) well done you, that's a fantastic achievement how proud must you feel !! Really pleased for you....love Tina xx
  21. Hi Jan...as Liz has said, what a worry for you sorry your holiday was a disaster . I had bad ear ache and deafness, but it was because of my craniotomy, they cut down just in front of my ear and it was blocked with blood and stuff, i had it sucked out...yuk. I think you should have a scan to give you peace of mind if nothing else. Wishing you well for the 22nd, take care love Tina xx
  22. Tina


    Hi Ash a very warm welcome to BTG...so sorry to hear about your Mum. You have come to the right place for support and advice. Good advice from Paul, cant add much apart from remember to take care of yourself to and look forward to hearing more from you xx
  23. Hi John...hope you are ok? I seem to be ok with regards to bugs and stuff...no difference, rarely was ill. But then my Cancer they say was caused by the trauma of my SAH...so who knows ?! Take care love Tina xx
  24. Hi Lin Lin a very warm welcome to BTG wishing you all the best xx
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