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MRI Scan date at last!

Guest Dawn

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Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know that I have finally got a date through for my next scan. I am going for a MRI scan at QMC this time, the last one was a CTA Scan April last year.

The date is 15th September. Will let you know when I get some news, hopefully I will be able to put my mind at rest and be able to make a decision of where to go from here.

Thanks for all your support.


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Hi Everyone,

Thankyou all for your very kind messages, it really is appreciated.

Good luck to you as well Sami.

Laura, hope you manage to get your date sorted out soon too.

Dawn x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

Well I've been for my scan, nothing to report yet. Got to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the results. I think the waiting for the results is worse than waiting for the scan. I will let you know


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone

I received a letter from the hospital today, saying my aneurysm hasn't changed in size and good news. They will rescan in 3 years. (A long time to wait).

If I want to talk to someone I can make an outpatients appointment. Everythging feels a bit up in the air, don't really know what to do.

Anyway, hope everyone is ok.


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Hi Dawn

Thats fantastic news that everything is ok. After my last scan (which was also ok) they told me my next scan would be three years, yes it does seem a long time to wait and at times I wish I could have an annual one just to check there hasnt been any development, but I am beginning to accept that they must be happy with the situation to leave it three years and so by sharing their confidence it actually can make me feel more relaxed about it. I too was told if I had any concerns to contact the outpatient department.


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Hi Dawn,

Well, that's good news in one sense, but can totally understand that you will probably have a lot of mixed feelings and unanswered questions as well. My next scan is 2010 which will be 3 years after my last one .... it does seem a long time period in between each one. You kind of just have to trust their judgement in one sense or things can drive you nuts with the worry.

However, if you start having more headaches or any other physical symptoms that you're concerned about, then you can always go back to your GP and hopefully they'll refer you to the hospital. I had a scare about a year after my SAH and my GP didn't mess about this time and I went straight to A & E, where I was immediately seen. Once they know your medical history, you shouldn't have a problem with being seen or being referred on.

I would personally make an appointment for the outpatients clinic if you can and take a list of questions with you ....

Try not to worry too much...xx

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Excellent news Dawn, can see your concerns though. I'm concerned about my own scan as well as it was the 2 year anniversary scan and think QE will do the same but discharge me. I would kind of like further checks too so it must be even worse for you with an untreated aneursym. We just have to hope and pray that the medics know best

Love and hugs and hope the girls are ok



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Hi Dawn

It's great news that everything is fine but i am just concerned that your next scan will not be until 3 years time.

I think that if you do have any concerns than get in touch with your GP or hospital once again, as Karen said i am sure that you would be seen to because of your condition.

Try not to worry and take care.

Myra xx

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Hi Dawn :D

Really pleased about your news...but can understand your concerns....but as the others say....if you are worried i am sure they will be on to quickly, you take care....really good news :D

Love Tinaxx

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Hi Dawn

Glad that you've got your date through and yes, three years in between can be worrying, but like the others have said, if you're worried in the meantime then get straight to you GP. I did three weeks after my brain haem and was sent straight to the hospital where they scanne me immediately and kept me for a few days - turns out I had an analgesic headache brought on by the codeine I was having to take.

Stay positive and take care

Love Sami xxx

PS was great to meet you in Nottingham the other weekend - although we didn't get to speak much xxx

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Hi Everyone,

Thankyou all for your kind words. I am going to make an appointment at outpatients, even if it is just to answer my questions and put my mind at rest.

Hope you all ok.

Sami, we will have to meet up, Donna was talking about meeting up at Starbucks. Hopefully see you soon

Dawn x

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