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Does anyone know - can you fly safely after an sah with a vp shunt fitted?

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I have flown many times since my shunt was fitted. As for insurance you may be able to take out a standard one. Read the medical questions carefully and if you can agree with them all you should be fine but you could also ring the medical help line just to check. Try such as the Post office as they are reasonable.

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John, I am planning on flying later this year, my first time since shunt was put in so I asked my consultant about this and he said its fine but that I may need to show my shunt declaration card to the security scanner team. He assured me my VP shunt shouldn't be affected by the magnets in their scanners, the MRI doesn't bother it , but some can, so it may be worth just checking if your valve setting is managed by magnets.

It's great to hear penny has flown so many times! to be honest all her description of trips has given me the confidence to go, I don't want to be frightened of doing stuff that I wouldn't have given a moments thought too.

Good luck, I hope you go somewhere nice.

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  • 1 month later...

So I am tacking onto John's thread to get some advice on travelling with a VP shunt and untreated anneurism.

I know we have a thread somewhere on travel insurance but I have been turned down by two companies this week for insurance and now have been quoted £380 for a single trip to Europe:shock:...basically because of how I have to answer the questions.

They ask 'are you fully recovered from SAH' IInitially I said yes but when I read the small print I can see that I have to reply 'no' because I now have shunt and hydrocephalus as a result of it which even though I then answer all the questions related to hydroecpahlus as another condition they deem that because the SAH caused my hydro I can't be completely recovered...if I say I am then technically I wouldnt be covered if I did require treatment..,..end result is answering 'no' combined with my untreated anneurism has created a travel insurance nightmare

my docs are happy for me to travel, in fact encouraging me to go but no way I can afford that insurance...any suggestions folks? any good insurance companies you have used?

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Try Unique, get their number off the web or Stay Sure. Ring them and talk to a person. With Unique my shunt wasn't taken into consideration as it was so many years ago and had no problems. It all depends on the questions that are asked and how they are asked.

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  • 1 month later...

Completed my second flight after returning home yesterday from my first trip abroad since my sah and subsequent shunt placement. I was scared but I had my little mantra on the plane where I listed all of you who have flown safely and it really helped me be calm. I was exhausted when I got there but took things easy and rested when I needed to.

I got insurance from stay sure in the end, thanks penny, they were great. I also had a letter from doctor so I didn't go through scanner which wasn't recommended for my type. A friend translated that into Spanish which helped. So it all went well. Another milestone I couldn't have imagined ever I reach even just a year ago.

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Great news Daf and so pleased you enjoyed yourself. Where is the sun you should have brought back? Forgot it did you or did it refuse to climb in your suitcase?

Glad to help regards insurance.

My surgeon told me not to be bothered about airport scanners as they wouldn't affect my shunt and it is the same type as yours. On saying that I have never been through a scanner because of my frame. It seems as different doctors have different ideas.

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well done - I'm with 'Staysure' and their policy is for a year, not just one holiday. Just be careful to answer the questions fully and you are fine. I don't have shunt but I do carry a medical kit that I have to declare to airport security and they are fine about it. I had one guy at a foreign airport a couple of years ago tell me he wanted to see my letter so I showed it him. he told me it was ok and I thought 'what a brilliant guy' -not only can he speak English but he can read it upside down!


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