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Knocked back down again

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After 4 years of struggling to become "almost normal" I was struck down with a viral infection that attacked my weak right hand side. Now I have another uphill battle as my right side won't work now. I was in hospital for three days, but due to lack of sleep in there, I was allowed home as I can't function without sleep. Work have been great about it, but I don't know if I will be able to go back tho.........only time will tell.

Can't believe this has happened. I spent 4 years fighting a huge battle, just to be knocked straight back down again. I am finding it difficult to come to terms with. Don't know if I have any energy left to fight this too.

Nita x

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Hi Nita

Sorry to hear you have been knocked down again.

However you have pulled yourself back before so you already know you CAN do it again.

Are you having physio to help with the weakness? and are you able to speak to your GP about arranging some counselling to help you pull through this?

Virtual hugs being sent your way

Take care

Kel x

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Hi Nita

Sorry to hear the viral infection has left you with so many problems hoping that with plenty of physiotherapy they can strengthen up the right side again for you. You do have the energy you're just at a low point at the moment. Sending love and hugs and hope that you find the reserves you need to pull yourself back up.

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Hi Nita....so sorry to hear how ill you have been, but as the others have said...you Can do this, you are an amazing strong lady, you have proved that once before :) ....we are here for you. Wishing you well...hugs to you...love Tina xx

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Hi Guys

Thanks for the quick replies.

This started on 6th Nov and on 7th I couldn't get out of bed as my right leg wouldn't work. I got my brother to take me to A&E at teatime as I was worried that I would be worse the next morning.

At first they thought it was a stroke, but CT scan showed that it wasn't. I had some physiotherepy while I was there and my leg is working a bit now, but my hand is not good either. I'm on the waiting list for home physio.

I am walking with a stick now and was feeling sorry for myself, but got my fighting head back on now. One of my great friends from work came to take me into work so I wouldn't be at home on my own, wallowing in self pity. I had a great afternoon with some great, but crazy people and ready to fight back again.

Love Nita xxx

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Hi Nita and thanks for clarifying ....

I think that it's only natural to come out of hospital and feel a bit depressed and shocked over what's happened, especially after experiencing a SAH and dealing with that trauma .... the last thing that you want, is something else that puts another spanner in the works and takes away your stability and peace of mind again.

It's such good news that you didn't have a stroke, which is the main thing and hopefully with time, you will get back on track .... Glad that you have good friends about you and that will help with your recovery. :-D

Get well soon Nita and sending you hugs....xxxx

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Hi Nita, sorry you have been struck down with this viral infection. It must have felt like a kick in the teeth after having come back from your SAH.

You have shown how much of a fighter you are.

You can and will beat this, the good news about it not being a stroke of CT related should give you a lift.

Take it easy but carry on fighting, like everyone sending you loads of hugs and good wishes.

You can do it. :wink:

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Bogbrush, you took the words right out of my mouth!! :shock: That's the only way to go Nita!!

I take 'High Strength Olive Leaf Extract' and echinacea. Every time I feel I'm coming down with something I nip it in the bud with this!!

Edited by Karen
Would members please check with their GP before taking any supplements.
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