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I need a little hand holding, please

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ive not met you before or read your previous posts an angiography is not such a problem you just need to hold in there and get it over im not sure why you need one but they would only do it if necessary just imagine the dr naked and all the other staff and try and relax i will virtually hold your hand and wish you well and may the new year bring good news and happiness take care and good luck

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Brenda I am a really big wuss but found the angio not as bad as the MRI from the poiint of view of stress levesl! It went quickly & was painless apaprt from the odd flashing & taste in my mouth when they injected dye into my blood vessels in my head but it didn't hurt. I think with most of these thigns we imagine them to be worse than ehy actually are most of the time.

Maybe you could try some relaxation tapes or CD's which might help. Fingers crossed for you lthough I am sure it will go smoothly (())

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Hi Brenda,

I remember feeling exactly as you do before my angio. I think I am one of the world's biggest worriers, but having had two angios, two lots of coiling, 2 ct scans, 1 MRI and 1 ultrasound, I feel I am quite qualified now when I say that the apprehension beforehand is possibly the worst part. I wish I could hold your hand, but as we have rather a large ocean in the way, I will offer you cyber hugs, flowers and a big reasurance that it will be over before long and you can then tell us how brave you were.

All the best, will be thinking of you,


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Hello, I have had two and i also found the MRI worse. I talked to the doc's when they were doing my second and it seemed to calm me down , tell them you are scared and i am sure they will talk you through it. Good luck sending bigs hugs your way (((((())))))

Take care Rhiann xx

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Hi Brenda, its normal to be anxious but having had several Angios now, including two to fix a heart blockage, I have to agree with everyone when I say you should be fine.

Tell the staff you are anxious and I am sure they will help to put you at ease.

Sending big cyber hugs across the ocean. :-P

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Hi Brenda!

Oh my gosh yes, the nerves beforehand are the worst part (the scary forms you have to sign before the procedure don't help any either!)

To distract myself a bit, I used all my angios as an excuse to chat up the lovely nurses: here's hoping you get a nice handsome doctor to flirt with ;)

Take care m'dear, do let us know how you get on - we're right behind you!


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Hi Brenda

I was like you last year when I was due my follow up angio. I was a complete bag of nerves. there's quite difference in having an angio when you are very poorly than when you are very well! But the staff saw how nervous I was and I kept telling them! So they put me to the top of the list and I had my angio at 8.30am. The staff were fab, the nurse kept asking me questions about my family etc, and the effort of trying to concentrate on giving her an answer took my mind off everything else!

It really was fine. Tell them how nervous you are, they understand and do their best to put you at ease. Good luck for Monday.

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Hi Brenda

I was a ball of stress before my 1st follow-up angio 3rd Dec this year (following my coiling last December) and it turned out okay. A little bit boring lying flat for 6 hours afterwards but otherwise okay.

The nurses in the ward couldn't understand why I was worried but once I got down to the vascular department they were lovely, and told me to ask any questions before, during (unless they told me to keep still and not swallow!) and after the procedure. They ran through what they were going to do, what the risks are and what they needed to find out, as well as how long it might take. Mine took about 30 mins from them inserting the catheter to removing it.

I did write about it in this thread.

I did have a little bit of migraine aura and headache immediately after the angio, due to the flashes of light whilst they took the pics they needed.

Hope it all goes ok for you too.

Take care

Kel x

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Hi Brenda

With most things its the fear of the unknown, but like everyone has said, let the satff know how nervous your are and I'm sure they'll do their best to put you at ease.

Even though we can't be there in body - you'll have about 100 cyber hands holding yours - looking forward to the post on Tuesday that says "Phew, that was a piece of cake" :lol:

Take care

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Hi Brenda! I know, too, how anxious you are feeling. Many of us have been there and gotten through it with flying colors :biggrin: I was anxious prior to, and then got to the hospital (same one I had been in w/SAH). Felt very strange going down the same halls. I (like Kelly) remembered many of the same faces from before. Everyone was very reassuring, and kind. The nurse who prepped me in the OR, was the same nurse from before. She was wonderful. I was under a twilight aenesthesia and began to come around as they were placing the angioseal. Felt a bit of pressure and that was it. Got there at 8:30, procedure at 9:00, in recovery about 2 1/2 hrs. and was back home by noon! Had headache, and just slept and rested for the day. Hope this eases your mind a bit. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers :-D


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I'm supposed to have my angio on Monday (I chickened out once already in October) and I'm really scared. Any reassurance would be greattly appreciated. Thanks! -Brenda

Hi Brenda,

I felt exactly the same way. I didn't even really understand the procedure until I was in the room having it done but from my experience all I can say is that my worry was based on lack of knowledge. The staff was professional yet friendly, put me at ease, explained everything and ... though it felt weird at times it didn't hurt at all. I put out a similar post last year and everyone who responded calmed me down and they were right ... what I had imagined was far, far worse than the reality.

Unfortunately this is one of the times when it is better to face your fears. You (and the doctors) know what is going on inside of your head.

Sending you another cyber hug and lots of handholding,

Leonie xx

PS: I also found it weirdly interesting to see images of my brain out of the corner of my eyes as I lay there unable to really turn and look at them!

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Brenda, I had sedatives arranged before my angio proceded and can understand your anxiety, as I was truly worried and a nervous wreck ... Have you asked if they can give you something to calm you, before the procedure takes place?

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Brenda - so sorry this has got to you so much that you feel you can't go through with it. I know how real the fear can be - I remember being in floods of tears in hosptial before my second coiling and was actually comforted by another patient! Then before my op, I explained to one of the doctors how worried I was, so he offered me some tablets to help relax me. I hope you can talk to someone face to face who can help allay your anxiety because I do believe it is important to find out if the coils are properly in place. It's possibly too late to suggest you still go along - at least if you have it done now you will not have to put yourself through this anguish at a later stage. I doubt that you will be their first patient who has got worked up about it and they will be there to help you. It really isn't too bad - I promise. Please don't upset yourself though - we're all here to support you.


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