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Hello , from Sam B


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I only had my SAH 2 and a half weeks ago and am probably still in a bit of shock. Luckily, I was rehearsing with my choir, actually in a hospital, at the time the SAH occured!I was whizzed thru A&E, had a CT scan and was transferred to the QE Hospital within hours. Fortunately I have had no "damage", and didn't need any teatment as it wasn't caused by an annurism or similar. However, this is the problem: I can find very little info reguarding this kind of SAH, all the info seems to relate to SAH caused by annurisms/vessel damage. The Consultant has not given me any advice relating to recovery, literally saying go home and rest, and just get on with your life. I am still coming to terms with the fact that I could have died or been left paralysed, and don't really know what I'm supposed to do to 'take it easy'. I am very lucky to have no pain or discomfort, but I am spending a lot of time bursting into tears and feeling a bit lost. Anyone with a similar experience??

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Hi Sam

Welcome to our group, there is a thread re non-anuerysm will bump it back to top of SAH discussion forum for you. We do have quite a few members who have had this type of bleed so you're not alone.

Its nice to hear that you're not suffering pain and discomfort. You will find that your emotions will be all over the place for quite some time yet. You are very early on in the recovery process and it is different for all of us.

Try to listen to your body and rest as often as you need to as you may find overdoing things can lead to bouts of extreme fatigue which can make you even more emotional.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Sam :-D A very warm welcome to you....really hope the thread Janet bumped to top of SAH discussion helps you. You have come to the right place for lots of advice and support...what Janet has said about listening to your body...is the best advise you can get xx Please take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx

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Hi Sam

Welcome to BTG- the most fantastic support group on the internet :-D You will find loads of advice and support on here and Janet has bumped the topic for you.

I was treated at QE too- where abouts do you live? I live in Coventry :-D Take care and make sure you take it easy.

If its any consolation, lots of us have emotions allover the place and cry for England.

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Hi Sam,

You're very early days into your recovery, so be kind to yourself and what you're feeling at this minute, is pretty normal .....

It's all too easy for the medics to say "get on with your life", but in practice and being on the receiving end, we all know here, that it's a different kettle of fish and not quite that easy.

A non-aneurysm SAH forum has just been set up, so please feel free to post there, as we have quite a few members that have suffered the same, so I'm sure that they will only be too happy to help out, with any questions/fears that you may have.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your recovery and life does really get better ..... rest up and take it easy.... xx

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Hi Sam

Warm welcome to the site, not a lot I can add really.....

You are early in the recovery, and yes do listen to your body.

makes my blood boil when they say 'get on with your life' its sometimes not that easy......but it does get better honest....

hope you get lots of help from the site....

take care

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Hi Sam

Welcome to the family, hoping by now you will have found the non anni thread. Just to echo what everyone else has said listen to your body rest and keep posting. It is very annoying when they say "get on with your life" GRRRRRRRRRRR they said that to me as well:crazy:.

You take care and hopefully chat soon

Love luck and laughter

Michelle c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Sam and welcome to a great source of practical information

I am 21 months post non aneurysm SAH, if you look through my posts you can follow what I have said in the past about lack of info etc on this type of SAH, I know just how you feel. As others have said, it is all too easy for medics to tell us we are lucky and to go home and get on with things, the reality is not usually that simple!Feel free to message me if you have any questions.


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Hi Sam,

Welcome to BTG. My husband Jim also suffered a non aneurysm sah.

You are very early in recovery and your emotions will be all over the place for awhile.

If you have any specific questions you will for sure get answers on this site.

You have found a site with wonderful, caring people.

Take it slow and listen to your body.:wink:



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Hey Sam

Welcome to the family and to the site. Can only echo really what the others said. There'll always be someone here to help in some way or another.

Take it easy and listen to your body - it'll tell you when you need to rest or slow down.

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