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Never Forget Our Carers/Loved ones


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Subs and All xx


I met my Hubby at work, at first I thought he was a bit rude/bighead.  44 years on I still think he is the best thing that ever happened to me. (still a bit quiet but he doesn't get a word in with me ha).


I cry when I talk about him as I love him so much, but when we first got married life was tough, so we lived with my parents until we could afford our own house.  We've had some good rows but I still Love him so much xx

We worked together running our own business, ate and drank(lots) together.  He is my best Pal. 


My Sisters all said "my husband wouldn't do what yours did for you" (when ill)  So without our Carers we would be lost.


When I couldn't hold a cup Hubby got me 2 cardboard cups, he knows me so well.  He knew getting out would do me the world of good.


Love to All


Win xxxxxxxxxx

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What a lovely post. I agree I do not know how I would have got through the last year without the support of my family and especially my partner. We have only been together for 6 years but when an illness strikes it takes your relationship to a different level.


I can feel him worrying about me all the time even though he tries not to show it. He also has such a positive outlook which helps with me unfortunately been a glass half empty kind of girl.


I felt sorry for him being the one pacing the hospital floor whilst I was having my operation last time and my impending one will be even longer! Poor man but I love him to absolute piecesxx

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It shows how lucky we are, and isn't it good to still be here ! phew xx


You'll be okay but nervous naturally, they have come on leaps and bounds with  anni treatment.


I knew I was better as we had a row, what's new !! ha  and I couldn't put my socks on as bad back and said my socks are wonky. He went "Don't wear them then" and got a bit short with me. So I did my usual sob sob then swore at him and he said "you are better."


Good luck on op and keep smiling, as we are the lucky ones although it might not seem it some days,

Fills Carlys glass up, now it topped up xx


Keep Well and sing x laugh and think of happy times xx No Stress she says repeating herself xx


WinB143 xx

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We are lucky aren't we Mandy  and Carly xx


Even though on a bad day I could give him a kick up his pants but I'd only fall over  x


I was pleased my Hubby and Daughter stayed with me until I was asleep.


What did make me laugh, my daughter said when  I had lunch in hospital, I thought I was in a Café and would say "my treat pass me my bag", She would say "Mum you haven't got your bag and I'd say stop mucking about its my treat"  ha ha.

Glad I don't remember anything xx


Win Again !!!  xx

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Ian has been my rock and although he's 'forgotten' my anni and all it entailed he's still as good as ever. I think he just doesn't want to remember how it was and how it could so easily have been much worse.

He's put up with my moods and my temper (which is def worse). Thankfully he is my opposite in temperament otherwise murder may have been committed!

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My husband doesn't like to talk about it either, he didn't want me to have shunt fitted but without it I'd still be in cuckoo land.


Men, hard as nails, but we know different xx Bless them xx


When I woke up I felt so Loved by all my Family, good feeling xx




Win <~~ Baby of the Family (big baby) xxxx

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This is such a lovely thread Win..I don't think I would have made it if it hadn't been for the undying love of my husband! He has supported and encouraged me every step of the way.  He's a truly remarkable man and I love him to bits too!!  And he feels exactly the same about me...don't you just love romantic threads!!


Going to have to get a tissue now Win see what you do to me!!

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Win, you made me laugh there as early on I did try to give my husband a playful kick and did exactly that, fell over, thing is he hadn't noticed and turned round and said,' what are you lying on the floor for!!'


Seriously though, lots of tears, love and patience in this house too and my hubby has been unwavering in his support for me even when I have been horrid to live with and never doubting I would improve, he calls me his 'miracle lady' and you know what I feel like that because he has made me see just how fortunate we are to be here even at those toughest darkest times.


He hates the thought of me being ill, hated seeing me so vulnerable and being helpless to change it but it's been something he has grown through as well. We are stronger as a result.

Thanks for the thread win and hurrah for the hubbies, wives, partners and children who take the weight of worry. Our real life heros.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have my husband and three daughters to be thankful for.  During my hospital stay in ICU, the four of them refused to leave my side...driving the nurses crazy I'm sure.


My girls are like Grizzly bears when it comes to protecting me and their family.


