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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Zoe....really pleased home visit went well....must be a huge boost for you all Wonderful Richard is starting to walk using a tripod stick...well done Richard !! As for what to do about the coiling....so very hard as you say. I would be guided by your Consultant and how Richard feels. Wishing you both well, good luck with the Social worker, hope things get sorted to help you. ..take care love Tina xx
  2. Hi Teri a very warm welcome to you and Derek...so glad you found us look forward to hearing more from you . Take care both, Love Tina xx
  3. Your replies are up now, just read them....lets hope some educating has been done !
  4. Hi Angela....i am sure as Jess has said that if they were the slightest bit worried they would have called you in or would certainly get you back earlier to check on it. I do feel for you, what a worry and as you say you just want some reassurance that all is ok. If it was me, i would give your Consultant a call and ask him to talk you through it again to reassure you. Sending you hugs....take care love Tina xx
  5. Hi Maddie a very warm welcome to BTG... As the others have already said....listen to your body and rest up lots when you feel tired. Glad you found us, i know i would not be where i am today without all my friends on here. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Noah Congratulations for tomorrow I went out with all my family for a lovely meal to celebrate life and to thank them for being there for me through all the good and bad times. I look on it as a day to celebrate enjoy whatever you decide, and well done on doing so well ! Keep the good work up ! Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Hi Lynn a very warm welcome to BTG Very early days for your Sister, i was clipped so slighty different, but needed lots of sleep, and did so for some months. Wishing your Sister a speedy recovery, take care love Tina xx
  8. Hi Stace a very warm welcome to BTG. So very sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. I hope you find comfort and support here....BTG has been a God send to me. Take care love Tina xx
  9. Hi my emotions were all over the place....but i was more tearful and frustrated at myself. I was not snappy, but then i never have been. Kel is right....i think we all experiance a range of enhanced emotions. I did go through a phase where i just shut everyone out....did not want to talk or see anyone....so unlike me. If you need to blast or snap....do it on here we are here for you and understand...take care xx
  10. Hi Sonia welcome back wishing you well with your recovery....take care and rest up...love Tina xx Debbie...try not to worry...its very early days for you. Good luck for your scan in October...hope you get reassurance all is ok...love Tina xx
  11. Hi Marilyn a very warm welcome to BTG I agree with the others, I think we have all been where your Mum is and can empathise with what she is going through. So hard for all of you. Counselling certainly helped me....there was a long waiting list....but was worth it. My GP arranged it all. I am 2 years and 9 months down the line now and still get anxious sometimes and frustrated....but it does get better. Hopefully your Mum will soon feel up to coming on here, BTG has been a God send to me. Wishing you all well...take care Love Tina xx
  12. Fantastic news What a boost for you all !!! Enjoy xx
  13. Tina


    Hi Ash really good news your Mum is doing so well....thanks for up dating us...take care love Tina xx
  14. Hi Jo a very warm welcome to BTG....sounds like you are doing great, all that hard work is paying off...well done ! Look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  15. Hi Erin a very warm welcome to you... you are doing very well to be on here so early...well done you look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  16. Hi really pleased your Dad has recovered from pneumonia. All sounds positive, and hope his worries about being discharged wont upset him too much. He is doing very well....using his phone and listening to pocket radio hope he settles well in the home. Take care xx
  17. Hi Zoe....nothing to feel guilty about.....sending you a big hug...cant imagine how it must have been for you dealing with all that worry and stress....please take care. We are here for you...love Tina xx
  18. Tina


    Hi Tracy a very warm welcome to BTG...glad you found us...look forward to hearing more from you...love Tina xx
  19. Hi Caroline great to hear from you.....well done you on your recovery it's so good to read how well you have done ! Not been easy for you i know...but thank you for posting as it is a boost to others and your words a comfort. As you say hang in there, it does get better !! Take care....love and hugs to you xx
  20. Hi Donna Marie a very warm welcome to BTG...so glad you found us ! Its very early days for you...just take your time. Look forward to hearing more from you...take care love Tina xx
  21. Hi Gill good news/bad news xx hope that you hear whats going to happen very soon...what a worry for you but at least they are on the case. Fingers crossed all will be ok and you can drive again .Take care love Tina xx
  22. Hi Wraith so glad you found us....welcome to BTG I too have had my moments and still do...it is out of sheer frustration on not being the person i was before. I am still learning to accept the new me. We are here for you...please take care...love Tina xx
  23. Hi John....wishing you good luck with your appeal....i think it is a disgrace ! As you say ours is unseen. Its about time SAH is recognized. Dont let this get you down, you have done so well. I hope you get what is rightfully yours. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. Hi Alan....thanks for update....keep positive its great Erin has her family around her... it will keep her spirits and recovery on the up !! Wishing you all well xx
  25. Hi Liz I had my SAH just over 2.5 years ago, aged 45, i was clipped. When i came out of hospital i was very scared and felt lost, alot like Liz D has described. Emotionally i was all over the place. All of this is very normal but does get better, slowly but surely....it is a case of taking small steps, and everyone recovers differently. Just wanted to say...hang in there and know that we are thinking of you and are here to support you. Louise what are wonderful idea to help Liz Take care Love Tina xx
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