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New member..Sherry

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Hi my name is Sherry and I am 34.

March 24,2016 the morning after my sons 7th birthday I suffered the worst headache of my life suddenly only a few minutes after i woke up. After only a few minutes I couldnt stand the light and was nauseous and called 911 as I knew something was terribly wrong.


After getting a ct scan i was told there was bleeding in my brain and I was careflighted to a major hospital. After having a CTA done I was told I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Also non anuresmal. Hard to accept when they tell you I dont know why..I was in trauma icu 4 days and then nuero icu 8 days with doppler testing daily for vasospasms.


Also had blood mix with my spinal fluid which caused excrusiating pain in my lower back and legs to where i could barely walk.

I finally got to come home April 4. I am married with 4 children and the recovery has been difficult. My short term memory is terrible and I have HORRIBLE anxiety now which I never did before..


This is particularly in crowds or even in the car with my family..I feel like im going to lose my mind when more than one person speaks..I dont know if this is normal..Also have the worst time getting to sleep like my brain wont turn off..My motor skills always seemed to be in tact but ive noticed just in the past couple weeks that I have trouble pronouncing words a lot.


My kids joke like I just messed up but It is starting to worry me. I keep waiting to get back to normal but dont know if that is possible anymore. This has been the scariest thing I have ever been through.

Thank you for reading

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Hey Sherry, welcome to BTG hopefully if you read up some old threads and ask your questions here you will find a little reassurance that is going to help you adjust as you heal.

I was 39 when I had mine, two young kids and like you as well they used to joke when I messed my words up which I did frequently. I would lose them and transpose them and it worried and upset me. I had neuro physiologist testing of my cognitive impacts post bleed about a year on now know this is the affect on my short term memory but it has really improved. It is normally a good indicator that I have done too much and need to rest,


Over four years on if I have overdone my limits then my words will start to disappear I can't find the right one so maybe just be conscious that whilst you are coping your brain is also doing a massive amount of healing unseen to you so if the words start slipping it may be a quiet rest is in order.

Being someone where there is too much going on can be too much for the brain to process early on or if you are tired. Read the letter to your brain which is pinned in the forum, you may find that helps you to be kinder to yourself. The brain is the control centre , it's going to need a gentle approach to be able to heal after its trauma.

Anxiety is also incredibly common post SAH so don't suffer that in silence, go talk to someone and get some help with it. It will improve but don't let it grow unchecked.

There are plenty of great tips and experiences shared on the forum that I really hope will help you. Take care now.

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A warm welcome to BTG Sherry


So glad you found this site early in  your recovery. As Daffodil says-you will find much help and assurance as you read the experiences of other SAH posters and you will always get a prompt response when you have any questions. That makes such a difference as you will know that you are not alone in your efforts to come to terms with life post SAH.


SAH will already have brought many changes to your family routine. You will want to try and get back to some normality as soon as possible. Please don`t rush your recovery. Give yourself and your young family a better chance by accepting early that you need time adjust.


I am a carer. My wife had her SAH five years ago. Take time to share your feelings with your family and friends-especially your best friend (hubby) . His mind is also trying hard to cope with the reality of what has happened and trying to think about how the future will be.


I wish you all the strength you need physically and emotionally as you face the future-


Please keep in touch regularly on BTG.  Help is always at hand.




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Hi Sherry


Warm welcome to the site so glad that you found us. You are definitely not alone in hating more that one person speaking at a time, Daff's right get someone to help you though it, councillor / Headway.  It does get better, you just have to work at it, find new ways of doing things. It happening in March (for this) is no time at all, you're early in your recovery.


Be kind to yourself...

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HI Sherry,


Welcome to BTG.  This is still very early days for you.  Don't, for one minute, underestimate the trauma your body and your brain have undergone.


It sounds like you are doing remarkably well but, above anything else, what you need is time.  We all seem to have this inbuilt haste to want to be 'back to normal' (whatever that is) in double quick time.


