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Coiling help

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Unfortunately you can't part exchange them! My wife says she's going to have me cremated so she can sell the scrap!

You know how it is, if you can't laugh..what's the point.

Glad it all went well, good luck and remember don't push yourself...it's not worth it

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HI everyone...thank you so much for your messages....doing ok ..but resting alot...they said listen to your body and lie down when it tells you and its telling me alot lol...its the 3 ltrs of water im hating lol but got to be done...im going to bore you with next bit but it was pretty sh---y.

well i,ll try to tell you abit of what happened ...got in hospital on the monday at 4.o.clock as asked...got to the ward at 7....was starved from midnight...no water after 5..was told there was a bed in icu for after op....at 4.o.clock in the afternoon (yes all day ) the man who was doing my op came to me to say i wasnt going to have my op....1 the icu bed had been taken...2 they couldnt find my hospital notes...they had all my notes and scan info for my aneurysm but not my rest of life notes...talk about bomb shell...so after floods of tears...and wanting to know why ..as i was suppose to be in 2 weeks ago...was told they just couldnt find them...and they couldnt operate without them...but they had lots of people looking for them....so pulled myself to-gether and told him i was not leaving my bed till they did my op and boy was i serious to which surprise he agreed with me and said he would himself go looking for my notes...he said you,ll be in theatre at 8.30 in the morning....so starved again and still waiting at 8.30...then aneathatist (wrong Spelling ) came did all the checks then told me the op probably wouldnt be done as still no notes...so i was in abit of a state to put it mildly...then out of the blue at 10 .o.clock they came for me....still no notes...there assuming there lost proper....but my nice surgeon had fought for me.....but i really was at the last of my tether...so not a good experiance.....but its over with now....going to lie down now lol worn out lol....love Joan xxx

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Hi Joan,

It shouldn't really happen that way and what a nightmare for you ..... things should be a lot different and as the saying goes.... "Walk a mile in another man's shoes" .....

Glad that the worst is now over for you and that you can now concentrate on yourself and getting stronger for the years ahead ....

Wishing you well and all good things..... xx

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Hi Joan,

Sorry to hear you were having a rough time of it right up until the end, I don't think they can possibly understand what they put us through when they make such needless errors like loosing notes etc. Small errors can make such a huge difference, like the time (about this time last year) when I had a message on my answer phone to call the doctors surgery. The girl on the other end told me that they had received a letter from the hospital saying the results of my angiogram were ok. What she should have told me was that a urine sample that had been tested was ok - I received a letter direct from the Hallamshire hospital around that time saying my angiogram showed that I needed to go for more brain surgery! So I can fully understand how frustrated and upset you must have felt. That aside, I hope you can now concentrate on resting and I hope that you soon start to feel less tired.

Yes, the water does take some getting down - but worth it.

Best wishes,


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Gosh sounds awful. But at least it's over and you can breathe now. I feel awful about thenotes fiasco. As a medical secretary I know how many hands sets of notes go through, and how many opportunities there are to lose them. At my hospital some bright spark decided to combine the notes from the three hospitals in the Trust, without doing a feasibility study first - there isn't enough room so notes go mIssing all the time now. It's a flipping joke! And who suffers? The patients :( Hugs!

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Saffy sorry to hear that you had to go through all this, it's not acceptable at all and more so for we go through weeks of anxiety just about the operation.

I am also dreading the possible of coiling to be done, hopefully in the next few months and if I get the ok but I think it will be really hard for me to go through all what you went through.

Now you need to rest and have time to recover.

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Hello everyone...thank you for your messages....i really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have given me over the months..we are all strangers to each other yet now share an amazing bond...one we really would not have wanted...but you all have helped me more than anyone and i will be eternally grateful....i am doing very well ...resting alot.....having a bath has me feeling like ive done a marathan lol...but theres no rush and my daughter is being wonderful...hubby trying his best lol but ive spoilt him im afraid and hes useless butdoing his best....theres one thing im bothered about so i must ask ....my eyes are blurry they do ease sometimes ...but then go blurry...have any of you had that...i know my speech slurs sometimes but is getting better...it was bad at first ..they said its the blood vessels all tightening with the op and slowly easy off.....well must go now ....so once again thank you so much...speak soon....love saffy xxxxxxx

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Hi Saffy :) Yes my eyes still go blurry ...ease up and then when tired or stressed go blurry again. I am nearly 2.5 years down the line....i think i will always have this now, but never say never ;) Its very early days for you after your operation...i am sure you will improve. Take care love Tina xx

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Hi Saffy,

My eyes are worse first thing in the morning and last thing at night ....they're definitely affected when I become tired... hopefully you will find some improvement over the coming weeks, if you're in doubt then mention it to your GP. I sometimes find that normal eye drops can help when my eyes feel a bit dry and blurry and restore a bit of the moisture.


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