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Hi everyone,

My 83 year old mother had a SAH a week ago, cause of it is undetermined at the moment. She still has a bad headache and a lot of nausea, she also is very unsteady on her feet but hasn’t lost any movement, speech etc. However, she gets confused and her short term memory is affected. I think she is doing really well considering.


Can anyone give me any advice on what to expect in her recovery? She is fiercely independent and lives in her own home although when she is discharged from hospital she will come home to live with us. I’d love to hear from anyone who has an ageing parent who has had a SAH. The thing that worries me the most is the risk of another SAH.


We have not been able to speak to the doctor extensively yet due to Mum being hospitalised over Easter. I would also love some advice on what questions to ask. Much appreciated!

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Hello AJ


Sorry to hear about Mum, I was 63 when I had mine and I remember just falling and shouting" help me".


My memory has got a little better but still I forget what was said to me 1/2 hour ago.

Now ask me what happened 20 years ago I know it all,  but short term memory loss is part of SAH


They asked me where I lived I couldn't remember so hubby wrote it on wall and every day he'd cover it and ask me "Where do we live Win?" I'd ask for a clue lol.  As I was still living in our first house where we moved to when first married. We moved from there in the 80's. 


Keep notes up for Mum and it gradually gets better and remember to laugh with her as laughter is a good help to recovery xxxx No stress for Mum and songs she likes are a must.


Good luck to Mum and You  xxxxx is it okay I call you AJ ?


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Sorry to hear that your mum has suffered SAH, you have come to the right place for help, support and advice, you will find a wealth of information here.


Everyone's recovery is different but the things that seem to be very common with all of us survivors are feeling very tired, fatigue is one of the big side affect of SAH, making sure that your mum gets lots of rest when she feels tired will help,

Also some people suffer with headaches, staying well hydrated really does help with headaches.


Your mum's brain and body have suffered trauma and they both need lots of time to recover, there are no quick fixes and it does take time, she will still be able to do things, just maybe a bit slower than before, take one day at a time, also make sure that you look after yourself too, there are a few members who are carers and I am sure they will be along to give you some advice and help you with caring for your mum.


Have a good look around the site AJ , hope you don't mind me calling you AJ, there are a lot of helpful threads, you will get a lot of friendly advice and make a lot of new friends along the way.


Wishing your mum and yourself well as you start your recovery journey together.

Let us know how things are going, we are all here to help.


Michelle xx 

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I was 64 when I had my NSAH.. it is different from any sickness that you may have experienced in your life.. Time...time...is what you must keep remembering.  Her brain suffered a big blow.   There are so many great folks here...please read what others have wrote..  Write down things you want to ask the doctors as you think of them and always end the conversation with "if I think of some other questions how can I reach you"...

I hope your mom is up being herself soon...


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Areajay, welcome to BTG.

I had dreadful nausea, so much so I was readmitted to hospital for a couple of days. It turned out it was the medication I had been given.

Your mum is in the very, and I mean very early days of recovery and confusion is something that most of us suffered as is short term memory loss. Many were affected in other ways too. To help with her balance problem ask if she can have a stick and enquire about her having physio. No recovery is the same and a time limit can't be put on it.


Make an appointment to see those doctors, write down all the queries you have as you think of them so you don't forget anything. Don't discount questions that you may think the doctors will think stupid. They are medically trained and you are not as neither are we.

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Hello Areajay and also a warm welcome to BTG


As everyone has mentioned... it is very early in your mother`s recovery. As the weeks and months pass the issues resulting from her SAH will become more apparent,  Some will be more temporary than others and the healing process will depend on the severity and positioning of the bleed.  So it will be fair to say that even the medics and consultants cannot give you definitive advice on what may occur in the days and weeks ahead.


You are right in feeling positive from the fact that she seems to be coping well so far given what has happened. Confusion and memory loss is a normal experience in these early days. Given that she is `fiercely independent` this can only be a positive factor in her recovery.


I do hope that you and other members of her family are coping well. The  strain of seeing a loved one suffering from SAH/  NASAH whatever the age, can also take it`s toll.  Keep strong by resting well and eating well. You may also find the Carers Forum a great help.









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Hi Areajay 


A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.

Some great advice from the others above.


Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

Wishing your Mum well with her recovery.


Take care


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On 4/2/2018 at 09:20, Areajay said:

She is fiercely independent and lives in her own

Hi there


From what you say about her being fiercely independent, I gather that she'll also have a, sometimes, infuriating stubborn streak?  If this is the case,  in my own experience, she'll do well to hold on to it.  My hubby told me that my stubbornness played a great part in me getting through my SAH and I totally agree with him.  I was stubborn in so much that I refused to let this beat me and I was determined that I was not going to rely on anyone to do everything for me.  Granted, when I had my bleed I was 35, but as scary as it was and as frightened as I was, I was determined to do everything I could not to let it win.  


This site was a saving grace for me - it helped to understand that  a lot of what I was feeling was "normal" under the circumstances and I got a lot of support and advice (bearing in mind back then there were only 9 of us on here).  12 years on and I feel privileged to be in a position to advise and support newcomers like yourself.


Great advice from the others - rest, keep mum hydrated and jog her memory - short term is a problem and even now I struggle sometimes - especially if I'm tired.  Talk to mum about everyday things too - make sure she still feels part of everything and it helps you too.


I wish mum all the best and please do stay in touch x

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You are all such an inspiration! I’m so appreciative of your comments and support, and to take the time to respond so positively to me. Thank you! Yes, you can call me AJ ? we have some more information - an SAH and a subdural. The specialist is ranking her 15 on the GCS. Tomorrow Mum goes to rehabilitation and then will come and live with us. I know how lucky and blessed we are to still have her and with a fairly good prognosis given her age.


My husband and I have decided that he will give up work to stay home and care for her. It makes more sense financially for us.

Any other tips about how to help her with memory and thought process would be great. Today she asked for a notebook so she can write things down before she forgot. I thought this is a big step forward.


I work in the disability sector and have supported people with ABI, I have advocated long and hard for a good life for people who need support, and their families. But I feel completely out of my depth when it comes to my Mum. Your wisdom and encouragement is giving me strength and resilience. Thank you!

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With you working in the Disability sector you will probably be aware of the benefits your mum may be entitled to. Attendance Allowance will possibly be appropriate once she is discharged.


Your mum is aware of her memory problems and is trying to address them practically. Many of us live with notebooks and post it notes. Her determination and positivity is all to the good.  

May she make a good recovery.

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Hi AJ,

With your experience with ABI your mum is in good hands :)  Not only will you be a wealth of help to your mum but she will be a wealth of help to you in your job if you decide to go back to it!


Notebooks are definitely the way forward, I have them everywhere and find them invaluable. Encourage her to keep a diary too to see how she is progressing. And that progression will come.


Repetition, repetition, repetition is my motto, that's how I learn things now. I have no problems with memories pre SAH but it is the things I need to remember now that give me problems - but it has got better!


Keep on with the invaluable support you and your husband are giving, your mum is one lucky lady :) 


Clare xx

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No sad stories for Mum she needs happiness in her life.  Well that's what I found as I couldn't take others problems anymore.


Brain can only cope with happiness when on the mend and songs (This is Wins theory) as when my Sister used to moan about her Son,  I'd get really bad heads as I was so happy to be alive and selfish I maybe but listening to who had died and who had a row did my brain in.   So sing with Mum, laugh With her she has been through it.  Take care of yourself also and wishing you all the luck you can get  xxxx Keep in touch when you have time xxxxx

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