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Exhausted Again

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Hi All

Exhaustion has reared its ugly head again. I am two and a half years post coiling and thought that exhaustion was a thing of the past as I had not felt that way for months but over the last four or five weeks it has come back with a vengeance and I need to sleep every afternoon. When I say exhausted I mean I am completely and utterly knackered.

I am due to see the neurologist a week Friday so no doubt this will be discussed, my GP has already told me that he's received a report from him which states that there is a possibility that I may have another unruptured aneurysm and also my coils may have "migrated", happy days are here again just as I was feeling a lot better. Still just watched Welsh news and summer appears to be coming this weekend and the following weekend I am celebrating my wife and my 60th birthday and we are having a bit of a bash (I am not sixty till December but can't afford 2 parties, its nice being a toyboy).

Will update you all when I know score.



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Hi John good luck with the neurologist have a great 60th and also I fount that I got more exhausted a couple of yrs down the line when I was more or less fine toward the beginning but that may of been because of having a child. Jess.xxx

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Hi John

Hope you get good weather for your 60th combined bash. We're supposed to get an Indian Summer again this year. Bl**dy hope so after the summer we've all had.

Hope you get some more positive news from the neurologist at a face to face appointment. I'm assuming that the info that has been passed on to your GP was from the neurologist after a MRI or CAT scan?

Re the exhaustion though, it could be the damn weather you know or a viral infection or something. Has your GP actually given you a blood test to see if you are lacking any vitamins or minerals?

Big hug

Lesley xxx

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Hi All

Well I've had my appointment but not much the wiser. I was told that my coiled aneurysm had formed a neck leaving a large space without coils and was told if it is left alone it could be dangerous so I should have another embolization but he wouldn't make a decision as he needed to speak to the neuroligist or the neuro radiologist who did the original coiling who was in surgery, he said he would ring me. About 2 hours later he rung me and said that they would get together and study my scans and make a decsion whether to recoil or watch and monitor and either ring me or tell my GP so I have got to sweat and wait!!! In the meantime he told me not to lift, bend or basically do anything physical and to relax, God knows for how long.



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