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Cerebral hemorrhage dizziness

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March 23 I suffered a brain bleed. I vomited, was dizzy, nauseous suddenly. I called out to my wife who thought my voice was odd. She called EMS. Last I remember I was leaving the  house on a stretcher.  


Apparently I was quickly diagnosed at hospital and transported to main hospital. As the bleed was in my cerebellum, they could not operate to relieve the pressure. I was not on blood thinners beyond baby aspirin.  After two weeks in hospital the next I remember was leaving for rehab. I could not stand or walk, my eyes were light sensitive and bugging out, I did not like noise. They did PT on me in bed for a few weeks.  I could swallow and eat and drink.  I received speech therapy. And my voice mostly returned.  I quickly passed OT tests and began walking with a walker. I continued PT daily until June 10.  I decided I could sleep at home and do PT outpatient.


Also, as I am diabetic, I could control my diet better.  I completed all the PT tests two weeks ago.  I have been walking two dogs daily. I joined a gym.  But I remain very tired and get dizzy with movement. Lying down or tilting my head is awful. Epply manoeuver didn't help. Nor did meclazine. Dr prescribed Gabapentin.  It relieved the nausea and light/noise sensitivity.  


My question is am I missing something which might relieve the dizzy/tiredness?  I have had my eyes checked. Same as they were before. Podiatrist says no diabetic neuropathy. What else can I try?  Is it possible this may never end?  My BP is good. A1C is good.  


Thanks for any help

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Hi Rich


The dizziness and the tiredness will more than likely be side effects of the bleed itself. You sound like you're doing an awful lot too so at this time in your recovery you will be tired and quite possibly even fatigued.  The brain needs a long time to heal - liken it to a broken leg and then times the recovery time by at least 5 is what my Neurosurgeon told me.  


I had the dizziness when bending over to load or unload dishwashers, driers and washing machines for a good year or so.  The tiredness/dizziness may also be a side affect of the medication you are taking - having you checked this with your GP?


5 months is very early to expect after effects to disappear completely - try upping your water in take and rest when you can.

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i had had my bleed 4-1/2 years ago and when I am tired I get very dizzy.  I get, what I call, pop fizz sensations in my head and much heaviness.   I feel like my eyes are moving and some times my brain too.  All weird but it's a part of me now.  I spray liquid magnesium on me every day, which is supposed to help with dizziness.   I've tried it all and I think only time and healing helps.    It's frustrating and in my experience there is no miracle cure and I've researched and read a lot of information.   


When you are tired, lay down and rest.  That was my biggest mistake, I did not rest like I should've.




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I am like super I am afraid dizziness nausea still here still a problem after 15yrs but not as big as what it was. Have you had your ears checked as I suffer lots of ear infections now also labyrinthitis.


Hope you feel better soon xxx 

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Hi Rich a very warm welcome to BTG.


It is very early days for you in your recovery, at 5 months i could hardly walk because of the dizziness and double vision plus headaches.

Well done for doing so well, but i would say slow down and pace yourself, don't push so hard. Your body has a way of telling you when you are doing too much.

Rest up as much as you can to allow your brain to repair, you have had a major trauma.


Have you thought of trying a V pillow to help keep you slightly upright when trying to sleep. I found this really helped with the dizziness when lying down.


I was also very noise & light sensitive for quite some time. Even nearly 10 years down the line, i  still suffer from dizziness and fatigue, also nerve pain down the side of my face, forehead and around my eye. I had to learn how to pace myself and recognise my new limits, still catches me out now sometimes ;) 


Things will get better, go steady and let us know how you are getting on.

Take care

Tina xx 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rich, l had my SAH in 2012. I also have dizziness blurred vision and at times my brain goes into lock down , i.e. I can't remember what the next thing l was going to do!


Sounds ridiculous, but then othertimes l am reasonably.  normal.  I definitely think it is associated with tiredness and stress. It gets better but does not seem to go away.


l find it very difficult to relax, l always seem to have too much to do.  I was told at the hospital today, that l must slow up if l wanted to keep well.  Don't push yourself  SAH seem to happen to very active people  and that l makes it hard.


Good luck it's a long haul, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  It has been very hard for me to try to change my life style, but one just has to adjust best wishes Jill 

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Same as Jillbb Rich,


I have a good day and then laying in bed I go giddy so I sit up slowly, wait for a while then stand etc etc . some days are worse than others  and some I feel fine !! 

