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operation on 28th feb

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Hi all,

Been a while x x think i have been loosing track of my life working 30-40 hours a week x x my husband is a slave driver and believes keeping me busy stops me thinking x x

I am having my gall bladder out on Tuesday and nervous is not the word x I am petrified x x SEDATION what if something goes wrong, what if I dont wake up.........all running through my head x x x god knows what i am going to be like on the day x x thankgod i am first on operation list x x x

My head really hurts and i feel sooooooo dizzy and sick....

Has anyone ever had sedation since their SAH x x x I cant even remeber what it was like and dreading if i have a panic attack x x x

I hope you are all well and smiling

lots love



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Hi Donna,

Good luck for Tuesday.

I think I would probably be feeling just as nervous as you are, but I am sure all will be fine.

I was in a major panic about having my 1st year angiogram check-up with general anaesthetic and that was totally fine, it was the fear of the unknown that got me in such a panic.

Take care

Kel x

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You came out of having an SAH and I think, in comparison, the gall bladder op is nowhere near as life threatening or serious. A mere blip in comparison! My sister in law had no problems when she had it done. You got through the SAH so I'm sure you'll come out of this absolutely fine too. It's natural to worry a little but it seems your fears/stress levels are particularly high - so it might be worth speaking to the doctor or surgeon in order to go through some of your concerns and set your mind at rest. Don't feel silly for asking - if it reduces your stress levels then its very valid to have the talk. Best of luck hon. Nic xx

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Hi Donna

I've had two recent surgeries. Going into the first I was more petrified of the anesthesia than the surgery itself. I had a friend that is an anesthesiologist and ran my fears by him. I was still scared, but did ask for an Ativan which really took the edge off. Going under was no problem and not like the the anesthesia in the old days. Very gentle and easy. The second surgery, I still asked for an Ativan, but really didn't really need it. Coming out after surgery was no problem either. Very easy both times.

So, no worries as you'll be just fine.


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Donna I have been put to sleep a few times since and also had a numbing one where you are awake everything was fine. Try not to worry you will be fine my mom had hers out she only spent one night in hospital and she was fine. Jess.xxx

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Good luck for tomorrow Donna - you can do it - try and concentrate on the benefits of having this op - don't forget time doesn't stand still, so you will be out the other side before you know it - try not to worry (says me who was an absolute bag of nerves before my 2nd coiling op!)

take care,


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Donna I was scared witless about my clipping as I had never been put under for an op before. Actually it was a breeze & i remember only going down & then waking up in recovery & the nurse saying I'd been done!! Its natural to be nervous but I am sure you will be fine & the pain that you are suffering will be gone forever!!

Thinking of you tomorrow sweets xxx

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Hi Donna,

It's only natural to feel anxious before an op, but this time next week, it will all be finished with and you'll be back at home recovering with your family. One of my daughter's friends had the same op and all went well and she recovered pretty quickly from it.

Shall be thinking of you and wishing you well ......

Love and hugs, K xx

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Come on Donna

Deep breaths, calm positive thoughts.

Only natural to be a little scared. All these "What if's" are negatives, lets put them to bed.

Glad Hubby has been keeping you busy!!!

I've sent you loads of information about Stress & Panic Attacks etc. Don't forget there is a difference.

Give them a quick read once again.

Lots of words of encouragement, from others. You'll be fine

No doubt you'll keep us updated

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Hi Donna,

Good luck for your op tomorrow.

I've had quite a few ops and actually love that feeling of going under! SAH being the only one I don't remember.

Let the nurses know how nervous you're feeling, I'm sure they'll help to put you at ease.

My sis has had this op, all went well and her recovery was quite quick, I remember how relieved she was to be free from the pain.

Have a box of small geezers ready to have when youre home, they'll help you feel much better!

Big hugs to you.

Take care and keep smiling,

SarahLou Xx

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Well hello all x x x I am still here x x x what a strange experience x x x cant even remember going under x x just remember anithetist doing tricks hehe and then waking up to a man saying my name x x which was a nice surprise :biggrin:.....

I stayed in hospital over night and came out yesterday about 7.30pm x x

I have been to see the nurse today and had my dressings off and hope to have a shower later and get in bed x x x

Thankyou all for your well wishes x x x and thankyou louise for my card x x x

love to all and i will keep you all updated x x



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