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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Jan A very warm welcome to BTG....thank you for for sharing your story...look forward to hearing from you again. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Terry A very warm welcome to BTG, this site has been a God send to me....so much support and advice, and wonderful people.....look forward to hearing from you again. Love Tina xx
  3. Tina

    I m helpless

    A very warm welcome to you, sorry to hear about your Mum....i hope things will improve, and please look after yourself....take care . Love Tina xx
  4. Laura, well done to you both...i can just imagine how emotional it was for you....lots of love to you, love Tina xx
  5. Tina


    Hi Phil Fantastic news.... WOW! ......so pleased for you......i am overwhelmed!!!! Such wonderful news ! So lovely to hear from you and that Sharon is doing so well....... Hope you are well...remember to look after yourself. Take care Love Tina xx
  6. Keith...just reading everyone's replies and noticed your post!! Well of course it would be a Basilar!! Oh dear...just proves i just dont know my arteries Thank you x
  7. Hi Lauren Glad that you and your councillor ended on a good note, and hope you can sort out all that you have to. Keep your chin up.....it is a lot to do on your own ...let alone with out the support of your family. I really hope that things can be resolved for you. Take care, lots of love and a big hug to you. Love Tina xx
  8. Hi Lauren...sorry cant offer any practical ideas...just wanted to say, i feel for you, its so unfair....take care and keep your chin up... Love and hugs Tina xx
  9. Ha ha ha! Female ! Hi karen I was 45 Right Subtemporal Approach and clipping of Basilar Tip Aneurysm....a berry aneursym that ruptured. Just looked at my discharge notes ! Was at the stem of my brain so not sure which artery ! Was clipped with colbolt chronium/ titanium and have titanium plate in the side of my head and cheek bone. Hope that helps Love Tina xx
  10. Hi Karen My sleep patterns have changed a lot......like Jess when i first came out of hospital i slept a lot. It gradually got a bit less during the daytime. Even now 13 months later, i actually feel more tired than ever.......i think it is because i am trying to do more. I often find when i do my housework, i have to go and rest, as i feel shattered and dizzy and wiped out! If i have a late night, i either have to have a nap earlier or, it takes me a good few days to get over it. Also with concentration, that really tires me out. Sometimes i am so tired, but cant sleep and have very vivid dreams. I know when i first saw the survivors DVD, and they were all saying how tired they were, some were a year or so down the line....i said to my self...that wont be me! I always have had lots of energy...but it is me! Hope this helps Karen, Love Tina xx
  11. Hi Rachel...glad Jon is doing well....i agree with everything you have said...it often seems to be missed, as i was....told i had a sick bug, by my GP that i had called out...i was in agony! I was lucky my friend came in to see me and rushed me to hospital...she saved my life! Take care Love Tina xx
  12. Bless you lauren...it is so hard with families...i really hope you and your sister can sort your differences out and support each other, and work together to help your Mum. Take care...a big hug to you...lots of love Tina xxxx
  13. Hi Vaughan A very warm welcome to you, I am at 13 months now, and find the tiredness worse...maybe because i am doing so much more. Look forward to hearing more from you....you will find this website very friendly, supportive and informative..... it has been a life line to me, would not be where i am today! Take care Love Tina xx
  14. Donna Good luck....you can do it.....go girl! xxxxx Lots of love Tina xxxxxxxxx
  15. Tina


    Hi sharon Lovely to hear from you......hope you had a fantastic holiday!! Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Lauren...so glad you have had a giggle with your Mum and so pleased someone is listening!... hope you can get your work hours changed so you can spend more time with her...You take care ...Love Tina xx
  17. Excellent news Joanne....you take care... love Tina xx
  18. Hi Joanne a very warm welcome to BTG I agree with the others...take your time and discuss how you feel with your GP....dont be pushed back if you dont feel ready. Hope you get your appointment sorted. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  19. Congratulations Lucie!!! I love your photo !!! have a great Day! Love Tina xx
  20. Hi Lucie Happy 3rd Anni-versary for tomorrow....so glad to hear you are doing so well! Love Tina xx
  21. Hi Kim Thank you for sharing your story....so sorry to hear about your father. As Karen has said....it is great to hear how you have come along with your recovery.....well done to you...take care...look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  22. Hi Michael Wow ...you have done well.....i truly hope 2009 will be a better year for you and you will celebrate your 25th Wedding Anniversary in April in style.....you take care...love Tina xx
  23. Hi All 3 months!!! I wish.......i was lucky that Yasmin had a copy of the booklet and gave it to me to read .....and i have to say it was very helpful....but agree the recovery time stated is definitely open to dispute. Take care Love Tinaxx
  24. Hi Scott...i saw this on the news last night....as Evelyn has said a blessing from a tragedy.....how the family are coping i just don't know...i also pray she does well. Love Tina xx
  25. Hi Komodo A very warm welcome to BTG...you will find a lot of support and friends here. Like the others i had not heard of Tersons Syndrome....i wish you well and look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care Love Tina xx
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