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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Thanks Jen...very interesting article xx
  2. Hi Luisa just want to say well done for getting back to work.....i admire you greatly....really hope things improve for you...take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Mel a very warm welcome to you...look forward to hearing from you soon...take care xx
  4. Tina


    Hi Diane...must be so hard for you to cope with....sending you hugs. As the others have already said, i think your GP or as John has said Clinical Neuropsycologist. Dont give up....recovery is sometimes very long. But with the right help Mark should hopefully improve. I wish you both all the best...take care love Tina xx
  5. Hi Nita Saw you on Secret Millionaire last night How brill was that !!
  6. Congratulations Kel well done you xx
  7. Just met the lovely Leonie had a nice lunch and natter and will keep in touch. Jen...its great to meet up with others that know how you feel and what you have and are going through. Good luck with setting up your support group, when you are ready
  8. Leo...just read your post...will try to get there.
  9. Hi Zoe...so glad your Son is ok...fingers crossed for assesment ...hope all goes well take care xx
  10. Hi Anne...like Janet...i cant advise on the actual aneurysm. My aneurysm ruptured, it was only 2mm but a severe bleed at the stem of my brain, basilar tip. I was told if i did not have it clipped it would bleed again at anytime and i would die. Mine was not suitable for coiling. I had to wait 12 days for my brain to reduce from severe swelling, before they could operate, in intensive care. I was given 10/20% odds of surviving. I had to say goodbye to all my family . After 7 hours of surgery i survived. :) It is an incredibly hard decision that only he can make, taking into account his Consultants advice. It was a horrendous time for all my family....but just wanted to give you hope.....against the odds i did survive.
  11. Hi Nita Congratulations on your 4th Anni-versary....take care love Tina xx
  12. Tina

    Hi I'm Kylie

    Hi Kylie a very warm welcome to you...thanks for sharing your story. Look forward to hearing more from you....Take care and rest up...love Tina xx
  13. Hi Bubbles A very warm welcome to you...glad you found us. Take your time and post when ready...take care, love Tina xx
  14. Hi Maggie A belated Happy Birthday to you and welcome to BTG Is very early days for you....rest up lots and listen to your body...look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  15. Hi Lisa a very warm welcome to BTG...really hope the upset between your family sorts out ...you really dont need that! Good luck at Headway...take care Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Anne I am a month ahead of you and also suffer from bad fatigue bouts...but i do tend to push myself and dont always rest up when i know i should and have been unwell recently. I agree with both Karen and Maggie, get yourself checked out, it could be something simple to sort out. Plus you had a lot of stress with the job situation etc...it all adds up. Please take care Anne, let us know how you get on. Love Tina xx
  17. Hi Saffy Yes my eyes still go blurry ...ease up and then when tired or stressed go blurry again. I am nearly 2.5 years down the line....i think i will always have this now, but never say never Its very early days for you after your operation...i am sure you will improve. Take care love Tina xx
  18. Well done John 6 months down the line you have done very well ! Like you , I still have short term memory, extreme tiredness, cant multi task and get frustrated that i cant do these things like i did before. I think KeithB has a good way to look at it...try not to see them as problems...find ways to get round them...i am still trying but getting there. Take care John and keep positive...you will get there. Love Tina xx
  19. Good luck Laanka As Kel has said...take it easy...pace yourself...take care and let us know how you get on. xx
  20. Hi Kate a very warm welcome to you So glad you found us ! Everyone on here understands how you feel, perhaps if you show your partner and friends this site, they may understand a bit more ? Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care. Love Tina xx
  21. Hi Jan...yes i also did get the vice like feeling, i still get sharp pains in the back of my neck and the base of my skull. Really hope you feel better in time for your holiday...hugs to you xx
  22. Hi Angela You both look great...so pleased you had such a lovely time, Take care both xx
  23. What a nightmare Joan....cant imagine what you were going through ! So glad it is all over. Wishing you well....rest up and drink plenty....take care love Tina xx
  24. Saffy...glad all went well for you...and yes you are worth it you take care and rest up xx
  25. Hi Mark a very warm welcome to you and Annette Sorry cant help on the Critical illness as did not have it...but i know others on here did have and were covered. Wishing you both all the best....take care Tina xx
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