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re: counselling

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hi all,

i had my sah in june, and although i can do most things now, im stil having problems with my eyes....itching, extreme watering, and redness every few days. im going back to docs in new year.

my main concern is my state of mind. i am really quiet, compared to what i used to be. i feel i have nothing to say, or cant be bothered. my husband and daughter say i have changed, and they feel i should see my doctor and ask about counselling? has anyone else had any help in this way? i feel i could talk to someone outside of the family about how i feel, but i just dont think my family are aware of a lot of my fears etc.

any advice anyone???



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I ahve found it difficult to deal with the emotional side of things & sked in August for a referral for a nuero Physch. I am eventaully seeing one on 11th Jan s the waiting list is huge. She si only goign to deal with mood management as far as i knw (anxiety etc) but hopeully may address dealign with what happeneed to me. I'll let you know how it goes

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Hi Debbie :) I saw a counsellor and it really helped me.....they did not tell me anything i did not know, but it helps to talk to someone completely removed. There was a 6 month waiting list in my area...i would definitely ask your GP to refer you....wishing you well...take care xx

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Hi Debbie,

I am exactly one year on from you, Had my clipping in June 09 . I am exactly as you describe " Nothing to say and cant be bothered" to make the effort to join in conversations, I was never that way before, always the chatty, excited one. I've not had any counselling, but recently requested it and am waiting for a new first appointment due to the weather putting a stop to the allocated one. I say Go For It, Cant do us any harm. We could compare notes along the way too.

Good luck, hope the queue isn't too long.

Sally xx

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Hiya, I had my SAH in June also the 15th. I have had abt 9 sessions now with a couseller and it has helped loads, my gp said i should go for it as shock can take up too six months to come out. It hits me in waves some days im ok others i cry for most of it , ut i have found what i am going thriugh is normal for somone who nearly died and has had there world turned upside down with no warning!! I think it can only help you.

Take care any time you need to talk abt anything as we are on the same time scale give us a PM .

Rhiann xxx

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Hi Debbie

I had counselling 10 months post SAH and wish I'd gone for it earlier. I work for the NHS and we have a staff counselling service, which I used. You can get counselling through your GP. You can see a consellor, psychologist or neuro psychologist (although there can be quite a waiting list for psychologists). I found it helped a lot and she helped me understand a lot of how I was feeling. She explained to me that I was suffering from post traumatic stress and that made me realise why things could be so difficuly at times.

I too am much quieter than i was before. If there are a few people around a conversation I tend to listen more because I'm a split second behind everyone else in processing what's being said! I have to concetrate really hard sometimes to follow what's being said and it can tire me. But I'm fine with that because that's how I am now!

I work in the psychological services department of our NHS Trust and am very lucky that I have access to them everyday and also can access all sorts of information.

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Hi Debbie,

Poor you - you've survived one of the scariest things that can happen to you, certainly you're going to feel very different. Please be assured of two things, though:

#1 You ARE still you - just might take a bit of digging to find the bubbly you again.

#2 There are lots of excellent people out there who can give you the professional help you need.

Have you tried getting in touch with Headway? I went to see them soon after my SAH, the therapist I spoke with was totally brilliant and reassuring and I felt much better almost instantly. Like Tina, I didn't get told anything I didn't know, I just got a good thorough listening to and, well, it's hard to explain really but it's definitely worth doing!

Click here to see contact details for all the Headway branches in your area:


Good luck! Sending you loads of positive vibes! It helps to remember we're all right behind you. Hope to see lots of posts from you in the near future :)

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we been through alot and sometimes people dont understand. I tried counseling and got no where just drugs i dont need.Take time each day for you and your family and get back into the swing of things, it took me time and i still say i have to rest and im 15 months post op for a ruptured aneurysm.TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS. Like i say im me just a little different.

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I found counselling a massive help. It is definitely worth a try.

I had some sessions through my work and then was also referred for some further sessions via my GP. The work one I felt was better as she was the one who told me I was suffering Post Traumatic Stress, and she helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling.

I think I was withdrawn at first, simply because I lacked the energy to have conversations! Things have got so much better, and I feel almost back to my pre-sah self now, but it felt like a long slow journey initially. Looking back I have recovered really well and surprisingly quickly really.

I hope you manage to get some sessions soon and that you find them a great help.

Take care

Kel x

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Momo I'm the oppsite I dont mind telling people what happened, because if they dont ask they cant know, its helped me a lot.....with social stuff, when we first moved here 3yrs ago I hated going to the club, now some people know what happened to me and its a lot better.....there's only a tiny few that I have got the wrong responce from.....:shock:

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My SAH was in November 2009 and the emotional impact and the subtle changes in my personality have taken me by surprise.

I have learned to be gentle on myself and try to accept the way I am, as opposed to trying to slot exactly into my old life. I found trying to be exactly the same as before a tiring and exhausting process, so I now try to work within my new parameters.

I was a social butterfly, always the last to leave parties and frequently attended bars and clubs. Talking to strangers was never a problem for me and I guess I would describe myself as socially confident.

I am quieter these days, but that's ok! I avoid busy crowded places. I am quieter in groups, listening more to people as opposed to contributing. I still get tired upon meeting new people. I think this happens because I have to concentrate more when talking to someone I don't know well and I become tired quicker.

Instead of raging against this, I work with it. I know that a shopping trip in a busy town will exhaust me- so I avoid it. I don't particularly find this a hardship as I can shop on line. I sometimes think about the shopping trips I used to enjoy, spending whole Saturdays parading from store to store. I really couldn't think of a more banal thing to do these days. I now go on countryside walks or visit the beach and can't believe I didn't appreciate the more beautiful things in life before. So change can sometimes be a good thing.

I went to my first Headway session in December and met a psychologist. I am going to commence group sessions with him in January and even from my brief chat with him I felt better.

He explained counselling very helpfully. He said that if my house had a burst pipe, I would call a plumber. If I needed help in the garden, I may ask my Dad. Why would I not ask a professional to steer my emotions? It was a lovely way to explain it and it made sense to me.

At Headway, I met people who could relate to what I was going through and if I were you, I would consider contacting them.

Take care,


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Hey there

I has my SAH way back in 2006 and my GP referred me immediately for counselling - they don't normally do that until at least 3 months post any trauma as it takes at least this long to show any symptoms. I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress and the counsellor was an enormous help. Within in a few sessions I didn't feel like I was going crazy and it helped talking to someone without an emotional tie. It goes without saying that this site helped my hugely too. It helps more than anything knowing that there are people to talk to who know what you're going through.

Good luck and I hope it helps.

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Hi Debbie,

I am nearly 3 years on and I have had councilling and now I am having cognetive therapy and also on some tablets to help me through x x

I have found the emotional side of things very hard to cope with x x like yourself I used to be the top of the party but now I am the quite one who shuts myself away x x I am in the process of having a change in life and hopefully will help me more with my confidence x x

If you feel that speaking with someone will help then do it x x I find it alot easier to speak to other people about things x just feel like I am a burden when I try to talk to my family x x

any help then I am here x x x just inbox me x x

lots and hugs



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