I think I have a fickle brain  lol 


I've noticed it helps if you do things at a slower pace, well it does me.  


Good luck and hope you feel better soon xx


Win xxxx



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Hi Rich,


I still suffer with tiredness/fatigue. It may be worth you getting your hormone levels checked. When I was coiled, my pituitary gland stopped producing growth hormone and I now have to have daily injections of it and I feel much better, although not perfect.  I haven't heard of anyone else having this, so don't hang your hat on it, but it is a possibility.


Hope you find some answers.



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  • 2 months later...

Having just had my own SAH 9 days ago, it is very useful hearring your advice from all of you. Thanks for the input. I happen to be an emergency physician and can help a little with medical scientific knowledge, if not experience. You sah was near cerebellum which is the balance part of the brain. To be more specific, it tells you where your head is rotated when you close your eyes (and cannot rely on vision to mark your "center point") anyway, your balance may be off more than the usual for that reason. Good luck

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On 19/11/2017 at 00:15, frmertd said:

Having just had my own SAH 9 days ago, it is very useful hearring your advice from all of you. Thanks for the input. I happen to be an emergency physician and can help a little with medical scientific knowledge, if not experience. You sah was near cerebellum which is the balance part of the brain. To be more specific, it tells you where your head is rotated when you close your eyes (and cannot rely on vision to mark your "center point") anyway, your balance may be off more than the usual for that reason. Good luck

It would be great if you want to introduce yourself FRM , its always helpful to others to hear the story of why people are here and share experiences where you may have questions. having had neurologists, doctors and others professionals come through forum in the past it is always great to get some scientific explanations and insights of SAH . I hope you are doing okay with your recovery and go steady  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am 8 weeks out from SAH and the dizziness is almost constant. I get panicky because dizziness was the 1st symptom the night of the bleed. So scared it's going to happen again even though neuro doc assures me less tha  1% chance. Other disturbing side effect is the headaches. Mine is almost always like a tight band going around my head. Again really scares me because the headache  was 2nd symptom night of the bleed.


Of course the dizziness and headaches I am having  now are no where near as severe as the night of bleed. Not even close but still extremely disconcerting. I am scared all the time and can not relax. Not sleeping and have been back at work full time since week 4.  Unfortunately economic situation dictates this. Reading all your informative and encouraging posts has really helped. Thanks so much.



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8 weeks out? I am now 6 weeks. I cannot sleep as well! it is so strange to wake at 2 am and be up till noon,then crash.


Headaches improved with percocet. Weakness is improved, it is that sleep thing that gets me.but everyone says its normal.i would like to return to work, it would be a good distraction.


Relax about the rebleed risk, 1% nonsmokers, 3%smokers is good odds. My doc says with perimesencephalics, he has never had a person return with a rebleed!!!!! so RELAX.


Noone likes addictive meds, but consider asking for alternatives from your primary care doc. Noone asks to go on these but if you need them, you need them.good luck.


As we are simiiar times out, would love to keep in touch.

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My husband is 12 weeks Post SAH and he suffered with terrible anxiety attacks.  One night we had two ambulance teams out due to this.  He is now on medication for the anxiety which he’s taken for 4 weeks which seems to be kicking in.  He is back at work now for about 5 hours a day (we run our own business) but he does get very tired and generally has to go home for a sleep.


I worry that it could happen again but doctors has assured us it is very rare that anyone who has had a SAH will have  another.  I have found this site very helpful for both of us.  I have constant flashbacks to what happened when we were on our holiday in Cyprus and he has told  me he thought when the bled occurred he thought he was literally going to die on the bathroom floor in our hotel room.  But we’re getting there it has been very scary at times.


I come on here periodically just to see how everyone is doing and it helps to see how everyone with the same type of bleed is getting on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Hi momcat


I thought I was unusual with the headache and dizziness. It’s awful. Affects my balance and walking. My neuro guy says he thinks it is due to the initial bleed which was also an aneurism. I hope it will improve it’s getting very depressing. It’s good to read that another is highly unlikely. My taste buds are also awful. I’ve lost three stone. Down from 12 to 9!! Needed to lose weight but not like this! I wish I could say it’s getting better the dizziness but not yet, I live in hope. It’s 5 months now and I have a shunt. Which may be adjusted soon. But like you I constantly worry. But there’s nothing we can do but keep smiling (in public)!




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