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New intro Gail


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Hi, I'm Gail and 43 years old.

Before my SAH, I was (and still am) a mother of two children, a wife for my husband (obviously!) a daughter and a sister. My passion was to run and exercise.

On 27 May 2015, (my son's 12 birthday) I went for a quick run at the gym. We were going to Menorca 3 days before so I wanted those extra few pounds off so I asked my husband to pick me up in a hour after the gym. After that we would celebrate my sons birthday tea. When I was on halfway through the 20 mins on the treadmill, I had a instant thunderclap headache. Now I never had headaches (unless I had a hangover) but I knew something was very wrong. I decided that I would stop the treadmill and it would be better to go on the stationary bike. I put my headphones in and started to pedal and thats when I fell unconscious.

I woke up in a hospital bed 3 days later with my husband, sister, mum and dad at my bedside. The aneurysm was coilled. They said that when I was unconscious I stopped breathing for 30 seconds(apparantly) then came to. The paramedic sedated me because I was 'aggitated'. My husband was frantic when I didn't phone when I was finished so after two hours, he came to the gym only to find I was leaving in a ambulance.

I felt quite well in myself 3 days after the SAH. But then came the vasospasm . My children were so scared that they didn't see me for a month. After hospital I had 4 months in rehab relearning to walk, use of my arm and intensive speech therapy. I remember I use to read and digest a book but I couldn't even text, write or recognise the alphabet! I also suffered from anxiety and insomnia.

Well it's just over a year after the event. I surrendered my driving licence but got it back after 9 months. I've just finished my phased return to work.

I also have a unsecured 2mm aneurysm to be coilled but that is another story!

My family has pulled me through and I'm slowly, but surely getting there.

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Hi Gail and welcome to Behind the Gray :)


You did have a time of it - no wonder your family were scared - I hope your children are ok now - I know it took my youngest (8 at the time) a long time until he felt reassured that nothing was going to happen like that again.


You have done amazingly well to have just completed your phased return to work - that in itself can be exhausting, so take as many breaks as you can!


Wishing you all the best as you continue on your road of recovery,



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Hi Gail :)


A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.

You have certainly been through it and your family too.


As Sarah has said, you have done amazingly well to have just completed your phased return to work.....well done you....be very proud :)


Go steady and let us know how you are doing.

Feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room.

Wishing you well.


Take care

Tina xx

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Hi Gail


Warm welcome, you have certainly come to the right place. BTG has been a godsend for me. Hope your children are appreciating their mum and looking after you. I was slightly older than you when I had my Nasah but like you was exercising, in my case running. Have you returned to exercise yet?


Congrats on your phased return, mine took a similar amount of time - you have done well. What type of work do you do and have they accommodated you well with your phased return?


Keep well and keep us posted on your progress.

Clare xx

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Hi Gail,


Sounds like you have come on well xx


I was told I'd never walk but 4 steps then 10 and so on, but my back aches real bad.


The OT's told my hubby to put me in a home and grieve for who I was !! I had hydrocephalus and didn't know what day it was. plus I was a pain in the butt to them lol. Phew good job my hubby said "We Will take her home and look after her, then I had a shunt fitted to get rid of the hydrocephalus and it was like a light coming on.


Glad to hear you are doing so well and welcome to BTG and hope you  go from strength to strength  xx


I find smiling and singing helps me but each to their own xx  So later you might get a song lol xx joking.


Good luck

Winb143 xx xx  No Stress  my Surgeon said,  so anyone who talks about their problems keep away from xx  xx Try Green room as others said xx

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Good evening Gail, and also a warm welcome to BTG.


So glad you are making good progress. Getting back to work so soon is certainly a great achievement.


I, like your hubby suffered the shock of my life when I had to follow my wife to Intensive Care. For me it was five years ago.

Seeing you recover is such an emotional time for your husband and family. They will be so glad to see your progress.


Patience and time is so important and I wish you well. In particular in dealing with the future coiling of the aneurysm.


Great to have you here.




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Excellent to hear from you Gail, must have been a shock all round particularly as you sound like you were very fit and active. Glad you are along the road to recovery, hope phased return goes well and you don't get too tired. I found it quite hard going at first so just go at your pace.

Take Care and keep in touch on how you get on at work



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Hi there


Warm welcome to the site so glad that you found us.


Wow you've had a journey haven't you. I so understand your rehab learning to do things again from scratch stuff we take so much for granted.


Well done on the phased return to work (I couldn't but so admire those who can) well done.


take care

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Thank you all for your comments and thank you for this site.

Sarah-My youngest was 8 at the time too but now both kids are fine.

Clare- I haven't exercise yet due to the unsecured aneurysm. So the doctors said not doing any strenuous exercise such as jogging until I'll get this thing in my head fixed!

I work for the civil service and they have been very good in view of the circumstances. After my phased return, the occupational health would like to compose a further report but I have to wait until the anni is fixed.

Thank you all once againxx

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Hi Gail,


First of all, welcome to BTG.  Lots of it all sounds so familiar to me including the civil service bit - and if one thing is good about the civil service it is that when you are very ill, generally, they treat you very well.  I(I've since retired).


Look at it this way now, in the words of the Yazz song "The only way is up!"


The worst bit is over and progress is the key now, at whatever pace your body will allow.  Everyone is different and you will find your own level.  There doesn't seem to be a 'normal' pace, except it will be slower than your pre-illness pace!


There is no right or wrong way, but sometimes a different way.  Embrace that knowledge, don't beat yourself up about anything mentally, and things will be a lot easier to deal with.


You'll be all the stronger for it, including when some people make the odd insensitive comment, as they surely will.  They usually do it in blissful ignorance of the effects of your condition than out of any malice aforethought.  it is also because when you go back to work there is nothing for them to see, such as a plaster-cast or a limp.


Stay positive, recover at your own pace and live your life the best way you can.  Your family will gain strength from that, as will you.


Good luck, I wish you well.



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Hi Gail,


Welcome to BTG, you have been through it as have your family,


You will find a wealth of really helpful information on this site,

I have found it a godsend during my recovery,


You will also make and meet a lot of friends on here, I know I have.


You have done well returning to work, like the others have said make

sure you take plenty of breaks,


I was told to make sure I drank plenty of water, it really does help the



I wish you and your family all the very best on your recovery journey,


Look forward to hearing more from you,




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