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On the up....

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After a really bad couple of weeks I think things are on the up. Seen an occupatiomal health doctor who was very understanding to my situation, had a meeting with my manager in work who is also very understanding and the plan so far is to have a phased return at the end of Febuary. Have had my first meeting with my specialist in Cardiff this week who is extremely happy with my progress and only wants an MRI scan at this time as following my coiling there seems to be no obvious weakness and best of all have been attending an university with my son who looks like he will be accepted, grades pending.

For all you new members who are going through an uncertain time at the moment, hang in there, things will get better in time.

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That is really fantastic news.

It is so important that we have good moments to balance out some of the struggles we've had.

It is great to hear that your work is very sympathetic and well done in having a plan to return to work. That is very impressive.

Remember that you're still in recovery, so you are entitled to tell bosses/ colleagues if their demands upon you increase. Sometimes people can expect a lot of us, because (as we often hear,) we 'look so well'!!!

I am thrilled that things have improved for you and wish you well.


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Hi Kelvin,

Lovely to hear you are doings so great. You have a very good support team around you. Its no wonders everything is going well, look where you had your coiling done!!!!! Say no more.

Hope your Son gets into his university. Which one is he hoping to go to?

Take care.

Love Sonia x

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Great news Kevin :-D hope all goes well with your son's grades. I have already gone back to work but only for two days 8:30 till 1:30 . when i get home im exhasted but now at least im not having to sleep when i get home. Hope all goes well when you return to work, just remember to take it easy, and when you get home just rest :roll:

Take care Rhiann x

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Hi Kelvin

Fantastic news! I am so glad things are going so well for you.

Good luck for your phased return to work, sounds like your company are willing to be supportive, which is great.

Good luck for your son getting into uni.

My niece is living in Cardiff and doing a business studies degree and absolutely loves it there. I've not been down to see her but I think I will have to at some point.

Take care

Kel x

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Hi Kelvin

Really glad that things are on the up for you. I know it can be disheartening when you suffer a set back, but they do end up being very far and between after a while.

Got everything I can physically cross crossed for your son :crazy:

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Sandi, with regard to my phased return to work I am now on 5 hours a day and my company has a very good HR department which has been really supportive in as much as I have been able to reduce my usual duties. (The fact that the husband of the HR manager suffered a SAH 2 years ago may be a contributing factor) This week I have basicly just sorted out the holiday rota for 60 employees and done a full driver licence audit for all the drivers.

I still have good days and bad days but the good days are starting to outnumber the bad days and most evenings I am totally exhausted but hopefully this will improve in time as I find that I still push myself extra hard on the good days.

Many people told me I was returning to work too soon after just six months but I think that with the support I am getting I will get there slowly.

If anyone is contemplating a return to work, make sure it is on a phased return and that your employer fully understands what your needs are and that it has to be a gradual increase in hours and duties.

Cheers all.

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Hi Kelvin...thanks for the update. It is so refreshing to read....so pleased you are getting the support you need on a phased return....well done you for doing so well. Keep up the good work and rest up plenty too...Take care love Tina xx

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Good news Kelvin,

I may have to adopt your strategy! It must take an enormous amount of discipline to keep to the shorter hours and refrain from immediately stepping into your old routine. That's where I'll have trouble. After the first return to work being such a botch up for me I hope I've learned my lesson. I'm a slow learner though! :lol:

Sandi K.

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