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Flying after surgery - how does head feel when you fly?

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I had brain surgery last September, 2010, so it's been a year, but where I had the surgery my left side, entry was from my temple down to below my ear. My head still feels very tight round that area and reacts when I am tired, move wrongly, allsorts, basically telling me it is there. I want to fly in three weeks, but feel nervous about how my head will react. Can anyone please tell me how they have felt flying and if it affects your head in any way. Thank you. xx

:confused: Sandy x

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Hi Sandy

I've flown quite a few times since my SAH but only on domestic flights, to visit family in England. I was very nervous about flying and how my head might feel. So I got myself prepared! I took pain killers 30 minutes before I boarded the plane, to try and stop any possible headache. I had to close my eyes on take off as I got very dizzy and the same when landing. I no longer take painkillers because I don't get a headache when flying but I do still get very dizzy on the take off and landing. I also wear in flight ear plugs to cut out the noise from the engine.

The worst part of it all for me is actually dealing with the airport. I find the noise, the lights and the amount of people difficult to deal with. This leaves me tired when I arrive at my destination but I just go straight for a lie down. This has put me off travelling further at the moment but it's on my 'to do list'! Next year we are going Christmas shopping to New York, so plenty of time for me to psyched up for it!

There are quite a few 'jet setters' on this site and fly all over the place! I'm sure you will get plenty of more adice/information from them once they read your post. Good luck and enjoy (I'm assuming you're flight is for pleasure)!

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Hi there I am currently at a hotel in Liverpool we fly to Greece in the morning I do get a little pain in my ears when landing, but it effects different people different ways just fly and have a great time. We have been given a second chance I for one want to grab it with both hands. Let us know how you get on. Jess.xxx

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Hi Sandy,

I had a coiling surgery and have an annie being monitored, I flew 3 months post surgery, No headhurtys, during or after the flight. My doc told me no matter whether it was coiled or clipped or an annie being monitored the air pressure of a commercial airoplane does not effect inside the head.

Hope this helps

Best Wishes


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Hiya, I have flown since my SAH and was fine :) I get these little blue ear plugs called airplanes ( I think) and put them in before take off and again when landing and they stop my ears hurting. I had this problem before my SAH something to do with pressure changes, now solved with the blue plugs, I feel a bit of an idiot with them in though :)


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Hi Sandy,

My surgery was on the right and the burr hole is at my temple too. My scar is also down to just beside my ear lobe. I have had 3 trips abroad and had no issues with my head during flights at all. In fact I would go as far as to say I have less ear pain on the descent than I had in the past. Have a great time.

Sally x

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I flew about 10 weeks after SAH surgery. I had surgery 2 years ago and my scar is in about the same area as yours.

I had pre-booked a flight from Australia to New Zealand before SAH and wasn't able to cancel or transfer the flight.

My neurosurgeon told me there would be no problem, and there wasn't. It was about a 4 hour flight I think.

I actually found most of my trouble was that I got in pain when driving in New Zealand. I am the only driver in the family and to ease my discomfort I just booked massages along the way. I did take it very slowly and didn't travel too far.

I have posted before about my ongoing head, neck and shoulders pain but am so pleased that I have had the best 5 weeks of only occasional pain. I found a physiotherapist who specialises in cranio-sacral therapy and she has helped me so much.

I hope you feel more confident about travelling by plane if you are feeling up to it.


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had brain surgery last September, 2010, so it's been a year, but where I had the surgery my left side, entry was from my temple down to below my ear. My head still feels very tight round that area and reacts when I am tired, move wrongly, allsorts, basically telling me it is there. I want to fly


Make sure you are on a plane in case arms ache..joking !!!!!!

Seriously though.....Been told by my surgeon if you feel okay then do it ......I am terrified in traffic.now and hate loud noises

apart from my singing ...lol

Go and book holiday up you deserve it xxxx

All the best

WinB143 xx

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I would like to thank you all for your comments on flying, you have made feel so much more secure about doing it, I think I felt abit more insecure because my SAH happened three weeks after I got back from holidaying abroad last year, so the flight was still there, a recent event. I am now excited and looking forward to some sunshine and rest , if only for a week. Once more ,thanks xxx

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