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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Rod As the others have said...it is very early days......i was exactly the same....i am now 16 months on and still have short term memory but it is improving, if tired or stressed can get the tremors, i had therapy to help with the weakness in my legs which helped.......my main problem is blurry vision, balance and confidence......it effects both physically and emotionally. Things will improve....it just takes time... Keep positive You have come to the right place though ....BTG has been a life line to me and have made some wonderful friends.......thinking of you both....take care, Love Tina xx
  2. An emotional day indeed for both of you ......hope you can celebrate....take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Susan A very warm welcome to you......look forward to hearing more from you....Take care...love Tina xx
  4. Hi Melissa a very warm welcome to BTG I am 16 months down the line.......i still get very tired........i try to push myself, like Karen.... but yes do pay a few days after. Everyone is different, but we do understand what you are going through. Hope to hear more from you....Take care. Love Tina xx
  5. Hi Keith Thank you for sharing what happened to you.......how scary ......please rest up and take care. Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Laura I suppose as i am S/E its slightly different for me.....i have told everyone....so they know, when i eventually do get back......but in your case....i dont know.....but then if you dont tell them, you will have to make sure you start as you mean to go on, and really look out for yourself, and not be put upon, and make yourself ill again. Difficult one . Love Tina xx
  7. Tina


    Hi Phil Wow! So pleased for you....take care, love Tina xx
  8. Hi All I also get weird pains in my head, face and back of neck....i think it is only really now when i am tired.......they have improved a lot. Still scary sometimes....but i have put it down to mending pains. Love Tina xx
  9. Fantastic Neil Well done you.......must be a great feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care Love Tina xx
  10. Hi Keith....how nice is that.....well done. Love Tina xx
  11. Hi Linda A very warm welcome to you.......i was clipped like you.... i have a clip at the stem of my brain and have a metal plate in the side of my head and cheek bone.....this was done during surgery. I had to wait nearly two weeks for my brain swelling to go down before they could operate. Mine was 7 hours. As Janet has said try not to worry....you are in safe hands......easy to say i know! Take care and rest up as much as you can.......keep in touch. Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Donna Congratulations on your 1st Anni-versary!!!! Its a very emotional time.......but wow ...look how far you have come.........lots of love and hugs to you Donna xxxxxxx Take care Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Tosh a very warm welcome to you...so glad you have found this site You will find lots of information and get lots of wonderful support. I have been clipped....but there are others that that are or have gone through the same as you. You take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Donna What Jess has said makes sense, we all worry.....what has happened to us, makes you look at life in a very different way. Jess put it beautifully when she said 'Let Jack see a happy smiling Mum' well nearly all the time Donna when i remember back to when you first joined.....you have done so well....keep positive and enjoy Jack....they soon grow up....i just dont know where time has gone! Take care Love and hugs to you ...Tina xx
  15. Congratulations Perry Like the others, would love to see it.....i am rubbish...not at all green fingered.....but i am learning from my hubby! Take care Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Caroline yes i also have numbness on the right hand side of my face....it also hurts....not sure if it will ever go. Take care Love Tina xx
  17. Tina


    Hi Phil So pleased for you...take care...love Tina xx
  18. Hi Vivienne Very pleased to hear you are doing so well.....fantastic news. Love Tina xx
  19. HI Cal..... So sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Also sorry to hear about the disgraceful way in which Jim was treated by his work...unbelievable! Really hope you get some joy with Social Security Disability Payments. You take care Love Tina xx
  20. Happy 1st Annie-versary Perry!!! So glad you have had a lovely meal.......and yes its true....'what a day to celebrate' well done you ! Take care Love Tina xx
  21. Hi John....thinking of you.....must be very stressful for you waiting....i really hope your GP can help sort things out. Take care Love Tina xx
  22. Hi Tammy A very warm welcome to you.....so glad Neil persuaded you to join..... our families need just as much support as we do.....this is a great site...with lots of information. You are not alone....take care Love Tina xx
  23. Hi Neil A very warm welcome to BTG....Wow what a story....thank you for sharing it with us. You are doing so well....is still such early stages. I too have been clipped, and had a seven hour operation....mine was a small aneurysm at the stem of my brain. I agree with Janet about a phased return to work.....and listening to your body.....also about your fiancee. This website has been a God send to me and many others here. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. Hi John I do feel for you....must be awful waiting....i really hope they get their act together for you soon, so you can be recoiled and get on with your life without worrying. Take care Love Tina xx
  25. Tina


    Hi Phil As Louise has said....you understand now...is all good. Hope you get your car sorted out....take care Love Tina xx
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