Unfortunately it doesn't happen like that.  You will recover to a large extent, but slowly.  So slowly that sometimes you won't recognise it happening at the time.


This is a time of healing for you, take it one step at a time.


Sometimes you'll take a step back before taking two forward and it can be very irritating at times. What you are going through now is typical of recoveries many of us have experienced.  Don't bottle it up and let your imagination run away with itself. Talk to someone and let it all out.  You will find they respond to you and make the passage of time all the more bearable.


Do things to help satisfy your own needs, don't try or worry about pleasing others.  What is important is that you get back to where you want to be and sometimes that means putting yourself first.


Good luck,



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Hiya Sherry,


I know it doesn't seem it yet but, you will get better slowly but surely, we are all in for the long haul.


When you have a good day it is so great, so stick in there and as I say too often "No Stress" if people want to tell you their problems just say "I cannot take it like I used to" others problems.


You need laughter and fun people around you, hard with children xx but happy thoughts and this Site and All on it get you through it.


It is somewhere to come and  give vent or just type what sort of day you have had.


It is good to know we aren't the only ones and we are still alive xx it took me a year to remember my Dad was no longer here !!


So you be well and smile when you feel you can, as I read a smile keeps down times away xx Don't ask me where I read it. lol xx


Good Luck

Winb143 xxxxx

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Thank you guys for the warm welcome. It is just nice to know I am not alone and the feelings I am feeling are normal. Daffodil thank you for the suggestion of the letter to the brain,it literally made me cry. I feel this site will be a great resource for me and my recovery..Thank you

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Hi Sherry :)


A very warm welcome to BTG !


Some great words from the others above :)

You are not alone....so glad you found us.

Feel free to ask any questions and join in the daily banter in The Green Room.


Look forward to hearing more from you.

Take care

Tina xx

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Welcome Sherry and pleased you have found this site it has been an enormous help to me and the friendship of people who understand is good. Whilst my SAH was from aneurysm I had terrible trouble sleeping for months afterwards, so appreciate how difficult that is especially with children.


As everyone has said it is very early days and your body and brain are in a process of recovery which is very individual. You will be frightened that is normal I was frightened for a long time still have some anxiety that could occur again but I don't think about it daily now just when feeling ill or very stressed. It is an emotional roller coaster as your health which we often take for granted can take you by surprise - it does get better but gradually don't be frightened to ask for help or give yourself forgiveness at times for how you feel.

Good luck in your recovery and they are all helpful on this site so don't hesitate to post and get support.

Regards Sharon x

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Hi Sherry,


Apologies for my late post in welcoming you aboard.  I'm sure you will find some posts on this site which will help you as you try and come to terms with what has happened.  It can all become a little overwhelming at times as we start the recovery process and have all the questions going round and round in our minds.  If we don't get the answers, fear starts to creep in.   That is where sites such as this one help enormously as you are amongst a friendly group of people who have had first hand experience of suffering a bleed on the brain.


It is very early days in terms of recovery for you and from what you describe is very familiar to what I and many others have experienced, so it's normal in that respect.   It can take some time, but things will improve.  Where possible, avoid the crowds - take up any offers of help with the kids - it can be hard going having to care for children whilst recovering (speaking from experience!) - Rest and relaxation are not things you get much of when bringing up kids, but any opportunity at all, grab it!   


Wishing you all the best,


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Hi Sherry, I don't think there's much more I can add. Just this. . . You have found the best website/forum. I wish I'd found it earlier in my recovery.

Everyone on here understands and take the time to try to calm our fears and worries .


My short term memory is rubbish and I suffer anxiety, I never used to. Crowds, multiple conversations and yes, travelling in the car all make me anxious I think these feelings are normal for a lot of us.
And oh yes, I sometimes have problems pronouncing words, that's when I can actually find the word I'm after. I lose words/sentences often!!


Wishing you well Sherry,
Take care of you
Love Jan xx

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