I won the husband lottery.  He is a big gruff looking biker type dude with the softest most incredible heart and soul.  I can't even express what he means to me.  I told him that a weaker man would have run (when I can get my thoughts together I will write my story and the reasons why.).  He says he would never run and it makes me love him more. As Winb143 says, I cry when I talk about him!


I cannot forget to mention my in-laws.  My father-in-law has dialysis 3 days a week, but yet my mother-in law-came to hold my hand every single day. 


The very best to everyone!

Edited by Skippy
changed font to forum standard
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Mine were also great Terry, what would we do without them. xx


I had my hubby and daughter doing shifts but I do not remember a thing.


I am better as we now argue again lol xx


Glad we had them on our sides, xx


Take care and cry when you want it's a good release, just don't  stress as my surgeon said stress isn't good for us.



WinB143 xx xx  pop into Green room when you are ready it's for chit chat. I do a lot of that xx ha !!

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  • 7 months later...

Interesting to read this....need to keep remembering to look after my hubby through this too! He was a rock when I was medevac-ed after my SAH. He had to travel down to the hospital when I was in surgery...tells me he was crying most of the way waiting for an update from his parents who were with me at the hospital (best part of a 12 hr journey that couldn't start for 12 hrs after I left due to living on an island).


I know I've been very fortunate and other than my temper (oh what a lucky husband living with me!) and tiredness, I'm mostly back to normal. But I'm only 5 months from my SAH. I am getting my first post op scan next week (likely to need more surgery) which is worrying me a little.


I've been kicking back a little over the festive period, drinking more than I should (but not much compared to pre-SAH standards!). And I know it's worrying my hubby. It's not fair I make him feel like the policeman making sure I behave....I must take responsibility myself and behave! It's been a stressful few weeks (had a car accident, thankfully no injuries...other than to the car) and it's been nice to just act like *normal* again...but it's not fair as it's just adding a different kind of stress.


So anyway, lovely to read this thread and it was (in keeping with the tread) a nice kick up my backside to behave and remember that things are not like before and also a great reminder to look after my wonderful, long suffering husband.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Put that glass down lol.  I used to like a glass  of wine so Christmas I had a bottle of Bucks Fizz between us and I can only take a glass now, when the tough get going. lol


It is a worry for our loved ones, my hubby gave up the drink also, and when he was talking to the surgeon who did my Op my daughter told me the colour left his face, xx


So go slower on drink and buy decaff soft drinks  just to keep Hubs Happy xx


Good luck to you and Mr Plod the policeman    j/k lol   xx They do care about us.. xx


Win xxxx

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  • 7 months later...

Reading these posts has reduced me to tears, It is, I think easy to become wrapped up in our 'illness, fears and worries' and not give enough consideration to our partners, carers and what theyre going through. it must be hell for them to see  how the person they love has changed and to watch them struggle.


I have cried with John, shouted at him and been miserable around him and he's still here with a great hug when I need it and even when I don't.As you said, Win, what would we do without them?

Ok, I'll sign off now before I get too soppy


Love Jan xx

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That's married life Jan lol.


See they and we forget what we all went through and if your hubby is anything like mine they try and forget it.  It never happened according to my hubby lol.


Louise so True xxxx  Keep well Both xxxx




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Win, I think that it's a man thing to be honest and sometimes the way that they've been brought up .... Partners/husband's are all very different people, whatever their sex...some are more accepting as to what has happened and work with it and their partners and others would prefer to put it out of their mind and try to forget what has happened.....that's perhaps how they deal with it.


It's not always easy to work with a partner that does decide that all's okay and have been told that you've been "fixed" by surgery .... we all know on here, that's not the case. 


There's a lot of talking to be done and a lot of tears to go through .... on both sides... and communication is the key. I still don't have the magic answer. x

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It is Karen you are right.


Us woman seem to find it easier to talk about things, not all men but some hold it back. 

Mind saying that, I have become an SAH bore and I see the glazed look lol come over peoples faces  ha ha xx


I tell everyone about BTG and how good it is and how it helped me so much.  When I see the glazed stare I shut up xx  See laughing now.


Keep well Karen xxxx

Win xxxxxxx  


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