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7th Anni-versary!🥳


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Good morning everyone!


Today is my 7th anniversary of my SAH, caused by two ruptured aneurysms. Things have improved a lot in 7 years; some things remain the same. Some days I feel so unlucky to have 4 aneurysms. (I was told last year that I have 4 aneurysms, not 3, which is what I was originally told, and the neck of one of them is widening. Possible brain op number 3?) But on most days I am filled with gratitude because I have 4 aneurysms and I've survived!


So happy anniversary to me!🥳 And happy day to everyone who has been through this awful trauma and  lived to tell your tale! EVERY day is our anniversary!


Claudette 💕

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Hello Claudette, thank you for sharing  your thoughts on your 7th  ani-versary.

It must have been so tough knowing that not only had you a challenging recovery ahead following your SAH seven years ago, but then have to live with the knowledge of these four unruptured aneurysms too. 


Glad the medics are watching the widening aneurysm carefully and wish you well as you meet the next challenge of further surgery.


Take care and stay strong. 



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Happy 7th anniversary Claudette I’ve only got one unruptured ani but at least we know about them a lot of people have no idea. 
I was at a neighbour’s funeral on Friday who died of a bleed, that brought it home to me how lucky we are.

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Compostc, we really ARE lucky! Don't get me wrong, I am not always positive. Since my SAH, my mobility has declined which has led to my arthritis worsening. My memory is still poor, I am still sensitive to noise and movement, and I experience fatigue and processing difficulties, amongst other things.


I'm a different person to the person I was pre-SAH, and I've lost a few friends along the way - people who just didn't want to deal with someone who has a brain injury.


But...I now know who my real friends are, and I now know what is important to me. Sitting in my humble garden gives me more pleasure than I would ever have imagined. And I am grateful for what some people may view as the smallest of things, like someone smiling at me, or showing me random acts of kindness.


I'm SO grateful for this support group. I only come here once a year now, but this group supported me in a way that no one else could or did. And of course I'm grateful that I'm still alive - still able to be there for my children and loved ones when they need me.


So many people don't survive, but we're still here - maybe only for a year, maybe for another 20 years - who knows!🤷🏽‍♀️ But we're still here.🙂 💕

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Happy Anniversary Claudette 💗

And, thanks for posting. It is good to hear from friends on this journey even if only once a year. Wishing you well and happy gardening. I recently purchased a lovely flowing fountain that is placed next to my backyard deck. It has a relaxing sound. Yes, it is little pleasures I seek nowadays. 

Best, Kathy (in Colorado) 

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