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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Eddie wonderful news wishing you and your family a very Happy Healthy New Year !!
  2. Hi Debbie I saw a counsellor and it really helped me.....they did not tell me anything i did not know, but it helps to talk to someone completely removed. There was a 6 month waiting list in my area...i would definitely ask your GP to refer you....wishing you well...take care xx
  3. Hi Surfer...not surprised you are scared and upset. On the positive side it will not hurt to be checked out again, and i am sure all will be ok. Keep positive as Tracy says and try to relax. Easy to say i know. I agree with Lynne...i would go back to my original Consultant and ask them what they think. Wishing you all the best. Take care Tina xx
  4. Hi Debbie what a wonderful Christmas prezzie....so pleased for you... take care love Tina xx
  5. Hi Zoe...so sorry to hear about Richard needing more surgery ...but agree with Sami keep doing what you are doing ! Hoping all goes well for Richard....take care both, love Tina xx
  6. Congratulations Jo on your engagement.....really hope all goes well for your return to work. Take care love Tina xx
  7. So glad you went Lynne and really pleased it has worked out so well I contacted Headway and like Vivien they were to far away, but they sent me info and also a card to carry around like Gill has. Well done you for going...so pleased you feel brighter lighter happier and had a good day....and won the raffle Love and hugs to you love Tina xx
  8. Hi Jo glad you came back....what a shock for you! Your eye may be sore for quite sometime. I still get pain around my eye, side of face and forehead. It gets bad if i am tired or if i get cold. The swelling round my eye and face also took a good 6/9 months to go down. Its very early days for you. Rest up, drink plenty and keep in touch...take care Tina xx
  9. Hi Bay a very warm welcome to you...you certainly have come to the right place for advice and support. You mentioned your sore spots and the painful tightness across your forehead...were you clipped ? I still suffer from that now 3 years later...it goes in waves. I was told it is nerve damage. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  10. Hi John Lets hope its a good day all round....will have to be if its your Birthday :biggrin: hope you will receive enlightenment ....take care love Tina xx
  11. Wishing you well, good luck for your appointment...take care love Tina xx
  12. Good luck Tracy...hope you get piece of mind...take care love Tina xx
  13. Rod...so sorry to hear Merrill has been so unwell....my Dad had 3 TIA's and yes i believe they are mini strokes as Sami has said. I do you wish you both well...Take care love Tina xx
  14. Hi Neil Thats fantastic news :biggrin: so pleased for you....wishing you and Tammy lots of love and luck for a very healthy future...take care love Tina xx
  15. Hi Kel...glad its all over for you and positive you get good results Like Sami, i have only had one angio when i first had my bleed . Take care love Tina xx
  16. Thank ' YOU ' !!!!... Karen, Keith and Chris for BTG and for all the hard work that i know you all put in !!!! Thank you Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Very Healthy New Year !!!! xx
  17. Hi Ann thats fantastic news....well done really pleased for you, its really good to hear how well you are doing...take care Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Zoe so pleased Rich will be home over Christmas . Glad you bumped into John and Julie and had a chat ...Take care Zoe ...love Tina xx Hope the future will bring all you hope for xx
  19. Hi Surfer, as far as i am aware, i only had it done on one side...the right hand side. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi Gary... i think a few on here have and have been successful xx
  21. Thanks for the info surfer34 all seems very positive to me. Well done on the research !
  22. Hi Pat a very warm welcome to BTG....so glad you found us ! Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Tina xx
  23. Hi Nita....so sorry to hear how ill you have been, but as the others have said...you Can do this, you are an amazing strong lady, you have proved that once before ....we are here for you. Wishing you well...hugs to you...love Tina xx
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